My system is not decent

Chapter 1263 The artistic conception is a gift from heaven, and good fortune is made by nature

Chapter 1263 The artistic conception is a gift from heaven, and good fortune is made by nature
If Chen Wenzhe wants to imitate Yongzheng official kilns, he must know the emperor and study him thoroughly.

Only by putting yourself in the place of Yongzheng, may you be able to truly appreciate the artistic conception of an emperor, and only in this way can you truly grasp the essence of Yongzheng official kilns.

And it is very convenient to really study Yongzheng. After all, he is an emperor, and there are detailed records of him no matter the official history or the unofficial history.

Yongzheng can also be regarded as a legend, and the indisputable dispute was carried forward from him.

Also, few people know that Yongzheng was personally raised by Kangxi since he was a child, with deep affection!

Therefore, he did not get the throne for no reason, and he suddenly picked up the throne.

During the period of being raised by Kangxi himself, he received a good education, and his poetry, scriptures and artistic accomplishment were all recognized by Kangxi.

Although Yongzheng became emperor at the age of 45, he has accumulated profound cultural heritage and artistic accomplishment in the previous decades of study.

He read poetry and books, meditated in the Yuanmingyuan to understand the state of mind of Buddhism and Taoism, and gradually formed a restrained and deep ideological cultivation.

Therefore, in the manufacture of palace utensils, he pursued refinement and elegance, and paid attention to court temperament.

After Yongzheng succeeded to the throne, in order to consolidate the imperial power and show the strength of the new monarch, he fully strengthened his authority both in politics and in internal affairs.

He attaches great importance to the inheritance and innovation of culture and art, as well as the innovation and delicacy of the design and manufacturing styles of royal utensils.

Under the artistic creation, Yongzheng also tried his best to pursue elegance and simplification, reflecting the subtle and unique artistic taste.

Those are all reflected in the artworks and calligraphy and painting creations made by the inner court of the Yongzheng Dynasty.

Looking at all kinds of artworks in the Yongzheng Dynasty, whether they are porcelain, lacquerware, agate, glass, enamelware, inkstone, or painting and calligraphy, although the materials are different, the style is exactly the same.

All of them are famous all over the world for their simple and smooth shapes, elegant and fresh decorations, and exquisite and delicate workmanship.

Porcelain production was deeply influenced by the calligraphers and painters of the dynasty Zou Yigui and Yun Nantian.

The style of porcelain has changed from the strong and tough style of the Kangxi period to soft and elegant;

The theme is like Emperor Kangxi, who hates war and landscape themes, but prefers landscapes and figures, and loves flowers, birds, and insects.

Those productions can reflect the elegance of artworks, restrained but flamboyant, and the colors are moist and just right.

In addition, Emperor Yongzheng lived in the palace for a long time, and only cared about the production of porcelain in his spare time.

But even so, I still ask in person every time, and when the officials and ministers give new ceramic styles, I have to look at them in person.

Due to Yongzheng's personal preferences, the style of porcelain in the Yongzheng period was gradually determined. Pastel, enamel and ink color porcelain all have extremely high artistic value.

The more I got to know Yongzheng, the more I found that I was able to make countless exquisite porcelains, which is really satisfying.

Even Chen Wenzhe had to admire that Manchu emperor!
And even now, your achievements in porcelain art are dare to say that they surpass me.

Although you can go down to the sky and catch turtles in Shanghai, you are already able to leave a lasting artistic creation for the predecessors!

The most expensive luxury goods in the world must have been played by those emperors.

The emperor's thinking is something you can imagine today.

As long as you don't give full play to your imagination to make up for what happened outside the low walls of the palace, if you can write a big story about the life in the palace, it will shock the world.

A "Sui Yang Emperor's Amorous History", an extreme romantic epic, if the ban is lifted, I will learn a lot of extravagant knowledge after reading it.

The authority of the emperor is vividly reflected under the porcelain.

Why do you say that?Because in this period, we want to keep our own image, the Old Summer Palace, spring, summer, autumn and winter, where else?
Under paper and silk?If you are still worried, you will stay under the rotten porcelain that has been rotten for thousands of years, and bring your favorite emperor and concubines to live forever in the world.

The ultimate pursuit of the royal family has made you nervous and happy to accept the re-education of artworks, learn your country's culture, and promote your country's culture, you still have to accept us.

Those works of art have unique artistic charm and extremely profound literati thoughts.

In terms of my artistic brilliance, it can better represent the realm of Chinese civilization and art.

As long as all art can reach that state, whether it is technique or artistic conception, it is a natural creation.

Some people will say that there may be too few remaining Yongzheng official kilns.

Therefore, there are very few folk things that are recognized now.

In fact, such a situation does not exist in Yongzheng official kilns, even Song Ru kiln porcelain and Yuan blue and white porcelain.

Under the collection market, dragons and snakes are mixed, each representing its own interests.

Therefore, even if some authentic products appear, they will probably be recognized.

However, the real good thing is that he thinks it is good.

Now you still have to believe in such elementary issues as "true" and "false".

In fact, leave the elementary questions to these "pseudo-experts"!
We may always read and understand, and see the shining light of ancient artworks in your country.

As for some collectors who really love ancient art, we may be educated, but we hold those top-level artworks every day, delve into and compare them, and the comparison is the best!

Seeing less, he can say that I understand everything?

At that time, Puyi also said that the porcelain made by my family is so good, but I can recognize which ones are made by my family and which ones are real, and as long as they are recognized by me, they are all fakes and fakes!

Of course, among folk collectors, whether there are a few who can reach the level of Puyi is even more so.

However, it is possible to say whether there are national treasures among the people.

Or back to the Eight Dynasties of the Qing Dynasty, and back to Yongzheng porcelain, the top Yongzheng official kiln, each piece is really ingenious and unique!
Noble and elegant, artistic and practical, seldom all are displayed vividly in front of our eyes!

Seeing those exquisite cultural relics, sometimes you really sigh, sigh the profoundness of your country's culture.

For thousands of years, the only thing that has changed in your country is the backbone of culture!

It is only in this way that the people of your country have continuously influenced that world, and they are still exerting their skills to this day.

In fact, whether a piece of porcelain is good or not can be known by looking at the degree of disgust of the rich and powerful at that time.

It's like Yongzheng enamel color, I'm good or good, just look at the attitude of Yongzheng's courtiers.

Therefore, when making Yongzheng enamel colors, Chen Wenzhe generally selected a batch of famous porcelains.

That batch of porcelain became famous because of the greed of a celebrity in the Yongzheng period.

That celebrity is Yongzheng's brother-in-law, first-class public, and enemy general Nian Gengyao!
Even if I want a few pieces of enamel colored porcelain, I need to use a greed to get some from Yongzheng.

(End of this chapter)

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