Chapter 1294
How big is a sapphire with a length of one hundred centimeters? It is a large gemstone with a length of one meter and a height of half a meter. Not to mention, its thickness is still seventy-two centimeters!

It is said that the lucky Mr. Gamage, after discovering such a large sapphire, immediately and secretly reported the amazing discovery of the workers to the Ska National Gem and Jewelry Administration.

This is definitely a smart move, because what two people know is never a secret.

Therefore, he managed to keep such a huge treasure in the end.

I just don't know why this guy who was lucky in the past and may be unlucky now lost this gem, and finally fell into the hands of Gao Qijing.

Of course, Chen Wenzhe doesn't care about these things. When the water is clear, there will be no fish. There are some things that don't need to be known.

As for some information about gemstones, he needs to ask clearly.

So now he knows that this gem may have been formed [-] million years ago.

Announcing the discovery took several months, according to the Skajna newspaper.

This process involves removing mud and other impurities from the stone so that it can be analyzed and certified by gemologists for quality.

During the cleaning process, some stones fell out of the cluster and were later found to be high-quality star sapphires.

The jewel is said to be worth at least £7200 million (about $1 million).

The National Gem and Jewelery Authority of Skars confirmed, "The gemstone was found in Kahawatte, Ratnapura district. For security reasons, they cannot disclose further details of the exact location."

However, leaked sources have confirmed that this is a special specimen of star sapphire, possibly the largest in the world.

Given its size and value, it has aroused the interest of many private collectors and museums, and representatives of royal families from various countries have also joined the bidding for this huge gem.

The Gem Authority of Ska confirmed at the time that the gem belonged to the landowner, Mr Gamage, as it was found on his private property.

However, for security reasons, the gem was moved to a safe at the Bank of Ceylon, guarded by armed men and heavily guarded.

It is worth mentioning that the engagement ring of Princess Kate of the British royal family is a star sapphire ring.

However, this sapphire ring worth 30 pounds (about 42 U.S. dollars) is a relic left by the late Princess Diana to the two brothers Prince William and Prince Harry.

Prince William used it to propose to Kate in 2010.

From this, we can see the value of the largest sapphire in the country of Ska.

"This is really that unexpected sapphire!"

Seeing this huge sapphire with his own eyes, Chen Wenzhe still couldn't help being amazed.

Although this is a rough stone, it is still very beautiful.

"It's the sapphire called Accident. This one is called Accident, but the other one is not Accident!"

After finishing speaking, Gao Qijing proudly pointed to another box and said, "There is a small one over here, only [-] kilograms!"

This time Chen Wenzhe was completely speechless. Anyone who pays attention to gemstones should know how many huge sapphires appeared in the world, right?
The country of Ska is the country of sapphires, and it is not surprising to find a few giant sapphires on their side.

However, it is not always possible to see giant sapphires weighing hundreds of kilograms.

Therefore, as long as one piece appears, it will definitely cause an international sensation.

Previously, Chen Wenzhe paid special attention to sapphires, especially star sapphires, and there is no place with more star sapphires than Scar Country.

Therefore, he also knew about this giant sapphire weighing [-] kilograms.

Unlike the previous one, this sapphire was found in a gem pit.

Local gemologists who examined the sapphire said the gem weighed 683 pounds (about 310 kilograms), making it one of the rarest gemstones in the world.

However, the international organization has not yet certified this gemstone.

This gemstone was also found in the gem-rich Ranapura region.

Authorities are understood to have spent more than a year cleaning the stones of dirt and other impurities before they could be analyzed and certified.

During the cleaning process, some high-quality star sapphires were also found.

Experts say the pale blue gem is also estimated to be worth more than $1 million on the international market.

You know, this one is two hundred kilograms less than the biggest one.

From this, it can be shown that the quality of this small point must be higher.

"Have you gone to Ranapura?"

After seeing this sapphire, Chen Wenzhe asked with some emotion.

I have to say that in many small countries, although the local people are not good, they are really blessed with rich resources.

"Go, don't you want to use gems recently? We happen to be in the country of Ska, why don't we get more sapphires?" Gao Qijing said with a smile.

Chen Wenzhe didn't know what to say, this made too much, great!
In fact, it’s normal to think about it. After all, Ranapura is the gem capital of South Asian countries.

It is also a major exporter of sapphires and other precious stones.

The local gem and jewelry industry body reported that the country earned about $5 million last year from the export of gemstones, diamonds and other jewelry.

Compared with other trades, [-] million US dollars is not much, it can even be said to be pitifully small.

However, gems worth [-] million U.S. dollars can still be produced every year, which is very powerful.

"This one should be called the Queen of Asia, right? It's a pity that it's not the biggest sapphire in the world!"

"Definitely not the largest, but the title of the largest natural corundum sapphire should be well deserved."

Although Chen Wenzhe felt a little pity, this kind of reputation was useless.

His eyes fell on another sapphire again, this one is the biggest in the world, right?
"It should be the largest in the world. This accidental sapphire deserves to be number one in the world."

"Boss, I remember that Manager Li sent me a message to show off. He bought you the largest sapphire in China, right? It was only after Manager Li reminded us that we spent a lot of resources to exchange for these two sapphires for you. gem."

Hearing this, Chen Wenzhe was taken aback, what else is going on?

Thinking about it carefully, with his memory, he remembered it quickly.

"Wait, I really want to see a gem, but it seems to be a synthetic sapphire?"

As he spoke, Chen Wenzhe took out his cell phone and searched for the text messages in it.

Soon, he found out that it was a message that Li Jinli had sent him several months ago.

He accidentally bought a gem, and it was very big, it seemed to be the best in the world, but this one was the best in the world, and the moisture was too high. Chen Wenzhe glanced at it at that time and completely forgot about it.

At that time, Chen Wenzhe was making porcelain, and besides, he was not interested in fake gemstones, so he took a quick look at them and forgot about them in a blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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