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Chapter 1402 Famous Four Seas

Chapter 1402
In these inscriptions on the small Yu Ding, Chen Wenzhe didn't see many characters clearly, and some of them were in unfamiliar characters.

However, such an inscription is already well preserved, right?
After all, looking at these inscriptions, you can still understand the general meaning.

Of course, the inscriptions are not limited to these. There are more than [-] characters in total, many of which Chen Wenzhe doesn't know, but he can understand.

The entire inscription records things perfectly, and the meaning can be understood only by reasoning.

The general idea is: Yu reported the results of the conquest of ghosts to King Kang in Zhou Temple. In the two battles, three enemy chiefs were captured, [-] people were captured, more than [-] were captured, and carts, cattle, sheep, etc. were also captured. .

The king ordered the enemy chieftain to be interrogated, and the chieftain rebelled against Zhou because the Zhou people opened the frontier to provoke.

After the news, the enemy chieftain was beheaded and dedicated to the ancestral temple.

After King Kang sacrificed, he rewarded Yu, and Yu made this tripod to commemorate it.

This is actually the key to naming the big and small Yu Ding, the owner of the family is the Yu family.

In the inscriptions of the big and small Yu tripods, Yu's grandfather is mentioned, named "Nangong".

The so-called "Nangong" is actually the abbreviation of "Nangonggong".

Just like Zhougong and Zhaogong, it belongs to the title of clan name + title.

It is generally believed in the academic circles that these two Yu tripods were cast in the period of King Kang of Zhou, so Yu, the master of the tripod, was also active at this time.

It is mentioned in the inscriptions, especially the big Yu Ding, that Nangong is the direct ancestor of Yu.

Therefore, as a grandfather, Nangong should be active during the reign of King Kang's grandfather, King Wu of Zhou.

Collect all the classics, this Nan Gong is Nan Gong Kuo.

In the novel "Fengshen Yanyi", which is set in the background of King Wu's conquest of Zhou, Nan Gongkuo appears vague as a mortal general.

Compared with Nezha, Yang Jian, Jiang Ziya, etc. who are always in front of the stage, he is more like a non-existent group performer.

However, in the historical records, Nan Gongkuo can be regarded as having a prominent status.

When referring to the famous ministers of King Wen of Zhou in "Shangshu Junshi", he wrote: "There are only Ruo Guoshu, Ruo Hongyao, Ruo San Yi Sheng, Ruo Tai Dian, and Ruo Nan Gong Kuo."

In "The Analects of Confucius Tabor", when Confucius talked about the virtuous ministers of the previous generation, he gave an example: "King Wu said: 'I have ten people who are in chaos.'"

Zheng Xuan's commentary quoted Ma Rong as saying: "It is called Zhou Gongdan, Zhao Gongshi, Tai Gong Wang, Bi Gong, Rong Gong, Dayian, Hong Yao, San Yi Sheng, and Nan Gong Kuo."

It can be seen that in the early Zhou Dynasty, Nan Gongkuo was a minister with the same reputation as Zhou Gong, Zhao Gong, Tai Gong (Jiang Ziya), etc., and his status was quite high.

In the era of Sima Qian, Nan Gongkuo's image was more plump.

"Historical Records Zhou Benji" records that King Wu of Zhou implemented a series of policies after destroying the Shang Dynasty. Baoyu".

It is not difficult to see that Nan Gongkuo was entrusted with handling financial-related matters.

Mr. Tang Lan believes that Nan Gongkuo is the youngest son of King Wen of Zhou, named Dan Ji Zai, also known as Nan Ji Zai , was the Sangong during the reign of King Cheng of Zhou.

From this, it is speculated that he lived in the area of ​​Nangong in the Zhou Dynasty, because the place of residence was his clan.

The inscription on the big Yu tripod shows that Yu, as the grandson of Nan Gongkuo, was ordered to be in charge of military affairs and litigation during the reign of King Zhou Kang.

The inscription of Xiao Yu Ding tells us that Yu Zeng commanded the army to crusade against Gui Fang and achieved great victory.

The inscription on the Chinese tripod in the era of King Zhou Zhao reads "The year when the king ordered the Nangong to fight against the tiger". The commander in chief here is Yu.

The Zhabo tripod unearthed in the cemetery of Yingguo in Pingdingshan, Nanhe, is also a time vessel of King Zhao, and its inscription also reads "The king ordered Nangong to lead the king's toast".

Some scholars believe that Nangong of Zhaboding is also an important member of the Nangong family.

The Nangong Liu Ding in the late Western Zhou Dynasty shows that when Nangong's direct lineage reached King Li, he was still in charge of the logistics affairs of the Zhou royal army.

Except for the eldest branch staying in Zongzhou, the side branches of the Nangong family were entrusted in the Suizhou area of ​​today's Beihu Lake, which was called Zeng Guo.

In 2011, the tombs of the Western Zhou Dynasty in Yejiashan, Suizhou, Suizhou, North Lake surprised the world. Among them, a gui was unearthed from tomb No. 111, with the inscription "Zuo Lie Kao Nangong Baozun Yi".

Considering that most of the Yejiashan tombs belong to the tombs of Zeng Guogong in the Western Zhou Dynasty, the owner of the gui should be a generation of Zenghou.

Therefore, Zeng Guo should be enfeoffed here by a branch of the Nangong family.

A set of bronze bells released in 2014 confirms this.

This group of bronze bells was unearthed in Wenfeng Pagoda, Zengdu District, Suizhou as early as 2009, and belongs to the relics of Zeng Guo in the Spring and Autumn Period.

Among them, the inscription of Zeng Hou and Zhong A1 reads: "Bo Shi Shangzhe, left and right civil and military. The order of the Yin, ruled the world. The king died and ordered Nangong, and he lived in the soil. The king sheltered Huaiyi, and there was Jiangxia... ..."

Boshi here is Nangong Kuo, and Kuo and Shi are commonly used in ancient books.

The inscription directly proves that Zeng Guo is a descendant of the Nangong family.

Nan Gongkuo himself also participated in the establishment of Zeng Guo.

During the Western Zhou Dynasty, one branch of the aristocratic family served in Wang Jinei and enjoyed a feudal title, while the other branch was granted the title of foreign prince when they went out. There are very few historical records.

For example, Zhou Gongdan, the eldest son Boqin came out of Qufu to establish the state of Lu, and the second son Chen Xijue was the Duke of Zhou for generations;

Zhao Gongshi, one branch of Feng Ji (now Liulihe, Fangshan, the capital of Shendu) was the Kingdom of Yan, and the other branch of Xie Jue was Zhao Gong.

Not many people knew about Zeng Guo in the Western Zhou Dynasty, because it was not as famous as Qilu, nor as famous as Yanzhao.

However, in modern times, we should know more about it.

Because there are really many large tombs unearthed in Zeng Guo.

For example, the chime bells of the Spring and Autumn Period just mentioned came from the tomb of Marquis Yi of Zeng.

This can be regarded as modern times, the Zeng Hou we know best.

Beihu Suizhou, the gateway to the Central Plains from the north, has always been an important place for military strategists.

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, it was the place where the Chu State must pass through to win the Central Plains.

From the perspective of terrain, the Suizao Corridor and Nanyang Basin were the hubs of the north and south at that time, and they were also the places where the Central Plains culture in the north of China and the Chu culture in the south met.

In the Warring States Period, Zeng Guo was just a small vassal state.

Because it is so small that there is no record of it in the historical records that have survived to this day.

However, with the opening of the tomb of Marquis Yi of Zeng in 1978, the little Zeng State became famous all over the world more than 2000 years later.

A total of 15404 burial objects of various kinds were unearthed from the tomb: the bronzes seem to have just been placed in the ground, the lacquer and wood are as fresh as new, and the ink on the bamboo slips is clear, especially the complete set of chime bells, chimes and other musical instruments are rare in the world.

The tens of thousands of cultural relics unearthed from Zeng Hou Yi's tomb, represented by chime bells, shocked the world with their brilliant achievements in culture, art, science and technology.

As the owner of the tomb, Zeng Houyi has also attracted the attention of the world, but there is no historical record of Zeng Houyi.

Among the tens of thousands of cultural relics in the tomb of Marquis Yi of Zeng, chariots, horses and weapons are the most numerous, with complete types, large numbers, and strong comprehensive functions, which have never been seen before.

Among them, there are mostly long-range weapons, especially long-pole weapons, and there are extremely rare spear-shaped carts, which are all weapons and equipment for chariot warfare.

All this shows that Zeng Houyi is a military strategist and commander who is good at chariot warfare.

(End of this chapter)

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