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Chapter 1428 A Baby of the Royal Family

At that time, they discovered that what was loaded in the car was actually a bronze object that was cut into small pieces by criminals by means of violence!
Obviously this is illegal. These bronze cultural relics should be resold by tomb robbers, but they were intercepted by the traffic police by accident!
Subsequently, the public security department handed over a total of 8 bronze objects to the Xishan History Museum.

After reporting to the local archaeological and cultural relics experts, the cultural relics experts of the museum couldn't sit still when they saw these things for the first time!
After a series of verifications, it was determined that these antiques belonged to the bronze dragon ornaments of the Qin Dynasty.

Speaking of the discovery of these two green dragons, it must have been an accident.

According to the public security officers who reviewed the incident at the time, local farmers dug them out in the field. Because they were too heavy, they thought about selling them as scrap iron together.

But afterwards, in the eyes of the experts, it was recognized that it was a heavy weapon among the antiques, and it was a unique artifact belonging to the Qin Dynasty.

When it comes to the antique Qinglong weighing more than 90 kilograms, experts cannot really determine who it belongs to. They can only suspect that it is the base of the musical instrument used by Qin Shihuang at that time.

Why do you explain it this way?Experts said that this antique is composed of two blue dragons, and it seems that it exists to fix certain things.

After all, it weighed more than 200 kilograms. In ancient times, it was not the ordinary royal family, and it was absolutely impossible to use such a large bronze vessel, and it also had a dragon pattern.

The two giant dragons are intertwined together, and are composed of eight large pieces in total.

The two dragons belong to the product of the Qin culture period.

Therefore, the experts discussed and temporarily decided that these two treasures are a set, and they belong to the base of a certain musical instrument, which belongs to the royal family.

Most people probably don't even have the chance to see it.

These 8 huge bronze components should be the product of cutting a huge bronze vessel.

Criminals cruelly "dismembered" it for the convenience of hiding and transporting!
After a long period of careful splicing, the experts restored the real body of this bronze ware.

When it was fully presented, everyone present was dumbfounded...

These are two coiled bronze giant dragons, nearly two meters in length.

The overall weight is about 200 catties. The body of Shuanglong is hollow, the head is slightly square, and the body of the dragon is cast and welded separately.

Experts judged that this coiled bronze dragon should be a pair (four), but it is a pity that the rest of the pieces are unknown...

Although at this moment, the bronze twin dragons are lying quietly, but the momentum that is ready to go, and is about to soar into the sky anytime, anywhere is not lost in the slightest!
Experts judge that this is a bronze artifact from the Qin Dynasty during the Warring States Period.

For more than two thousand years, what rich artistic imagination and superb skills did the ancient craftsmen have to make the dragon so "alive"?
Faced with such a group of unprecedented Qin Dynasty cultural relics, experts are eager to find out what it is for?
Because in the currently known archaeological excavation materials, there has never been such a shocking bronze ware!
However, the interrogation by the public security department did not yield useful information.

Where did this bronze ware come from, whether it was excavated from an ancient tomb or through other means, I have no way of knowing...


If this clue is broken, then the only way to find the answer is from ancient documents!
At present, cultural relic experts still hold several different interpretations of the purpose of this "Bronze Dragon of the Qin Dynasty".

The first one is that it is a kind of sacrificial ritual vessel, and there may be ten giant dragons, two in a group, placed in different directions.

The second is that it is the base of a giant ancient musical instrument.

Experts were inspired by the large-scale chime bells unearthed from the "Tomb of Marquis Yi of Zeng", and these chime bells weighing 5 tons have several large bronze figures as their bases...

In fact, according to the records of the ancient books "Kao Gong Ji" and "Historical Records: Qin Shihuang Benji", after Qin Shihuang unified the six countries, he reclaimed the bronze weapons of the six countries, melted them down and recast large ritual instruments such as chime bells.

According to the character of Qin Shihuang, it is entirely possible to cast such a majestic bronze musical instrument to demonstrate the highest royal power!
This "bronze giant dragon" brings people infinite visual impact. Everyone who sees it at the first sight is impressed by its majestic aura!

Today, it is already the "treasure of the town hall" and "net celebrity national treasure" of the Xishan History Museum, and it welcomes the admiration of viewers from all over the world every day...

If there is any regret, it is that the origin of the dragon is still a mystery!
In the Warring States Period more than two thousand years ago, who was qualified to own such a shocking bronze dragon?

What kind of "king" is he?
Now these two giant dragons have been placed in the Chang'an History Museum and have become the treasures of the museum.

After carefully observing the two green dragons, the experts at the time said that the farmers who said they dug up the two green dragons must have lied.

A heavy weapon like this must have come from an unusual ancient tomb.

And it is not a cultural relic that has appeared in history, and it is definitely not dug out by farmers.

Maybe the original farmer was a native farmer, otherwise no experts would have recognized him.

The whole blue dragon is composed of large pieces of bronze, and the dragon body is hollow, with fish scale patterns on the dragon body, and the tail coils into a hollow cone.

This kind of tension is beyond the comprehension of modern people.

Not to mention, the common people at that time.

Because this item is very valuable, and there is no investigation material left.

Therefore, it is estimated that even the common people of that dynasty may not have seen this cultural relic, or even imagined what it was made of.

It is such a pity that it is such a heavy weapon in the town hall, and in the end experts were unable to determine what it was for.

In the end, it can only be inferred based on historical documents that this is the base of a large cultural relic used in the Qin Dynasty, and it is only a part.

Only this kind of explanation can work, due to the rarity of this kind of cultural relic, coupled with the uniqueness of this kind of cultural relic.

It is undoubtedly the most mysterious treasure of the town hall. It is no wonder that experts regard it as a part of Qin Shihuang's musical instrument.

It's a pity that the imitated piece is only a part that remains, at most it has been slightly repaired to make it a whole.

Of course, repairing this thing is not easy.

If it is the original, Chen Wenzhe knows how to restore ancient bronzes, but he is definitely not professional.

However, just now he has seen the restoration process of Wang Ziwu Ding and the cloud pattern copper ban.

And by the way, he learned a lot about the restoration of cultural relics. It can be said that he now knows a little about the restoration of various cultural relics.

The reason why he is not proficient is because he has not had time to learn.

Even so, looking at the two green dragons in front of him at this moment, one can feel that their shape is already quite good.

This kind of craftsmanship must come from a master.

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