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Chapter 1444 Qin Duke No. 1 Tomb

Chapter 1444 Qin Gong No. [-] Tomb

For example, Xishan has discovered the largest ancient tomb so far, and it is also the most stolen ancient tomb.

There are more than 200 robbery holes in this ancient tomb.

Of course, even if it was stolen and excavated, it would still be very meaningful, because the decision of this large tomb confirmed that the people of Qin belonged to Huaxia.

If it is now, you say that Qin people may not belong to the big family of Chinese civilization, and many people think it is ridiculous.

However, before large-scale archaeological discoveries, this kind of argument is still very marketable, because the Qin people lived in the Northwest for generations, far away from the Central Plains.

Our country is a multi-ethnic country, and it has been like this since ancient times.

When the Chinese Han civilization was just emerging, there were many nomadic peoples around.

Later, a long-term war and integration began between the Han people in the Central Plains and some nomadic peoples in the surrounding areas.

After entering the Zhou Dynasty, the ethnic minorities in the border areas also gradually grew, and often invaded the border.

In the northwest area, there are nomadic peoples such as the dog Rong and the Qiang.

In fact, during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods, the Qin people in the northwest border area have always had disputes over whether they came from the Huaxia nation or originated from the Northwest nomadic people.

Over the years, our country's archaeological team has been looking for answers.

The answer is hidden in a tomb from the Spring and Autumn Period discovered in Xishan.

This tomb is located in Fengxiang County, Xishan Province, and the owner of the tomb is Qin Jinggong, the king of Qin.

He is the fourteenth monarch of the Qin State, and his tomb is called Qingong No. [-] Tomb by archaeologists.

Qin Gong No. 5000 tomb covers a total area of ​​more than [-] square meters. It is the largest ancient tomb excavated in my country so far, and there are many cultural relics unearthed.

Among them, the most valuable one is made of bluestone, which symbolizes the royal power of the princes in the Spring and Autumn Period.

There are not only a few stone chimes unearthed from Qin Gong No. [-] Tomb, but a complete set of chimes composed of stone chimes with beautiful scales.

It is engraved with the words "Tianzi Yanxi, Gong Huan is the heir, Gaoyang has spirit, and the four directions are Nai".

The "Gaoyang" in this text refers to the ancient emperor Gaoyang, who is also Zhuanxu among the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, who was once the leader of the Chinese civilization in the Central Plains.

At the beginning of the Xia Dynasty, the earliest slavery dynasty in ancient my country, Boyi from Qin gave him the surname Ying because of his meritorious service in helping Dayu to control the water;
At the end of the Shang Dynasty, generals Fei Lian and E Lai were the ancestors of the Qin people.

Their descendants, the people surnamed Ying, were forced to move to the northwest region to raise horses for the emperor of Zhou after the dynasty changed.

Since then, the Qin people took root in the northwest area and evolved into the later Qin tribe and Qin Kingdom.

The above is the record in ancient history books. The reason why the origin of the Qin people is controversial is because the civilization of the Qin people is relatively backward compared with the vassal states of the Central Plains, and it is remote from the northwest.

However, the inscriptions on the stone chime of Qingong No. [-] Tomb prove that the origin of the Qin people is after Zhuanxu.

On the other unearthed stone chime, the words "My Qin Xia, my life is boundless, and I wish Qin Jikang" are engraved on it.

The meaning of this sentence is that I, the king of Qin, pray that my Chinese dynasty will live forever and that Qin will be auspicious and healthy. It can be seen that the king of Qin believes that Qin is a part of China and a descendant of Yan and Huang.

There are 186 martyrs in Qin Gong No. [-] Tomb, which is the most during the Zhou Dynasty.

At that time, the tradition of sacrificial burial was only practiced by Song and Qin, and the royal family of Song Dynasty and Shang Dynasty had the same origin, and inherited the tradition of sacrificial burial from Yin and Shang.

Qin State also promoted sacrificial burial, which is obviously a kind of inheritance of Chinese tradition.

Through archaeological work, it was found that there are traces of tomb robbery in the No. 246 tomb of Duke Qin, and there are as many as [-] robbed holes.

Among them, the largest "scale" is [-] meters long and [-] centimeters in diameter, which leads directly to the main tomb.

Tomb robbery activities began in the Spring and Autumn Period and continued until the Song Dynasty. Due to the patronage of tomb robbers many times.

It is a great pity that the funerary objects in the tomb of the owner of Qin Gong No. [-] Tomb, and even the body of the owner of the tomb, have disappeared.

Although many precious cultural relics from Qin Gong No. [-] Tomb have been lost, the fact that Qin people originated from China has been strongly confirmed, and it can be regarded as realizing its own historical value!
Now Chen Wenzhe should thank these tomb robbers. Without them, where would he get these precious cultural relics that look tattered but have great historical value in a private museum?

There are dragons from [-] years ago, jade dragons from [-] to [-] years ago, and pottery pots with dragon patterns from more than [-] years ago.

These antiques that have gone through the years must not look very good.

However, it is they that connect Chinese civilization in series.

It's a pity that his family's museum is still open for too short a time. Even if Chen Wenzhe is rich, he can't buy too many things.

"Give me some more time, and I'm sure I'll be able to buy more meaningful treasures. I've already opened up the channel at Shuchuan, and I've bought two good things recently. Boss, would you like to take a look?"

There are only a dozen things in the Dragon Court, and you can just walk around and read them all.

Finding that Chen Wenzhe still had regrets, Li Jinli immediately understood what he was thinking.

"The cultural relics over there in Shuchuan?" Chen Wenzhe became curious.

After all, he had just seen a large pile of bronzes in Sanxingdui, and he was really interested in the antiques in Shuchuan.

"Yes, it's actually three pieces. Two pieces are ancient daggers, and the other piece seems to be a fragment from a stone tablet."

With that said, Li Jinli led everyone to the elevator door.

A group of people did not stop, and went directly to the top floor.

This building has only nine floors in total, mainly because the area of ​​each floor is relatively large.

After all, it is more than [-] meters in length and width, that is to say, the area of ​​each floor reaches more than [-] square meters.

Including the two underground floors, the total area exceeds [-] square meters.

Come to the top floor, Li Jinli's office is here.

Of course, Chen Wenzhe definitely has an office here, but he probably won't come here all year round.

Therefore, the main office staff here is still Li Jinli.

Came to the office and sat down, the secretary served tea.

While drinking tea, everyone looked at the two wooden boxes Li Jinli put on the table.

The wooden box is not big, but it is very delicate, and the owner is very concerned about the things inside.

One of them was opened, and what was exposed inside were the remnants of the two weapons in black.

This is said to be Ge, but in fact, more accurately, it should be something like an arrow.

"Is this Shu Ge?"

Li Jinli said it was a fight, but it was easier for Chen Wenzhe to identify it.

In particular, Chen Wenzhe also saw fish-like patterns on it, which seems to be the totem of the ancient Shu Kingdom?

Look at another arrow, there is also a picture on it, it seems to be a bird.

Although the memory is not very clear, Chen Wenzhe still knows that this seems to be the totem of the ancient Shu Kingdom!

He can still be sure of this, because many modern research documents have analyzed the customs of the ancient Shu Kingdom.

"Yes, it's just two pieces of weapons. I found someone to identify them as Shu Ge. Besides, we also received a large number of keel bones!"

Having said that, Li Jinli became proud.

(End of this chapter)

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