My system is not decent

Chapter 1469 Ancient Slate

Chapter 1469 Ancient Slate

In addition to these few pieces, there is another one, which is a jade dragon, a jade article in the shape of a dragon.

The jade dragon is 26 centimeters high, dark green, with a curly body, and its plane shape is like a "c".

The cross-section of the dragon body is oval, with a diameter of 2.3 to 2.9 cm.

The dragon's head is short and small, the kiss is protruding, slightly pursed, the mouth is tightly closed, the nose is truncated, and the end surface is nearly oval, with two symmetrical round holes as nostrils.

Such a jade dragon, although it is impossible to tell which era it is from for a while, it is definitely not as good as the jade pig dragon in his hand.

And the last thing, it's a pen barrel.

This thing is rare, but it's not too brilliant.

Although not very interested, Chen Wenzhe still held it in his hand and took a closer look.

This is a bright colored lacquer Yunlong tube pen with the six characters "Made in the Jiajing Year of the Ming Dynasty" on the upper part, which should be used by the court.

This pen has a gourd-shaped tip, which is a typical feature of the Ming Dynasty brush.

The barrel and cap of the pen are painted with clouds and dragons, resplendent and magnificent.

It's just that it's too vulgar when compared with several other dragon-shaped utensils.

"Okay, let's go to the factory when it's almost done." At this time, Chen Xingchen said.

"Our hospital is in the city, so we must go to our hospital first." Li Tianqiang said with a smile.

"Ask the boss, is the ceramic factory more important, or your messy hospital?"

Chen Xingchen wasn't afraid of Li Tianqiang being in the limelight at all, because if he wanted to attract Chen Wenzhe, there was definitely nothing stronger than a work of art.

Li Tianqiang is in the limelight, so he must use artwork to speak.

Chen Xingchen's confidence comes precisely from the large number of artworks in the factory.

After nearly two years of development, the current ceramics factory is no longer the original grass-roots team.

Chen Xingchen believed that Chen Wenzhe would really like to go and have a look.

It's a pity that Li Tianqiang didn't look panicked at all.

Li Tianqiang can be regarded as a smart person, even if he was not really smart at first, now he has definitely become a smart person after the training of commemoration.

Otherwise, as a young man, he would definitely not be able to control a huge general hospital.

There was no other way, I was forced to do so.

At this time, Li Tianqiang was very emotional.

Because he really understood why every dynasty brought out a large number of fellow countrymen of the head of state when the country was founded.

For example, Liu Bang, the little brother he brought out turned out to be a talent?

how is this possible?It must have been ordinary people.

But with the rise of lucky sons like Liu Bang and Zhu Yuanzhang, their little friends have also been trained step by step, and in the end each of them is a qualified commander.

The same is true for Li Tianqiang. He has gradually developed from a community clinic to a large-scale comprehensive private hospital. He will definitely get exercise, and the most important thing is to build up his self-confidence.

Now, standing in front of anyone, he has enough confidence and can handle it with ease.

On the contrary, it was Chen Xingchen, a professional in a closed circle, who definitely couldn't play with him.

Therefore, Li Tianqiang really sat firmly on the fishing boat.

He knew that if he simply competed, he would definitely not be able to compete with others.

However, he couldn't stand the fact that he was well prepared.

Therefore, seeing that Chen Wenzhe was about to send an apologetic look, Li Tianqiang naturally wouldn't let the boss go back on what he said.

"Boss, what is this?"

With that said, Li Tianqiang took out a stone.

"Cut, a piece of broken stone, even if it's an antique, it's too shabby, right?"

Chen Xingchen felt a little uncomfortable, he knew he was going to suffer this time.

This time when Chen Wenzhe returned to China, they all wanted to flatter them, give them gifts, and curry favor with the boss.

It's not that they are cheap, or that they don't know how to be noble, but that they are fighting for resources.

Now it is different from before. In the past, Chen Wenzhe didn't have many resources, so there was no need to fight for them.

However, it is needed now, because Chen Wenzhe has a little more resources leaked through the cracks of his fingers, and any of their industries can get great development.

It is not shabby to bow down for one's own career.

However, the two brothers Li Tianqiang are a little bit wrong!
The combination of the two brothers is really powerful.

This must be Li Jinli's sideways action, otherwise Li Tianqiang, a simpleton, would never have prepared so well.

Looking at Chen Wenzhe who accepted the stone with great interest, Chen Xingchen could only sigh with emotion, why doesn't he have such a good brother?
It is definitely not easy to take out a palm-sized stone to attract Chen Wenzhe's attention.

Chen Wenzhe is such a smart person, so even if he couldn't understand the handwriting on the slate for a while, he didn't say anything.

Looking carefully at the text above, it seems to be hieroglyphs.

However, this kind of pictograph is definitely not at all different from our pictograph.

You know, not only the ancestors of our Chinese family invented pictographs.

Anyone who has studied history knows that there are several kinds of pictographs.

Hieroglyphs are also called ideograms. Egyptian hieroglyphs, Sumerian, ancient Indian scripts, and Chinese oracle bone inscriptions are all independently produced from the simplest pictures and patterns in primitive society.

Therefore, pictographs evolved from pictographs.

Just like the hieroglyphs on the slate in front of you, you can tell at a glance that it is a very ancient font.

Chen Wenzhe knew that pictographs are different from phonograms, and pictographs belong to ideograms.

Due to the complex nature of hieroglyphics and the high difficulty of learning, they are gradually replaced by pinyin characters that are easier to learn and master initially in most areas.

About 5000 years ago, the ancient Egyptians invented hieroglyphic writing, which was slow and difficult to read.

The hieroglyphs in our country are the crystallization of Chinese wisdom and a kind of inheritance from the ancestors' primitive recording methods of tracing things.

The hieroglyphs in our country are the most vivid and the best-preserved type of writing up to now.

Pictograph refers to the pure use of graphics for text use.

And these characters are very similar in shape to the things they represent.

Generally speaking, pictographs are the earliest written characters.

Use the lines or strokes of the text to outline the appearance characteristics of the object to be expressed concretely.

It's definitely not easy, not to mention there can't be too much repetition.

Therefore, pictographic characters come from pictorial characters, but they are the most primitive method of creating characters, with the pictorial nature weakened and the symbolic nature enhanced.

Egyptian hieroglyphs, Sumerian, and ancient Indian scripts, as well as my country's oracle bone inscriptions and stone inscriptions, are all independently produced from the simplest pictures and patterns in primitive society.

For example, the pictographic character "月" in oracle bone inscriptions in my country is shaped like a crescent moon.

"Gui", especially the traditional [鹅]) character, resembles the profile of a turtle.

The word "horse" means a horse with a mane and four legs.

A "fish" is a swimming fish with a head, a body, and a tail.

"艹" (the original character for grass) is two bunches of grass.

"门", the traditional [门] is more like, this character is the shape of the left and right doors.

(End of this chapter)

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