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Chapter 1478 Three-layer casting is a national weapon

Chapter 1478 Three-layer casting is a national weapon
It is the first time in our country that the scholars of humanities and social sciences in the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties are the chief scientists of national projects, and they are of great significance in themselves.

Finally, high-standard projects and extensive academic discussions, especially large-scale publicity, are also of inestimable significance for the popularization of history, archeology and other knowledge.

Not to mention anything else, for example, what did the Xia Dynasty we know look like, and what emperors did it have?
Many people certainly didn't know it before, but after the dating project, the chronology of the Xia Dynasty came out.

As long as you care about these, you can know.

The first king of the Xia Dynasty must be Yu who controlled the waters of Dayu.

According to the research of the Dating Project, after Yu, the Xia Dynasty was Qi, Taikang, Zhongkang, Xiang, Shaokang, Yu, Huai, Mang, Xie, Bujiang, Jian, Jin, Kongjia, Gao, Fa, and Jie.

From 2070 BC to 1600 BC, Xia Qi established the country, with a total of 14 generations and 17 kings, a total of 470 years.

Among them, Taikang lost his country, which is Houyi's usurpation of the throne!
Afterwards, Shaoxing restored the country to ZTE, and finally Xia Jie perished. This is where it is said that it was a disaster for women, and Tang merchants destroyed Xia.

A broken stone slab from ancient Egypt made Chen Wenzhe see and think a lot.

And in the end, he still had a little gain.

Looking at the last bronze ware like He Zun, Chen Wenzhe was sure that it was a Shang Zun.

Put it together with this slate and hide it in a basement. This is supposed to be a collection for everyone.

He sold the slate, but kept the business statue.

However, judging from the dirt rust on the Shang Zun, it shouldn't take long for this thing to be unearthed.

Needless to say, this was unearthed in China, and it must have an unknown origin.

Because the bronzes of this level with clear origins are all in national museums, it is impossible for them to fall into private hands.

This may be the treasure owner who did not choose to sell this business statue, but sold this ancient Egyptian stone slab.

Chen Wenzhe really wants to see, who is so powerful, who can still buy Shangzun?
Although he only glanced at it a few times, with Chen Wenzhe's appreciation level of bronze wares at this time, he could still recognize that this Shangzun should be the real one.

Shangzun is a wine container, and the one Chen Wenzhe saw was cast in the late Shang Dynasty.

This kind of treasure is not the only one. Chen Wenzhe remembers that there seems to be another one that is an old object from the Qing Palace, which is now in the Palace Museum, and that one has already been handed down from generation to generation.

As for the one in front of him, it can be seen at a glance that it is a fake.

If you put it in front of your eyes, maybe you can smell it, the muddy smell still exists!
This bronze vessel is 45 centimeters high and 38 centimeters wide, with a large opening, wide folded shoulders and high ring feet.

There are four three-dimensional horned elephant heads on the four corners of the shoulder, and four double-horned and forked dragon heads in the middle of the shoulder.

The neck is decorated with banana leaf patterns, and the shoulders and ring feet are decorated with bird patterns.

The abdomen and the ring feet have zigzag horn-shaped large animal face patterns, and the zigzag horns of the ring feet are carved into the shape of a dragon.

There are ridges on the four corners of the vessel and the center line of each wall, and the mouth of the vessel protrudes from the upper end, with a solemn image.

Zuns of this level are all heavy weapons.

Chen Wenzhe was a little envious of this treasure owner, he was really lucky to be able to get such a treasure.

However, when his eyes were slightly deflected, what he saw surprised him again, because he saw another Shangzun.

This one is slightly different from the one just now, and it seems that the unearthed time should not be short, because there is no feeling of a living pit.

The main thing is to look at the copper rust, which is old rust at first glance, and even has a dark and ancient feeling.

This should be a Shangzun from the early Western Zhou Dynasty. The overall shape is a three-stage cylindrical shape, with a wide mouth, a slightly bulging abdomen, and four ribs cast on the four walls. The overall shape is majestic and stable.

This Western Zhou Shangzun is not very tall, no matter how you look at it, it is only about 30 centimeters high.

However, the weight of such a statue should not be light, at least ten catties, which is more than five thousand grams.

Its caliber is not small, it should be more than 20 centimeters, because its overall shape is a three-stage cylindrical shape.

It has a protruding mouth, a slightly bulging abdomen, and four gate edges cast on the four walls, making it majestic and stable as a whole.

The body of the vessel is decorated with whole-body relief, and the outer wall of the mouth is decorated with eight banana leaf patterns and dragon patterns.

The dragon's head is downward, and the tail is arranged along the edge of the leaf. The lower part of the dragon is decorated with the pattern of a small bird with a crown and feathers.

The abdomen is decorated with a large animal face with curly horns, and the ring feet are decorated with curved horned animal faces.

The whole Shang Zun is majestic, majestic, gorgeous and magnificent.

Looking at the craftsmanship, Chen Wenzhe could easily find that from the mouth to the bottom of this bronze ware, there are obvious traces of fan seams on the four ribs.

It can be seen from this that when the utensils are cast, the outer mold is composed of four wall molds and a bottom mold, with the edge of the door as the boundary.

The edge of the door is not very regular, slightly oblique, perhaps caused by a slight misalignment when it was combined.

This is a tube-shaped Zun. Judging by the copper rust on the outside, it should have been unearthed in a cellar.

The overall shape of the whole bronze ware is cylindrical and three-stage, with four leaf edges evenly distributed throughout the body, a large opening, and decorated with animal-mask patterns.

The inscription of five lines and thirty-three characters is cast on the inner bottom, which is definitely a national weapon.

You must know that national utensils are different from ordinary sacrificial utensils.

From the performance of many subtleties, it can be seen what is a national weapon and what is an ordinary sacrificial weapon!
"Book of Rites" records: "Yin people respected the gods, led the people to serve the gods, ghosts before rituals";
The people of the Zhou Dynasty proposed that "the fate of heaven is impermanent, and only virtue is auxiliary."

The Duke of Zhou once said: "What the people want, the sky will follow."

This shows that, from Xia, Shang to Zhou, the major changes in bronze sacrificial offerings.

The Xia and Shang paid homage to gods, ancestors, and ghosts, while Zhou followed the ritual system, offering sacrifices to ancestors, praying for good weather and good farming, fishing, and hunting, and paying attention to people's happiness and success.

Therefore, Emperor Xia presided over the sacrificial bronze wares, which were mainly three-tiered.

However, most of the Shang and Zhou dynasties had only two floors, and the third floor was a national weapon.

The sky is round and the place is round, with sacrificial animals and burnt clouds in the middle.

The two layers are the utensils used by princes and nobles, which are round.

It is also because Xia is the Celestial Dynasty, and the ruler of the country is the Great Emperor.

The Shang and Zhou dynasties were vassal states, and the ruler was the king.

Later, Yingzheng once again unified the princes and called him the first emperor, who was the king of Qin before that.

Qin Shihuang and Li Si are definitely two high-level Taoists, they believe in the law.

But it is not the pure kingly and Taoist method of Shang Yang and Han Feizi, nor is it the pure natural way of Laozi. What they believe in is the Taoism of Mohism, with ghosts and gods.

Otherwise, why did Qin Shihuang want Li Si to build him such a huge underground palace, with mercury as the river, the emperor's tomb as the sun, moon and stars, and the huge underground terracotta warriors?
He also asked Xu Fu to find the elixir of life for him, and killed all the Confucian scholars who made irresponsible remarks.

It is said that after the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven on Mount Tai, the coffin of Confucius was dug up along the way.

When the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang is excavated, the history of science and technology in our country, and even the history of science and technology in the world, will have to be rewritten.

my country's pre-Qin civilization was unimaginably advanced.

Therefore, it is impossible for aliens to build these incredible buildings such as the Great Pyramid of Egypt, the Mayan Palace, the Temple of West Asia, and Stonehenge in various places.

Perhaps, this was built by the Chinese ancestors, because in that era, they were the only ones who had super and unparalleled technological means to build it!
(End of this chapter)

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