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Chapter 1482 The Originator of Regular Script

Chapter 1482 The Originator of Regular Script
Zhong Yao Xiaokai, many people learn calligraphy, but not many people really know this master.

Zhong Yao was an important official and calligrapher of Cao Wei from the end of Han Dynasty to the Three Kingdoms period.

Zhong Yao was born in the Zhong family of Yingchuan. During the Eastern Han Dynasty, he was born in Ju Xiaolian.

He served successively as Shang Shulang and Huangmen Shilang, assisted Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty to return to Luoyang, and was granted the title of Marquis of Dongwuting.

After gaining the trust of Cao Cao, the prime minister in power, he served as the captain of Sili and guarded Guanzhong. He made outstanding contributions and was compared to Xiao He.

When Cao Cao was granted the title of King of Wei, he served as Dali Qing and Xiangguo of Wei State.

After the establishment of Cao Wei, he paid homage to Ting Weiqing, and then was promoted to Taiwei, ranking first among the three princes.

Zhong Yao is good at various calligraphy styles of seal script, official script, real script, script script and cursive script.

In calligraphy, quite accomplished.

He promoted the development of regular script (small regular script) and had a profound influence on the calligraphy of later generations. Later generations honored him as "the originator of regular script".

He and Wang Xizhi, the sage of calligraphy, are also called "Zhong Wang".

Yu Jianwu in the Southern Dynasty commented on his book as "top grade"; Zhang Huaiguan's Shuduan in Tang Dynasty rated it as "divine grade".

If such a character and his works can simulate a three-point similarity, that would be absolutely remarkable.

What's more, it is a small script born in the Han and Tang Dynasties, and is known as the first stone tablet in the Sui Dynasty.

Chen Wenzhe was able to see a trace of Zhong Wang Xiaokai from this stone tablet, which is already very good.

This level of regular script is definitely not something that can be achieved by copying it for three to five years.

Even copying "Dong Meiren's Epitaph" can achieve this kind of achievement, which is considered a calligraphy genius.

After all, whether it is "Dong Meiren's Epitaph" or Zhong Yao's regular script, it is said to be the first in an era.

But in modern times, no matter which so-called master of calligraphy, it is impossible to reach the level of the ancients.

After all, modern people don't rely on writing for a living.

Certainly no one can practice calligraphy as hard as the ancients did.

Therefore, even if some masters can be produced, they are hidden among the people. As for the famous ones, they are just demons and ghosts.

For example, a guy who is like a madman and splashes ink indiscriminately is also called a calligrapher?

If you can't make a breakthrough on the real calligraphy, you can only play this kind of trick that doesn't stand on the table.

Afterwards, if you package it and publicize it, you can actually become a master, what a joke!
It's a pity that there are so many jokes like this now!

"Boss, this piece shouldn't be the most precious, but he kept it the best. Look at this piece!"

While Chen Wenzhe was studying "Dong Meiren's Epitaph", Li Tianqiang pointed to another stone tablet proudly and said.

Chen Wenzhe was taken aback for a moment, and then turned away. Didn't he say he came to see the Monument of King Yu?
Now he hasn't seen the stele of King Yu yet, but he has already seen several famous steles like "Dong Meiren's Epitaph".

Chen Wenzhe looked at Li Tianqiang. This kid has collected quite a lot of steles.

Following the direction he pointed, Chen Wenzhe looked at another stone tablet.

This stone tablet is more primitive and simple, and it seems to be more famous.

"Situ Chenxiong, Sikong Chenjie. This is the "Yiying Monument"? No, why is this in regular script? If I remember correctly, this stone tablet should be carved in official script, right?"

"Yes, this is "Yiying Stele", but it is not an ordinary "Yiying Stele". It is carved in block letters. Some people say that it is the real "Yiying Stele" by Zhong Yao."

Speaking of this, Li Tianqiang was even more proud.

Needless to say, this stele is definitely more controversial.

Looking at the handwriting, Chen Wenzhe felt like Zhong Yao's block letters.

However, this stele is too famous.

At the time engraved by others, Zhong Yao seems to be only three years old, so it is absolutely impossible to be Zhong Yao's authentic work.

However, there are no waves without wind, since some people say that "Yiying Monument" is Zhong Yao's work, there must be a reason for it.

Here, let's talk about Zhong Yao's achievements again.

Zhong Yao's seal script, Li, Zhen, Xing, and cursive scripts work concurrently in a variety of calligraphy styles. His calligraphy is simple and elegant, with alternate font sizes and a rigorous and meticulous overall layout.

Zhang Huaiguan's "Shu Duan" said: "Yuan Chang's true books are peerless, but they are too masters, and they are soft and prepared. Between the stippling and painting, there are many different interests, which can be said to be profound and elegant. Since the Qin and Han Dynasties, there is only one person."

He wrote the best regular script, and "Xuanhe Shupu" commented: "It is the ancestor of the official script."

Zhong Yao lived in the period when Chinese characters evolved from official script to regular script and were close to completion.

In the process of completing this important evolution of Chinese characters, Zhong Yao carried forward the past and opened up the future and played a strong role in promoting it.

On the one hand, he can adapt to the trend of the times and is good at learning new calligraphy styles that appear in the folk;
On the other hand, he studies diligently and is good at thinking and researching.

According to Zhang Yanyuan's "Fashu Yaolu" in the Tang Dynasty: Cai Yong was inspired by the gods and men, and passed on to Cui Yuan and the female Wenji. The king of legends offered it.

It can be seen that Zhong Yao is the second generation successor of Cai Yong's calligraphy.

In fact, the reason why Zhong Yao's calligraphy art has achieved great artistic achievements is not limited to one family.

According to the "Shu Yuan Jing Hua" by Chen Si in the Song Dynasty, Zhong Yao studied calligraphy with Liu Sheng for three years when he was young, and later learned calligraphy from Cao Xi, Liu Desheng and others.

Therefore, Zhong Yao, like any accomplished scholar, is the result of collecting the great achievements of his predecessors, studying hard, and studying hard.

According to "Shu Yuan Jing Hua", when Zhong Yao was dying, he called his son Zhong Hui to his side, gave him a calligraphy secret technique, and told Zhong Hui the story of his hard work.

He said that he spent more than [-] years of his life concentrating on learning calligraphy, mainly mastering the essentials of writing from Cai Yong's calligraphy skills.

In the process of learning, regardless of day or night, regardless of the occasion and location, write when you have time, and practice when you have the opportunity.

Sit with people and talk, and practice on the ground around you.

Resting at night, I used the quilt as paper. As a result, a big hole was scratched in the quilt after a long time.

When you see natural scenery such as flowers, plants, trees, insects, fish, birds and animals, you will connect with the brushwork.

Sometimes I went to the toilet and forgot to come back.

This shows that Zhong Yao's calligraphy art is indeed the result of his own hard work and hard work.

While practicing hard, Zhong Yao also paid great attention to learning from his contemporaries.

He often discusses the method of using brushes with Cao Cao, Huang Chun, Wei Dan, Sun Zijing, Guan Piqua and others.

Zhong Yao is not only strict with himself, but also strict with his disciples.

For his son Zhong Hui, he often exhorted him in every possible way, and Zhong Hui made great achievements in the end. Zhong Yao, Zhong Hui and his son were called "Big and Big Zhong".

Zhong Yao's calligraphy styles are mainly regular script, official script and running script.

Yang Xin, a man of Liu and Song Dynasties in the Southern Dynasties, said in "Collecting the Ancients and Unable to Book People's Names": "There are three parts of a clock. One is the book of inscriptions, which is the most wonderful one; Books are also for those who have heard about them."

The so-called "mingshishu" refers to block letters.

"Book of Regulations" is official script, also known as Bafenshu.

"Xing Ya Shu" refers to running script.

(End of this chapter)

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