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Chapter 1486 The Confused Treasure

Chapter 1486 The Confused Treasure

Since the Ming Dynasty, after the re-engraved "Monument of King Yu" was discovered in Yuelu Mountain, the reputation of "Monument of King Yu" has spread all over the world.

However, it needs to be clarified that no one has been able to prove whether this engraved "Monument of King Yu" really came from the mother stone of "Monument of King Yu" that had been destroyed long ago at the Duan Peak of Hengshan Mountain in Nanyue.

After all, the handwriting on the original Hengshan, the mother stone of the Duan peak, has long since disappeared, and it belongs to "no evidence of death".

Regardless of whether it is true or not, the "Monument of King Yu" engraved by He Zhi on Yuelu Mountain still has extremely high historical value.

After all, it can be determined from the two faintly discernible ancient inscriptions on the right side of the "Monument of King Yu".

This engraving is indeed engraved from the Jiading period of the Southern Song Dynasty.

It has been eight or nine hundred years ago, and it is really a precious historic site.

In addition, many famous scholars and literati in the Ming Dynasty wrote poems, commented, or interpreted the "Monument of King Yu", and they all highly praised it.

Therefore, generally speaking, the "Monument of King Yu" on Yuelu Mountain has been famous in China since its discovery in the Ming Dynasty.

Among them, Yang Shen, a scholar of the Ming Dynasty, worked hard to explain and read the inscriptions.

"Emperor Cheng said Zi: "Yi assists Qing, the continents and Deng, the gate of birds and beasts.Participate in the torrent, and Mingfa Erxing. "

"Forget home after a long journey, stay at the foot of the mountain, stay in the court of wisdom, and seek peace and tranquility. Food and preparation, the peace of all nations. Dance and dance forever!"

During the Ming Dynasty, in addition to Yang Shen, there were also Shen Yi, Yang Shiqiao, Lang Ying, etc., who also annotated or interpreted the "Monument of King Yu".

However, they are not as famous as Yang Shen.

Yang Shen's interpretation, translated into vernacular, is: "Following Heaven's command and transport, Emperor Yu Shun said: 'Yu, you are my assistant and good minister, like my wings, and the task of controlling the floods in the world is entrusted to you, no matter how high the mountains are, how far the roads are, how deep the water is, , to fight against the flood wholeheartedly, and set off early tomorrow to embark on a new journey.

I have been running around for many years, forgetting my own family, and camped in Guangting at the foot of Hengshan Mountain in Nanyue; I have tried my best to analyze the shape of mountains and rivers, plan water control and patrol wind, and have worn down my body to control floods. My heart is always sincere for People, running around to calm the water and soil, traveled all over Huayue Taishan and Nanheng, dredging and converging rivers and rivers;
The hard work was guided by the gods, and they were transferred to other places in the smog. The rivers in the south have flowed smoothly, and people have enough food and clothes that they weave. The fierce beast Jiaolong, run far away. '"

In addition, Ming Chongzhen Scholars, Shi Gongyin, the magistrate of Hengzhou, etc., also imitated the ancients and wrote poems for the "Monument of King Yu".

However, since the Ming Dynasty, although many literati and writers have commented on the "Monument of King Yu" on Yuelu Mountain.

But because everyone thinks that the "Monument of King Yu" is a heavenly book, the annotations and interpretations of these people are considered to be appendages, and they are not considered to have truly deciphered the "Monument of King Yu".

However, the interpretation of the "Monument of King Yu" interpreted by Yang Shen has been recognized by many people. Generally speaking, it is an indispensable contribution.

Of course, there are also many people who believe that Yang Shen's interpretation is not accurate, and even made many common sense mistakes.

In short, Yang Shen's interpretation is still quite controversial, some people praise it, and some people depreciate it!

In the Qing Dynasty after the Ming Dynasty, Du Yi and others also interpreted the "Monument of King Yu" on Yuelu Mountain, but they were basically not recognized by the academic circles at that time.

According to legend, in modern times, the famous archaeologist and oracle bone inscription expert Guo Lao studied the rubbings of the "Monument of King Yu" for three years, and only knew three characters.

Think about it, Mr. Guo is an expert in oracle bone inscriptions, and he only knows three characters.

After going back and forth, many people became even more convinced that the characters on the "Monument of King Yu" should belong to the ancient characters before the oracle bone inscriptions.

In this way, everyone believed more and more that the "Monument of King Yu" was an absolutely true scripture.

In contemporary times, Liu Zhiyi and others also interpreted the "Monument of King Yu".

But like in ancient times, none of these interpretations have been recognized by the academic circles.

Therefore, no matter how many versions of the interpretation of the "Monument of King Yu" there are in the past dynasties, it is not considered to have truly deciphered the "Monument of King Yu".

Therefore, it can be said with certainty that the content of the inscription on the "Monument of King Yu" is still a mystery!

In other words, the search for the mother stone of the "Monument of King Yu" of Hengshan-Yuyi Peak in the past dynasties has also gone through twists and turns!
Most of the so-called people who have seen the mother stone of the "Monument of King Yu" in history are mostly rumors, and there is no real evidence.

However, in modern times, it is believed that people have finally discovered the mother stone of the "Monument of King Yu" on the Duan Peak of Hengshan Mountain in Nanyue.

And it is rumored that experts basically agree that this is the stone more than 4000 years ago.

However, it is a pity that half of the wall was damaged when it was built by a farmer because of its age.

Therefore, on the mother stone of the "Monument of King Yu", the legendary inscriptions praising Dayu's merits in water control have long since disappeared.

In the end, on this damaged mother stone, we can only see a row of characters such as "Kangxi [-] Year" and some artificial chisel marks.

This is the mother stone of the famous "Monument of King Yu", because the current appearance can no longer be seen, and no one is sure what it is.

But no matter how you look at it, it can't be the piece that Chen Wenzhe sees now.

Obviously, the "Monument of King Yu", which is like a heavenly book, has attracted the attention of countless famous scholars and scholars of all dynasties because of its beautiful and bizarre legends.

On the road of interpretation and interpretation, the "Monument of King Yu" became more and more famous until it became famous all over the world.

In the end, between legends and engravings, the authenticity of King Yu's stele and the mystery of his life experience gradually turned into a cultural mystery that arouses infinite reverie.

And in the end, the "Monument of King Yu" became one of the three treasures of the Chinese nation!

Obviously, the mother stone of the "Monument of King Yu" on the peak of Hengshan Mountain, which is praised by ancient and modern times, and the "Monument of King Yu" engraved on Hushayuelu Mountain, which has been widely concerned, have attracted countless famous scholars and philologists from ancient times to the present. .

In the end, with the efforts of those researchers in the past dynasties, the study of the "Monument of King Yu" has become a cultural phenomenon.

Of course, behind this phenomenon, the "Monument of King Yu" has become one of the most confusing treasures in the history of Chinese civilization!

Obviously, the annotations made by countless literati in history to the "Monument of King Yu" can only be regarded as interpretations or interpretations that have not been approved by the public.

In other words, scholars of all dynasties have not really deciphered and deciphered the "Monument of King Yu".

Therefore, as for the true content of the "Monument of King Yu" in the "Book of Heaven", and this cultural mystery, it still depends on archaeological experts to further excavate and interpret it.

Finally, it needs to be emphasized that the existing inscriptions of the "Monument of King Yu" in Hengshan Mountain of Nanyue--Yueyu Peak, Yuzhou, Chang'an Forest of Steles, Yuling, Yellow Crane Tower, etc. Yes, the inscription on the "Monument of King Yu" is a blueprint, which was obtained through engraving.

(End of this chapter)

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