My system is not decent

Chapter 150 Boss, you buy antiques at a high price here?

Chapter 150 Boss, you buy antiques at a high price here? (seeking first order)
"If you want to tidy up the store, you can also leave it to us. If you want to clean up simply, it will only take a while, such as clearing these antique racks and counters. We have prepared safes of various specifications and special antique racks. If you need We also have office facilities, desks and chairs, computer printers, all of them.”

Zhang Yijie looked at Chen Wenzhe, and Chen Wenzhe nodded.

"The price is lower, and the whole set is required." Zhang Yijie said.

"Both?" Xue Jianming was taken aback, so rich?

He didn't come here immediately because he thought they were young boys and felt unreliable, but he didn't expect them to be big bosses.

Xue Jianming laughed, got up and walked out of the store, which made Chen Wenzhe and both of them stunned.

Soon, Xue Jianming came in again, this time with a notebook.

Open the notebook, and there are various office facilities inside.

Chen Wenzhe was a little surprised, they are really professional.

A desk, three chairs, and a camera.

A printer and a dedicated notebook are mainly responsible for printing contracts and controlling the camera.

I also need a set of sofas, and the tea table is indispensable. This is for receiving guests. If there are a few more people, I won’t be able to sit down.

The other is the high-end customized Bogu rack on the right wall. According to Xue Jianming, this Bogu rack has its own safety function, which can be locked and fixed.

As long as it is installed, unless it is cut with a machine, otherwise, it will never be opened.

After looking at it, I found that it was really a good thing, so Chen Wenzhe chose the best Bogu stand.

Add two other small safes fixed to the floor and hidden under the desk, and you've got it all.

"It's only eleven o'clock now, and it will be done in an hour."

After choosing something, Xue Jianming said happily.

It took a total of more than [-] yuan for such a short period of time, mainly because the price of the Bogu rack and two safes was higher.

Chen Wenzhe didn't pay much attention to this little money, but the feeling of spending money like water still gave him a sense of crisis.

Making money is hard, but spending it is easy.

It's just a simple dismantling and installation, and the speed is very fast. The most time-consuming work is transportation.

It is not easy to move into the store.

These tasks can only be done manually, and the antique city has a large traffic flow, so it can't be done quickly.

If it wasn't for the work undertaken by their security team, the porters wouldn't even be able to get in in broad daylight.

This is to rely on the mountain to eat the mountain, and if you have a flexible mind, you can make money anywhere.

I have to say that Xue Jianming is still very good, and he got a lot of business after coming here.

For example, increasing the number of patrols at night and assigning a special person to be in charge of the camera at the store entrance. All these additional services require a monthly payment.

Calculated in this way, there are only insurance business and bodyguard service, and Chen Wenzhe has no choice.

Antiques are insured, which is unreliable at first glance.

If it is regarded as the treasure of the town store, if it is not sold, it can still be insured.

Otherwise, if you don’t know when it will be sold, there is no need to insure it.

As for the bodyguard service, this service is really needed when going out for transactions, especially when buying valuable antiques.

Seeing that several people were busy, Chen Wenzhe couldn't help, so he walked out of the shop.

After standing outside and watching for a while, Chen Wenzhe discovered that the shops in the antique city actually had a reserved interface.

For example, some interfaces under the ground can be directly connected to the safe, and the safe is firmly fixed on the ground. If you want to remove it, you really need professional cutting tools.

This is the case with the antique shelf, and the same with the safe. Even the desk is firmly fixed to the ground.

Move it in, fix it, and you're done.

In the end, these installers also helped clean up.

Sure enough, it was over in an hour.

Looking at the brand new storefront, Chen Wenzhe wanted to find someone to celebrate.

It's a pity that Zhang Yijie didn't know where he went since he finished choosing things.

Shaking his head, it's not good to be in a shop because you can't do without people.

After ordering a takeaway, Chen Wenzhe walked into the store for the first time.

As soon as you enter the store, you can see the innermost large desk, behind it is a boss chair, and on the opposite side are two simple sofas.

There is an ancient tea table on the desk, you can drink tea at ordinary times, and put it away for work when you have something to do.

Sitting on the boss's chair, there is a water dispenser behind him, a trash can below, and a laptop connected to a small printer on the left.

Looking up, the right side is a reinstalled safe Bogu shelf, the left side is a couch, placed against the wall, and there is a long coffee table in front of it.

There are only these things in the whole store, no, there is an extra signboard: High price recycling of antiques, appraisal fee of [-]!

Standing up again, Chen Wenzhe took out something from the safe under the desk.

After thinking about it, the famille rose figure statue of the Eight Immortals and the jade pig dragon were still taken out of the safe. If only the thin bowl was placed, it would seem a bit thin.

The famille rose figure statue of the Eight Immortals and the Jade Pig Dragon were put on display, but it was the small bowl that was looking for a chance to sell.

Three thousand yuan is still money, it's better to put it in the antique rack, it's best if it can be sold, and it's okay if it can't be sold.

After entering the password, a transparent tempered glass door opened.

Find a place within sight and put the small bowl in it.

Pull out a soft ring, cover the small bowl, lock it, and fix it.

In this way, even if there is an earthquake, even if the Bogu stand shakes, the small bowl will not fall.

In fact, such a setting is the most convenient for protecting the bottle.

Because it is better fixed, in this way, Chen Wenzhe felt more at ease to put the pastel Eight Immortals statue and Jade Pig Dragon here.

For all this, Chen Wenzhe expressed his satisfaction, after all, money cannot be spent in vain.

Just after eating, I saw Zhang Yijie walking in.

"You can still eat? It's spread all over the antique city, you are a prodigal son."

Zhang Yijie walked in, looked around, and said to Chen Wenzhe with a mocking smile.

"What did you say? How did I lose my fortune?" Chen Wenzhe asked curiously.

"How else can you be prodigal? Five hundred thousand bought a high-quality imitation, thirty thousand bought an ancient jade that was missed by others for three hundred. Are these not enough prodigals?"

Chen Wenzhe was speechless, what could he do?It's impossible to go out and argue with those people, right?

"Also, these office supplies are all money. It seems that your family is still very rich. I am afraid that after a while, someone will come to your door to collect wool."

Sitting on the chair opposite to Chen Wenzhe, Zhang Yijie turned around and felt pretty good.

"I hope it has some technical content!"

Regarding this point, Chen Wenzhe was somewhat looking forward to it.

He didn't have access to suspicious things before, that is, he opened a shop, and only after he had a reputation of being a fool with a lot of money would someone come to his door.

Therefore, the circle is very important.

"Don't have too much hope. There are many doubtful things, but there are really not many good things. This era is not good. Even if it is a bowl for feeding dogs, it will be treasured by people if it is a little old."

"Boss, do you buy antiques at a high price here?"

 Thank you brothers for your monthly ticket support. Now there are 186 tickets and 14 more tickets to add. There are more than 7 recommended tickets, plus a total of [-] chapters owed before.

  Thanks to melody, oh before Kuai, Zhao Jianbo, Jiu Ling and other brothers for their rewards.

  There is still 400 coins to make up [-] coins plus more!

  Ask for the first order, ask for collection, follow-up, ask for recommendation tickets, monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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