This kind of Nine Dragon Cup in the Hongwu period of the Ming Dynasty, the dragon head in the cup hides a mystery.

The wine can only be poured shallowly, not too full, otherwise the wine will leak out.

As the saying goes, "fullness suffers losses, modesty benefits", which is the most fair.

Therefore, after learning about the situation, Emperor Hongwu named the "Kowloon Cup" the "Justice Cup".

Confucius once said a kind of "sitting device", the bottle is empty when it is tilted, and the water level is just right when it is upright.

If it is full it will tip over and there will be no drop left.

Mingjun often puts it on the side of his seat to admonish him.

Although the "Yuzuozhiji" is not a cup of justice, it embodies the same doctrine of the mean.

Those who are greedy will be exhausted, and those who are content will remain.

The king is advised not to indulge in wine and sex to harm the country, and the people are advised not to be greedy and to be temperate.

Green Ant New Distillery, red clay small stove.

It's like snow at night, can you have a drink?
How can you enjoy good wine without a good wine vessel?

There are a variety of wine vessels in Shenzhou Dadi, and the main point is the word "elegant".

However, when doing something, you must not only be "elegant", but also "moderate".

This uses the product of the great wisdom of the ancestors - the Fairness Cup!

Since one wants to imitate the Fairness Cup, it is naturally impossible to make only one blue and white vessel made by Qianlong.

The fairness cup has a very long history.

It is recorded in "Yiwenleiju" of the Tang Dynasty: "Jin Sun Chuo's inscription said.... Watching this utensil carefully, it is ingenious and wonderful. If you drink it, you will note it, and if you are full, you will sideline it. Speech and writing will be appropriate, but you will not see it exhausted. "

The bottle described here is the Yangsui bottle of the Jin Dynasty.

Yangsuizun means wine injector, also known as funny.

Volume [-] of "Taiping Yulan" quoted Wei Cuihao's "Han Ji Yinyi": "Funny, wine vessels are also pouring wine, and it is endless all day long, just like today's Yangsuncup."

Jin Sun Chuo has "Yang Sui Zun Ming".

According to legend, when the Yangsui bottle is empty, it is tilted.

Pour wine into the bottle, and the bottle will automatically straighten.

If you continue to pour wine until it is almost full, the bottle will slowly tilt again.

This wonderful phenomenon occurs because there is a siphon hidden in the Yangsui bottle, so it will "spit and write for a while, but never see it exhausted".

It can be seen that the Yangsui bottle is the earliest application of the principle of justice cup in Jin Dynasty.

Of course, this kind of bottle is not simple, and it is also very controversial.

Jiuzun is one of the common funerary objects in high-level tombs during the Han Dynasty.

Some tomb murals or portrait stones and portrait bricks can also be used for cooking, banquets and other activities.

Even though there is a "warm wine bottle" among the self-named utensils, the Jiuzun is still only regarded as a wine container by the academic circle.

However, judging from the handed down literature, the function of the Jiuzun is not limited to holding wine.

According to historical records, "always full of bottles" can be used while drinking.

The wine statues appearing in the scenes of wine making preparations on stone portraits and brick portraits may be related to wine making.

Scholars of the Northern Wei Dynasty used "Yangsui Zun" to explain the "funny" of the wine vessel in the Han Dynasty.

However, the actual shape of the "Yangsui Zun" and its connection with the wine vessel are still unclear.

Related to respect, the ancients used Shangzun wine, Zhongzun wine and Xiazun wine to express "difference in pouring alcohol".

Let me first talk about the identification of "funny" and "Yang Sui Zun".

According to historical records, at the latest in the Northern Wei Dynasty, a special kind of "Yangsui Zun" appeared.

But so far, the shape and cultural significance of "Yangsui Zun" has not attracted the attention of academic circles.

There are two important information in the "Taiping Yulan" record about "funny".

One is that there was a special kind of "Yangsui Zun" in the Northern Wei Dynasty.

No later than the 11th year of Taiping Zhenjun, that is, before Cui Hao was sentenced in 450;

The second is that the "Yangsui bottle" is like a joke, and its main function is to "transfer and spit out wine", which is different from ordinary wine bottles that can hold wine.

However, what exactly Cui Hao said about the "Yangsui bottle" seems to be inconvenient to determine.

Because "Taiping Yulan" under the "Zunyi" article also quoted Sun Chuo's "Yangsui Zongming" in the Eastern Jin Dynasty: "Looking at this vessel in detail, it is ingenious and wonderful! You can note it when you drink it, and close it when you are full. It is suitable for speaking and writing. , not exhausted."

Does this mean that "Yangsui Zun" appeared in the Eastern Jin Dynasty?

But it is different from the "Yangsui bottle" of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and still has the function of holding wine?
Obviously, without clarifying the contradiction between what Cui Hao said and Sun Chuo's "Yangsui Zun Ming", it is difficult to confirm the "Yangsui Zun" and its function.

The "Yangsui Zun" mentioned by Cui Hao can only be found in "Taiping Yulan".

However, Sun Chuo's words quoted in "Taiping Yulan" can also be found in Ouyang Xun's "Yiwen Leiju" in the Tang Dynasty and "Jin Sun Tingwei Collection" compiled by Zhang Pu in the Ming Dynasty.

Among them, the "respect" article in "Yiwen Leiju" says: "Jin Sun Chuo's inscription said: 'The master craftsman's body... Let's talk about it. Let's look at it carefully. It's ingenious and unique. If you decide how to do it, you can note it and receive it. When it is full, it is on the side, and it is suitable for speaking and writing, but it has not been exhausted... the prince draws it up, and Deqi Shangzhe.'”

The content of "Jin Sun Tingwei Collection · Inscription" is exactly the same as "Yiwen Leiju", only "摽" is changed to "Biao".

"Biao" is an orthographic character, and "standard design" is based on the design of the standard, and it is discussed in terms of appearance.

The related words quoted in "Taiping Yulan" and the two are only different in the words "when you are full, you will side" and "when you are full, you will close", which should be the same work by Sun Chuo.

However, "Yiwen Leiju" and "Jin Sun Tingwei Collection" are only called "Zun Ming" or "Ming", and neither are called "Yangsui Zun Ming".

From this point of view, "Taiping Yulan" may have made mistakes.

No matter what, anyway, from these typical descriptions, this should be a cup of justice.

Of course, there are other explanations, such as a wine warmer, and a funnel, a tool in wine making, and so on.

Here, Chen Wenzhe regards it as a cup of justice. After all, some of the shapes of this kind of bottle can be seen from the murals of some ancient tombs.

Since it has an appearance and a functional description, it is not difficult for him to copy one.

In fact, there are cups with this description in ancient times.

Legend has it that during the period of Tang Wenzong in the Tang Dynasty, there was an artifact called "Shentong Zhan".

Tao Yi of the Song Dynasty recorded this item in "Qing Yi Lu".

"Wen Zong's eunuchs are vertical and horizontal, and they restrain their elbows when they move. They often drink for entertainment. The small households of the concubines are tired of it, and they fight for bribes. They make gold cups, using golden lotus and water chestnut as the jue bundle plate, which is actually hollow. When the lamp is full, it can be subtly introduced into the plate. People don’t know it at the beginning, so they have the titles of "supernatural power lamp" and "disaster plate."

It means that when the glass is full, the wine will flow into the tray at the bottom of the glass.

This is exactly the same principle as the justice cup, so many scholars believe that the "magic cup" in the Tang Dynasty is the earliest justice cup.

And this negates the previous Yangsui cup. If the Yangsui cup in the Northern Wei Dynasty is not the fairness cup, then the magical cup in the Tang Dynasty is the earliest fairness cup?

It's a pity that this supernatural power lamp has not been found in kind until now.

In the Song and Yuan dynasties, the Fairness Cup finally discovered the real thing.

The Linhai Museum in Jiangsu and Zhejiang preserves a celadon fairness cup from Longquan Kiln in the late Song and early Yuan Dynasties.

The fairness cup means "temperance", and contentment and constant happiness are generally believed by the ancients to be the way to live a long life, so there is a birthday star standing in the cup.

Regrettably, only the body of the cup remains, and the holder under the cup is gone.

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