My system is not decent

Chapter 1632 Every Antiquity Says Chapter

The collection of Yuan blue and white has always been popular among folk collections, and the stable investment of the porcelain plate itself is also favored by everyone.

It is hard to forget the world sensation caused by the original "Guiguzi down the mountain Yuan blue and white pot", which made Yuan blue and white occupy a very important position in the hearts of collectors.

However, it has been recognized by the world, and Genzheng Miaohong's cellar of Yuan blue and white has always been 84 pieces.

But all collectors believe that there must be high-quality goods among the people, but the identification of these porcelains needs to be cautious.

From a global perspective, the current understanding and research on Yuan Qinghua is still relatively superficial.

When studying an ancient relic, the value of the unearthed materials is the most precious, and the other side is the literature.

However, there is really no literature description for Yuan blue and white.

Many collectors' collection of Yuan blue and white has reached a state of fanaticism.

There are also many expensive detection methods on the market, such as thermoluminescence, Raman spectroscopy and so on.

But for ancient artifacts, scientific and technological testing is reasonable.

He has too many things to do, such as restoring various Yuan Dynasty porcelains, including Yuan blue and white porcelain and Yuan Dynasty blue glazed porcelain.

Fortunately, he has only recently imitated these porcelains, and they all have suitable materials.

In this way, both parties are satisfied.

In the Qing Dynasty, there was only Prince Gong who had "one imperial edict and two enfeoffments", and he alone enjoyed the treatment of giving Zhenghuang and five-clawed golden dragon.

There are strict etiquette regulations on the type and decoration of the vessel, and the hierarchy is strict, which strictly corresponds to the "Car Service System". Misuse or unauthorized use is a felony.

It can be said that everyone is happy, so now that they have seen the harvest, the country is more eager.

Complete porcelain, each piece is a national treasure.

In terms of patterns, the emperor uses a five-clawed golden dragon, while the prince can only use four-clawed dragons, which are called pythons.

Gao Qijing will naturally take it seriously, so the shipping speed is very slow.

This kind of first-class palace porcelain is mostly used as rewards from emperors.

They were picked up and retreated by the imperial court, and they were commonly known as "official kilns" at that time.

The glaze surface is multi-layered and repeatedly scratched, the glaze light sinks but not dazzling, the texture layout is regular, and the shape is solemn and generous.

Although the things were finally placed in Chen Wenzhe's private museum, it seems that the country is not at a disadvantage.

But in terms of management, there is a very big difference.

Unexpectedly, through Gao Qijing's offer of conditions and payment of the price, the country is actually willing to allow non-governmental forces to participate in archaeology.

Because the fetal soil has a very high iron content, it feels heavy to the touch, and the fetal soil is dark brown, which is later called "purple mouth iron foot".

The glaze surface of official kiln porcelain is heavy and bright, thick as fat pile, warm and moist like jade.

After all, antiques, for some big collectors, are often donated to the country in the end.

He only needs to take a look to know whether this thing is an antique or a treasure.

Now as long as he has time, he can restore those broken national treasures one by one.

I studied Jun kiln porcelain before, but this time I found a lot of classic Jun kiln porcelain.

Southern Song official kiln porcelain follows the Northern Song style, regular and symmetrical, courtly imposing, elegant and meticulous.

It can be said that it is a kind of royal etiquette, a mutual compromise with folk customs.

Of course, these questions are nothing to Chen Wenzhe, because to him, every ancient relic speaks for itself.

On this day, after repairing more than a dozen pieces of Yuan Dynasty porcelain, Chen Wenzhe, who had nothing to do, started to study Song Dynasty official kilns again according to the plan.

One is imperial kiln porcelain, and the other is official kiln porcelain.

Of course, a kind of famous porcelain definitely has more than just such a characteristic, and it also has more than such a kind of advantage.

However, there are still deficiencies and defects in the development, so the detection effect can be imagined.

It is worth mentioning that most of the dragons used in folk kiln porcelain hide their claws in the clouds and water without showing them.

First of all, the best must be royal porcelain, such as the "Zhenghuang porcelain" of Qing Yongzheng, which is a royal special color, which can only be used by emperors and princes.

It's just that Chen Wenzhe doesn't have time to go out for a while recently.

This kind of official kiln was made during the Gaozong period of the Southern Song Dynasty, and some kiln mouths were specially fired for the court.

Having had a successful cooperation with Chen Wenzhe, some professionals in the official department have an even more enthusiastic desire to continue to cooperate with Chen Wenzhe.

As for the Yuan blue and white cellar, because it was hidden in China, Chen Wenzhe had already wanted to give up.

Of course, he can wait until all the Yuan Dynasty porcelains are shipped back, and he can look at all their experiences, so that he will be more handy in restoring these porcelains.

Therefore, the country sits firmly on the Diaoyutai.

Since the two kinds of porcelain are made and purchased under the supervision of "officials", for the folks, they are collectively referred to as official kiln porcelain.

Moreover, he has imitated all the types of porcelain in the past, so it is not difficult to restore these porcelains now, but it is a bit troublesome.

Royal kiln porcelain is also subdivided into many types as porcelain dedicated to the royal family under strict grade standards.

The famous "Ledaotang Porcelain" among cultural relics is a model of Wangfu Porcelain.

Because many big collectors can't trust their descendants.

So strictly speaking, "official kiln porcelain" in the narrow sense is divided into two types.

Of course, it would be even better if all the firing techniques of official kilns can be smoothed out by the way.

However, Chen Wenzhe could satisfy his hobby of collecting in his lifetime.

The so-called imperial kiln porcelain refers to the porcelain specially used by the royal family.

Many great collectors have spent their entire lives collecting countless treasures, how could they allow their descendants to sell them?

Of course, the official kilns here are not official kiln mouths, but real official kiln porcelain.

For example, the Qilin of Wu Yipin, the crane of Wen Yipin, etc.

All of these have been systematically handed down to the present, and the "Tongzhi Emperor's Marriage Porcelain" is the first to be promoted;
The second is Wangfu porcelain, which is specially fired according to the rules, and is used by other members of the royal family including the prince.

The themes of early palace porcelain were mostly taken from the supplementary elements of official clothes.

How can these hidden treasures that he has worked so hard to collect flow into the market again?

Whether it is Yuan blue and white porcelain or blue-glazed porcelain, Chen Wenzhe has done it before.

In addition, "meat rotting and bones left", that is, the exposed parts of the fetus resemble dead bones, commonly known as antiques, which were also made at that time.

The official kiln is the first in Maogong Cave (today's Yangshi area).

The so-called official kiln today generally refers to the porcelain fired by the government in the past dynasties.

The last is the first-grade palace porcelain. In the whole world, could it be the land of the king, and the shore of the land, could it be the minister of the king.

In fact, in history, only the porcelain fired in the Song Dynasty was guided, and later generations no longer have this name.

Maybe now that he has thoroughly researched official kiln porcelain, he will get some treasures from official kiln next.

"Drafts of Qing History" records: The firing of the royal kiln is the responsibility of the Building Office of the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

That is, the Hall of Mental Cultivation Office provides the requirements for shape, system, pattern, and craftsmanship.

Many samples were trial fired in the capital, especially during the reign of Emperor Kangxi.

During royal ceremonies, high-ranking officials (often members of the royal family) will be specially assigned to supervise.

For example, "Tongzhi Emperor's Wedding Porcelain" was specially supervised by Prince Gong Yixin.

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