Chapter 1634

Among the official kiln porcelain, especially the imperial kiln porcelain, the most obvious symbol must be the year stamps of the emperors of various ages.

For example, there were ten emperors in the Qing Dynasty, all of which were handed down from generation to generation.

They are in order: Shunzhi, Kangxi, Yongzheng, Qianlong, Jiaqing, Daoguang, Xianfeng, Tongzhi, Guangxu, Xuantong.

Shunzhi official kiln wares are mainly written with two-line six-character regular script blue and white inscriptions of "Shunzhi Years of the Great Qing Dynasty", and there are also four-character inscriptions of "Shunzhi Years".

The strokes of the inscriptions are powerful, with peaks at the beginning of the strokes, pauses in the strokes, multiple strokes and downward strokes, and upward and downward strokes, but the overall layout is not very regular.

There are many kinds of folk kiln models, including the famous seal script hall.

Such as "Yutang Jiaqi", "Jishantang", "Zisangxuan", etc., there are various monograms and fake entrusted funds.

Most of the sacrificial utensils use stem and branch calendars.

The Kangxi Dynasty lasted 61 years, and there are many inscriptions.

There is no frame outside the style, the font is neat, delicate and slender, and there are blue and white, red color, gold color, ink color and engraved styles.

There are double circles drawn with light, and double circles without writing.

Therefore, the Daoguang Dynasty porcelain with the title "Shendetang System" in red should be the imperial porcelain of Emperor Daoguang.

The Qianlong dynasty style has the most fonts and the most writing arrangements, and the fonts of the official and private kilns are easy to confuse.

Shende Hall is the place where Emperor Daoguang studied, and later became the place where Emperor Daoguang handled government affairs.

During the Daoguang period, there were hall names such as "Tuisi Tangzhi" and "Shanjiezhu Master Manufacture", etc., most of which are high-quality goods.

From the font analysis, the Yongzheng inscription was inscribed by a special person, so the fonts on all kinds of porcelain are roughly the same.

However, there are less than [-] works handed down from Ru kiln, so they are very precious.

The Ding kiln needs to be specially selected first, because it is one of the "Five Famous Kilns" in the Song Dynasty, and it is also a folk kiln.

The first two horizontal lines of the year character are shorter, the third horizontal line is longer, and they are close to each other, and the vertical line is longer.

On the enamel colored ware, the book "Kangxi Imperial System" is written in four-character regular script.

The kiln sites are distributed in Cijian, Yanchuan and Lingshan villages and towns in Quyang County, Hebei Province. This place belonged to Dingzhou in Tang Dynasty, so it is called Ding Kiln.

Most of the official kiln inscriptions are "Kangxi Years of the Great Qing Dynasty" six-character two-line or three-line blue and white regular script, and there are a small amount of seal script in the late period.

There are also a small amount of regular script.Red smudges are common on pastels.Individual utensils are engraved.

Qianlong folk kiln inscriptions are also very rich in form, and the size of hall name inscriptions and monogram inscriptions is roughly the same as that of Zheng Dynasty, so it is difficult to identify them.

On utensils such as tea powder and furnace uniform glaze, there are six-character inscriptions.

On special utensils such as white porcelain, tea powder, and coral red, the six-character and three-line inscription "Qianlong Years of the Great Qing Dynasty" is often engraved.

General folk kiln wares are complex and diverse, such as Ganoderma lucidum, incense burner, tuanhua, square, dried tofu, four flowers, etc.

"Yongzheng Year System" four-character seal script inscriptions are mainly used on utensils such as imitation jun, furnace jun and tea powder.

This is the imperial kiln porcelain of the past dynasties, and we are talking about the official kiln of the Northern Song Dynasty.

Such as "Zhengyi Bookstore", "Baiyi Mountain House", "Danning Hall", "Wangyin Pavilion" and so on.

Generally speaking, official money is finer, more beautiful, finer and smoother than private money.

There are single circle, double circle, double square frame and so on on the outside of the letter.

"Yongzheng Nianzhi" or "Yongzheng Yuzhi" four-character regular script stacking material is only used for enamel colored porcelain.

Most of them are very sloppy, and some only write half of the characters and save strokes, which are called cursive notes, so they are very difficult to recognize.

Ru kiln is an official kiln established during the reign of Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty in the late Northern Song Dynasty, less than 20 years ago.

There are also idle chapters such as "Article Shandou".

The Ding Kiln was first built in the Tang Dynasty, flourished in the Northern Song Dynasty, and finally in the Yuan Dynasty. The firing time was nearly [-] years.

In the early stage of regular script, there were three lines and double circles, and in the later period, it was double lines and double circles or double frames.

Most of the folk kiln models are relatively rough and sloppy, and there are also imitation Xuande and Chenghua models.

It should be noted here that it is the first time that the Qianlong Dynasty has a draft inscription.

Yongzheng official kiln models are mainly "Yongzheng Year System of the Great Qing Dynasty" six-character two-line regular script blue and white double-circle models, and there are also double-frame models.

Hall names such as "Xingyouhengtang", "Jiayintangzhi" and "Zhibentang" are common.

In the early stage, it was common to record the years of stems and branches, such as "Kangxi Xinhai Zhonghetang System" and so on.

In the Song porcelain kiln field, the five famous kilns are the first to be promoted, namely Ru, Guan, Jun, Ge, and Ding.

Among folk kiln wares, there are six-character seal character square inscriptions, and there are also four-character inscriptions "Jiaqing Year System".

Ding kiln mainly burns white porcelain, which is fine, thin and shiny, and the glaze color is as moist as jade.

Most of the Yongzheng small road folk kiln wares are of various hall names.

Secondly, it is the three-line six-character seal script that is mostly used on monochromatic glazed porcelain.

For example: the four dots of Xi character are mostly straight dots or smooth dots, less reverse dots.

For example, a pen, silver ingot, and wishful combination are must (pen), fixed (ingot), wishful and so on.

Private funds such as "Xinglin Spring Banquet", "Beiqingtang", "Yiyoutang", "Ruoshen Collection" and so on.

Black glaze and sauce glaze are called "Heiding" and "Ziding", which are also unique, exquisitely made and elegant in shape.

There are also six-character or four-character dating inscriptions on folk kiln wares, which are generally not very regular, and inscriptions with hundreds of knots began to appear.

Most of the entrusted money imitating the previous dynasty are imitating the Jiajing money.

In Xianfeng and subsequent Tongzhi, Guangxu, and Xuantong dynasties, the style of inscriptions in regular script re-emerged.

The inscriptions are generally written in blue and white, but there are also inscriptions in red.

Such as autumn leaves, horns, jue, fangsheng, miscellaneous treasures, and allegorical patterns.

Jiaqing official kiln wares generally use the "Jiaqing Annual System of the Great Qing Dynasty" three-line six-character seal script, mainly blue and white, without frames.

During the Guangxu period, there were many false entrustments, usually "Kangxi Annual System" or "Ruoshen Collection".

There were not many seal script inscriptions in this period, among which the official kilns with inscriptions "Dayazhai", "Tiandi Family Spring", "Changchun Tongqing" and "Yongqing Changchun" in the Guangxu period are the most exquisite.

During this period, bats, peaches and other inscriptions appeared.

On some pastel enamel wares, there are occasional "Daoguang year system" four-character red ground with golden seal script inscriptions.

Most of the folk kiln models are not customized and have many forms. During the Tongzhi period, there were mostly "Tongzhi year system" four-character seal seal stamps and red-painted models.

During this period, most of the six-character double-line or six-character three-line "Great Qing ×× year system" models.

Daoguang official kiln wares are generally made of "Daqing Daoguang Year System" six-character three-line seal script blue and white, and there are also red and gold models.

Chen Wenzhe has seen a pair of Kangxi blue and white cups, inscribed as "Made in the Ding Wei Year of the Great Qing Dynasty", which is porcelain made in the sixth year of Kangxi.

This Ru kiln porcelain Chen Wenzhe has already imitated many, so I won't say much here.

The fonts in the later period are delicate and elegant, and there are also subtle differences in the specific writing methods.

Its font is wide in the early stage, the strokes are thick and straight, and the strokes are obvious.

The output of porcelain in the Qianlong Dynasty was huge, and the most frequently used official kiln inscriptions were the three-line and six-character seal script inscriptions "Made in the Qianlong Year of the Qing Dynasty".

The inscriptions of Kangxi folk kilns are more diverse, with pictures and inscriptions.

There are various patterns, including scratches carved with knives, embroidery made with needles, "bamboo silk brush pattern" and "tear trace pattern" made by special techniques.

Among the unearthed Ding kiln porcelain pieces, words such as "official" and "Shangshi Bureau" were found engraved.

This shows that part of the products of the Ding kiln were fired for the government and the palace.

As mentioned before, Jun kiln is divided into official Jun kiln and Min Jun kiln.

(End of this chapter)

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