My system is not decent

Chapter 165 Can't ordinary people see it?

Chapter 165 Can't Most People See It? (Guaranteed 1, please subscribe)

Chen Wenzhe was not polite either, and charged two pieces of gold appraisal fee, two hundred.

Another invoice of [-] was issued, which was the fee for authenticating calligraphy and painting.

Don't think it's expensive, this is the rule, if you think it's expensive, you don't need to have an appraisal, if you choose to sell it directly to Chen Wenzhe, he will naturally not charge an appraisal fee.

However, if this is the case, the situation of picking up leaks and punching holes will appear.

In fact, this is a matter of reluctance. If you are not willing to pay the appraisal fee, if you don't trust the appraiser, or if you simply find an unreliable appraiser, you may lose your treasure.

I don't know whether these aunts went to the doctor in a hurry, or they trusted Chen Wenzhe because of the identification of a few gold jewelry. Anyway, they paid the money very happily.

After receiving the money, Chen Wenzhe naturally would not neglect it.

This time, after he picked up the scroll, he didn't open it on the tea table, but put it on the desk.

Although he has not specifically studied calligraphy and painting appraisal, but by analogy, he really knows a lot about calligraphy and painting.

Not to mention other things, just a master-level depiction and painting, let his understanding of calligraphy and painting far exceed that of some ordinary experts.

Open slowly, the size is not big, it is a picture, and it is a picture of Baifu, or a picture of Baifu, that is, a hundred words of blessing are written on a piece of paper.

I looked at the author, Tie Bao, and there are two seals.

Tie Bao, a native of Zhenghuang Banner in Manzhou, was a Jinshi in the thirty-seventh year of Qianlong, an official to the Minister of the Ministry of Officials and the governor of Liangjiang.

The source of his books imitates Yan Zhenqing, who specializes in cursive script. Wang Xizhi, Huai Su, Liu Yong, and Weng Fanggang are the best in cursive script. He also likes to draw plums and has written plum box poems.

Tie Bao is well-known in the government and the public for his articles and calligraphy. He is the president of "Eight Banners Tongzhi", compiled the poems and essays of bannermen into "Baishan Poetry Introduction" 134 volumes, and compiled his own works into "The Complete Works of Weiqingzhai".

In addition, Tiebao was the most famous calligrapher among the Manchus.

The one in Chen Wenzhe's hand is relatively simple, whether it is the signature, seal or writing, it is relatively simple and can be said to be clear at a glance.

These aunts also entered by mistake, so they found the right person, at least Chen Wenzhe would not pretend to know and lie.

Seeing this painting, Chen Wenzhe knew it must be genuine.

Words are like people, what is said is the charm in the words.

Whoever writes what kind of characters, imitating, will definitely not be able to imitate this kind of charm, and among porcelain making, handwriting is also the most difficult to imitate.

Especially for some people with status, their long-term high-ranking life has allowed them to develop a unique temperament. Among other things, they are self-confident, which is difficult for ordinary people to imitate.

Just like Tie Bao's handwriting, there is a kind of confidence in it, which makes him write very fluently, and it is difficult to imitate so fluently.

Therefore, Chen Wenzhe was very happy to see such a picture of Baifu in Tiebao.

Such a painting, if it is real, can definitely sell for a high price.

Especially when you go to the capital, some people there still have the Eight Banners in their mouths. As long as there is such a picture of Baifu, the price will definitely not be lowered.

"Is it true?" Chen Wenzhe just straightened up when the aunt asked anxiously.

"The handwriting is good, and there are no other problems, but it is slightly blurred, or the handwriting is not clear. If there is a problem, it is just such a problem, and everything else is correct."

Taking off the gloves, Chen Wenzhe was a little puzzled. After entering the antique shop, everything looked fake to him.

It is not easy to distinguish the false from the true.

For this painting, he searched and searched, but he didn't find any major flaws.

Whether it is paper quality, scroll, mounting, handwriting, signature, seal, there is no problem.

The only problem is that what he said just now, the handwriting is a bit unclear, or the traces are relatively light?

At this time, Chen Wenzhe suddenly remembered that there is another method of counterfeiting in the antique shop, that is, uncovering paintings. Didn't we just come across one today?

Looking closely again, sure enough, the words didn't go deep into the inner layer, which seemed a bit vain.

Having doubts, Chen Wenzhe carefully opened the scroll, opened the painting a little bit, and exposed a little of the heart of the painting, so as to compare the quality of the inner layer of paper, the result came out, this is a work of secondary mounting.

It's almost confirmed, this is a revealing painting, and it's not the first and second ones, it's definitely on the level of the third one, otherwise he wouldn't be able to easily see something wrong.

The ancients used special paper for painting. Generally, this kind of paper for painting was made with several layers of pulp when it was manufactured.

There are many benefits to this, the most important being to prevent staining.

For calligraphy and painting works, the most feared thing is ink staining, and the more layers of paper, the easier it is to absorb water.

Therefore, for ancient paintings, if the upper layer is removed and the second layer is stained with pen and ink, there will still be an identical calligraphy and painting.

This piece of work was handled very well, at least at the beginning, Chen Wenzhe didn't see any problems.

This kind of work is not a master in the field, and absolutely dare not do it.

And as long as you move your hands, it is difficult for ordinary people to see it.

"You bought this?" Chen Wenzhe straightened up, not knowing what to say.

"No, someone mortgaged it to me, and the price is not cheap."

Aunt's complexion has become bad. At the beginning, Chen Wenzhe's performance made her a little happy, but later, it was obvious that there was a problem again!

Chen Wenzhe felt even more helpless, this kind of thing seems to happen often in the antique shop.

"It must have been tricked, right?"

"Auntie, can you tell me how much I got?"

"Not much, but it's not too little either. One line of characters is worth [-] yuan!"

Chen Wenzhe was swallowing, and almost choked when he heard it.

"How much? Ten thousand?"

Is this still expensive?Do you have any misunderstandings about ancient calligraphy and painting?
"Is it low? Or is it high?"

"Hey, no more, no less. It's just right. Your friend probably didn't want to lie to you. Maybe he thought he paid you back. If this thing is real, it's worth at least [-], and it can sell for [-] now."

"Isn't it really so expensive?"

The aunt looked puzzled, can a fake one sell for [-]?
"It's true. How should I put it? Have you ever heard of Jiehua? It is to peel off an authentic painting layer by layer and turn it into two, or even three, or four. Yours should be like this. of."

"That's why the handwriting looks so blurry?"

"Yes, at first I thought it was an authentic work, but when it came to the blurred handwriting, I suddenly thought of the matter of exposing the painting. Not everyone can do it by peeling off three or four layers of a thin rice paper, and This painting is indeed from the original work, if you are not in a hurry to spend money, just keep it for collection.”

Aunt laughed, money is not important, things are not important, what is important is the friendship it represents.

As long as his friend didn't lie to her, it was better than anything else.

"This kind of deceitful means, ordinary people can't see it?"

(End of this chapter)

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