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Chapter 1658 The official ancient kiln has become heavy red, the most difficult thing for Fei Liangg

Chapter 1658 The official ancient kiln has become heavy red, the most difficult thing for Fei Lianggong in the United States
I feel that Li Jinli's vision has improved recently, so Chen Wenzhe paid a little more attention to the various antiques that Li Jinli sent over in the past two months.

Looking at those bottomed ones, reburned ones, and removing those high imitations, Chen Wenzhe really picked out a few more interesting works.

With the addition of that red plate, the value of these porcelains is not low.

Looking at the copper-red glazed plate again, I saw that it was open, with curved walls and round feet.

The shape is regular, the disc shape is regular, the carcass is hard and fine, and the shape is beautiful.

Both the inner and outer walls of the vessel are glazed with red glaze, and a line of "Dengcao mouth" is left on the edge of the mouth, which is in sharp contrast.

The glaze color is deep and even, the red glaze is black and red, the enamel is bright, and the glaze surface is shiny.

White glaze is applied to the bottom of the vessel, and the six-character double-line blue and white regular script double-circle inscription "Kangxi Years of the Great Qing Dynasty" is written.

Jihong glaze was successfully fired during the Yongle and Xuande years, but due to the complicated production, huge cost and extremely low yield, it was abandoned.

During the Kangxi period, the firing technique of Jihong glaze was successfully revived, but this technique required financial resources, so ordinary people could not burn such a good plate.

Not to mention anything else, it's just that Chen Wenzhe knows that there are quite a few whose prices exceed one million.

It is not easy to burn pure Jihong.

This must first be understood, after all, too many people have not seen or seen too few real things.

There is actually a reason for this, because Jihong glaze is a high-temperature glaze, and the firing technology requirements are too high.

This is a ruby ​​red glazed bowl chanting the Xuande period of the Ming Dynasty, which shows his love for bright red glazed porcelain.

Especially the Yongzheng official kiln in the Qing Dynasty, under the strict system, the firing technology was mature.

In order to ensure the royal monopoly on Jihong glazed porcelain, even if the Jihong glazed porcelain produced by the imperial kiln factory is broken or flawed, it will be smashed and buried deeply, and the red pieces must not flow into the folk.

Therefore, even the Jihong glazed porcelain of the Qing Dynasty was very expensive.

Anyone who plays collections has heard a saying, that is, the so-called old utensils are as new as they are.

You must know that Jihong glaze has never been a simple glaze color. This kind of single-color glazed porcelain has always been synonymous with expensive.

Therefore, the sacrificial red glazes of the Yong and Qian dynasties of the Qing Dynasty are the best.

But what can be sold at a high price in the market may not be the real thing.

Only in this way can you continue to learn and improve, otherwise you will become a catcher again!
At the beginning, Chen Wenzhe also turned over the mistakes of empiricism. When he saw this kind of plate, he would naturally choose to avoid the pitfalls, that is, he didn't think it was old equipment as new.

This is not something that can be explained clearly in a few sentences, it can only be felt by watching more, researching more, and pondering more!
People who play collectibles want to cash in, and there is nothing wrong with that.

It is a pity that after Qianlong in Qing Dynasty, the firing of Jihong glaze was lost again.

However, when he got serious, he was able to quickly discover that this was a treasure that was as old as new.

In particular, it is greatly affected by the atmosphere in the kiln, and it is extremely rare to produce a pure and uniform color.

Whether it is a high imitation or a fine imitation, or even a so-called copy of the original product, it will still have its characteristics, and these characteristics are new!

Chen Wenzhe knew that the price of Jihong glazed porcelain from the three dynasties was usually 500 million, and many of them exceeded [-] million.

Qianlong also wrote a poem: "When the rain is over, the clouds are greedy and the tail is drooping, and the lone duck is flying in the setting sun. The mud is clear, the iron is dyed with red sand. This bowl of pottery is as good as it is."

In addition, this plate is well preserved, and it looks like a new product that has just come out of the kiln. Naturally, no one would think that it is a genuine product.

It's a pity that many people don't necessarily need to understand the origin of this sentence!
The so-called old utensils look like new is formed by a specific environment.

The sacrificial red glazed porcelain was first created in the Yongle and Xuande years of the Ming Dynasty. It was created by JDZ.

Because the production atmosphere of sacrificial red glaze is not easy to control, the production is complicated, and the cost is huge, but the yield is extremely low, so it is more precious.

For example, the Kangxi Ji red glazed olive vase in the Qing Dynasty was only 280 centimeters high, and its transaction price reached [-] million.

During the Yongle Xuande period of the Ming Dynasty, Jihong reached its artistic peak, but it was lost at the end of the Ming Dynasty.

Jihong represents the supreme imperial power and strict hierarchy. All of them are fired by imperial kilns, and are not allowed to be produced by civilian kilns.

For example, the daily-use porcelain and sacrificial porcelain fired by the Jingzhen Imperial Kiln Factory especially for the palace have never been unpacked.

Chen Wenzhe is very clear that when preparing this kind of red glaze in ancient times, precious things such as gold, coral, agate, jade, etc. were often ground into powder and mixed into it.

And as long as this is one thing, he should be able to get his money back and make a fortune.

If this regulation is violated, serious cases may even result in decapitation.

Kangxi Ji red color is thick, not very uniform, and the glaze edge is uneven;
When it is dry and dry, the color is stable, and the glaze surface has orange peel and brown eyes;

And even though it has been manually processed, the obvious traces of the kiln fire can still be seen!

However, because the production atmosphere of Jihong glaze is not easy to control, the yield rate is relatively low, so it is more precious.

Coupled with the shortage of firing materials, it gradually declined after Xuande, until it was successfully fired again in the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty, and reached its peak again during the Yonggan period.

During the Kangxi and Yongzheng periods of the Qing Dynasty, with the support and participation of the emperor, they did their best to re-burn Jihong.

There are still porcelains from the Kangxi Dynasty in the Qing Dynasty that have never been unpacked in the Forbidden City.

This time Li Jinli made a fortune. He must have spent a lot of money on the many imitations he bought before.

The edge glaze is neat and devitrified, so the red-glazed porcelain of Yongzheng and Qianlong is more expensive.

It can be said that every time this kind of porcelain is fired, no expense is spared.

In the "JDZ Pottery Song" written by Gong Yu in the Qing Dynasty, it was described: "The official ancient kilns are heavy and red, and the most difficult thing is to spend a good job in the United States. Frost and sunny paintings are carefully combined, and the same firing is different."

At that time, it had the reputation of "one vessel in a thousand kilns, one in a thousand", and its reputation was far higher than that of many red glazes in Yuan and Ming Dynasties.

In the following dynasties, the firing continued, but the quality did not reach the level of the previous generation.

When you disassemble such porcelain, you will find that after more than 200 years, these porcelains are still the same as the new ones, because there is no trace of use!
The so-called old utensils that can be seen in the market are like new, and more are newly made things.

Most of the people who go to the museum are looking at the flowers on horseback, and only a few people will seek answers with questions!
Therefore, for the concept of old utensils as new, you must first understand it, and then look at the so-called "collection" of old utensils that you get in your hands with many questions.

At this time, there were many good red-glazed utensils for display and appreciation, such as plates, bowls, jade pots and spring vases, and there were very few small utensils with unique shapes.

"JDZ Pottery Song" in the mid-Qing Dynasty has the saying that "the official ancient kiln has become a heavy red, and it is the most difficult to use Fei Lianggong in the United States".

This record is particularly prominent in the chapter "Cutter Making Blanks" in "Tao Ye Atlas", which was painted around the third year of Qianlong's reign.

There are more than ten kinds of Jihong glazed porcelain placed in front of the blank room, which shows the prosperity of firing at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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