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Chapter 1673 "Liu" connects the world

Chapter 1673 "Liu" connects the world

Chen Wenzhe took a boat for the first time before, when he was hunting for treasure on the Yangtze River, the luxury goods on that cruise ship were actually glass products of some foreign brands, can this be tolerated?

Even if it is purely to support a domestic luxury glass brand, Chen Wenzhe needs to work hard.

And Boshan colored glaze technology should be a good entry point.

If you really make glazed products, not to mention copying some ancient handicrafts, just some modern works are enough.

For example, the jade pot spring bottle with chicken oil yellow, and the chime bells imitating the Han Dynasty with chicken oil yellow, are these not innovations?
There are many other colored glazes, such as lifelike lamp work scenes, colorful glazed flower balls, poetic and meaningful glazed inner paintings, superb nesting carvings...

The "royal furnace" was fired, and the "royal craftsman" was busy. This time, Chen Wenzhe really inherited the skills of the heirs of the royal kiln.

The old man who taught him the skills indirectly was actually a descendant of the Sun and Yan families in Boshan.

You must know that these two families were very famous in Boshan back then, because their families have made glazed products for the royal family since the Ming Dynasty.

Boshan District of Zishi City is the hometown of colored glaze, with profound accumulation in natural resources, historical factors, cultural background, etc., and it is an important production center of colored glaze.

There are many types of Boshan colored glaze, and the craftsmanship is exquisite. It has led the main direction of the development of colored glaze in my country for hundreds of years.

This time, Chen Wenzhe carefully sorted out the glass firing process obtained, and felt that the variety of its production was not necessarily much less than that of porcelain.

Even many porcelains can be replaced by colored glaze.

There are also many crafts on porcelain that can also be used on colored glaze.

It was also this time that Chen Wenzhe discovered that the colored glaze was fired very early, which was beyond his expectation.

When the production of Boshan colored glaze originated, due to the limitation of historical materials and real objects, it is difficult to determine.

In the 20s, Boshan excavated the earliest surviving ancient glazed kiln site in my country - the glazed workshop site in the late Yuan and early Ming Dynasties.

Therefore, in a general sense, the origin of Boshan Liuli is set at the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty.

Archaeological experts also pointed out that the scale of the workshop site is huge, and the unearthed artifacts are extremely mature in terms of shape and technical means.

Based on this inference, the origin of Boshan colored glaze may be earlier.

In the book "Ancient Chinese Beads", Zhu Xiaoli reached the following conclusions through extensive collection and research.

At least since the Southern Song Dynasty, my country's Boshan glazed beads and Yinsan's beads have equally divided the Philippine bead market.

This shows that in the Southern Song Dynasty or earlier, colored glaze had already been produced in Boshan area, and it had formed a certain scale.

During the Hongwu period of the Ming Dynasty, the production of Boshan colored glaze had reached a relatively large scale.

At this time, Boshan has become the national glaze production and sales center, and the glazed vessels produced have been exported to the whole country and all over the world.

In the early years of Hongwu, the imperial supervisor set up an autocratic "tribute" glazed workshop in Boshan, led by Sun Kerang.

According to "History of the Ming Dynasty", there was an "inner supervisor" in the Ming court, which was one of the "24 eunuchs' yamen" in the palace.

At that time, Dong Qiyue used to build the country, and the copper, tin, wood, and iron utensils used by the imperial court were taken daily.

Moreover, there are "many external factories, each with admirals, factory managers and other officials."

The Sun family of Yanshan is the earliest family in the Boshan colored glaze industry to join the family of craftsmen and become "royal artisans".

According to the "Preface to Rebuilding the Genealogy of the Sun Clan in Yanshan Mountain": "My family origin is Zaoqiang. In the third year of Hongwu, the first ancestor Kerang moved to the southeast corner of Dongguan, Qingzhou Prefecture, and then moved to Longshui. It used to be Yanshen Town, the Xiaoxiang Township of Yidu. , It is also under the jurisdiction of Boshan County today. The internal officials should supervise the green curtain craftsmen, who are engaged in colored glaze, and make bead lamps and bead curtains for the inner court."

According to the "Miscellaneous Notes of Yanshan Mountain" written by Sun Tingquan, the ninth grandson of Sun Kerang, who was a scholar of the Academy of Secretaries in the second year of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty.

"The furnace seat, Yu's family came from Hongwuduo, and the internal officials supervised Qinglian Shiye. However, the state built the suburban altar and feast hall, and it was in charge of the matter of its roots. . . . Whatever happens, the old world sticks to it.”

Since then, the Sun family, as registered court craftsmen, managed a part of the "shift craftsmen" registered as craftsmen, and provided glazed tributes to the Ming court for 275 years.

During the same period, Boshan Jiang's, Qian's and other families set foot in the colored glaze industry one after another.

They either focus on production or sales, and promote Boshan colored glaze to the whole country.

"Yanshan Miscellaneous Notes" describes that the sales of Boshan colored glaze are "from Yan in the north, Baiyue in the south, Koryo in the east, and Hewai in the west, traveling thousands of miles".

Therefore, Ming Jiajing's "Qingzhou Fuzhi" directly pointed out that "the glazed ware came out of Yanshen Town".

He added, "Mainly made of native horse teeth and purple stones, and fried with yellow dandelion, white lead, and copper-green coke. Beads wear lamps, screens, chess games, tent hooks, and pillow tops. They are smooth and lovely."

"Yidu County Chronicle" also recorded in the 11th year of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty: "The residents of Yanshen Town (Liuli) are good at their abilities. The town's soil is barren and the people are not hungry."

In the early years of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, the Ministry of Internal Affairs set up the Construction Office, which was responsible for handling the construction and procurement of the imperial palace.

Because Emperor Kangxi was very interested in Western glass products, he issued a decree in the 35th year of Kangxi to build and set up a glass factory.

It mainly produces glass snuff bottles, bottles, bowls, slag hoppers and other utensils.

At first, the artisans in glass factories were all filled by Westerners.

Later, except for a few foreigners, they were recruited mainly from Boshan.

Most of the glass strips used are also produced in Boshan.

Boshan's glass furnaces are known as "Royal Furnaces", while Boshan's craftsmen are called "Royal Craftsmen".

The First Historical Archives of China, where there are historical materials such as "Clear Files of Works Made by the Building Office of the Hall of Mental Cultivation of the House of Internal Affairs of the Qing Dynasty", and the "Ministry of Industry for the Counseling of the Dushui Division" in the 22nd year of Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty and other historical materials , both record the situation of Boshan glazed craftsmen making glazed products in the Qing Palace.

These enlisted Boshan glazed artisans were first selected by the government office in the furnace shop to send them to the governor's office, and then the Qilu governor's office was responsible for sending them to the Ministry of Industry and handing them over to the manufacturing office to serve.

These colored glaze craftsmen, while bringing Boshan glazed production techniques to the imperial palace, also brought the imperial palace and foreign glazed production techniques back to Boshan.

The Boshan glazed craftsmen who served in the manufacturing office had to complete the production of various glazed vessels according to the style and quantity specified by the emperor himself.

The glazed wares produced were not only played by the emperor himself, but also rewarded in large quantities to princes, ministers and foreign kings.

At that time, the glazed products of Boshan could be said to be thriving, and the "glaze" was popular all over the world!
Especially since the Jiaqing Dynasty, the national power of the Ming Dynasty has declined, the scenery of Liulichang has gradually lost, and the craftsmanship of Liuli has declined as a whole.

On the contrary, the production of Boshan colored glaze has emerged as a thriving situation with the changes in fashion and market orientation.

During the seven to eighty years before and after Xianfeng, the Boshan glazed industry flourished unprecedentedly.

During this period, the business scope expanded and the types of utensils were diverse.

Such as snuff bottles, cigarette holders, imitation jade ornaments, etc., have been repeatedly innovated to meet market demand.

(End of this chapter)

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