My system is not decent

Chapter 1675 Warring States Glass

Modern society is not an ancient society that is complacent, but a new society where a hundred flowers bloom.

Now, under the sweep of the wave of marketization, today's Boshan colored glaze industry has already undergone a major reshuffle.

A group of individual glazed enterprises emerged as the times require, becoming trendsetters of the times.

They not only took over the bright banner of "Boshan Liuli", but also promoted Boshan Liuli to the world with a wider vision and a higher sense of responsibility.

At present, there are more than 30 Liuli master studios in Boshan.

There are 13 key glaze production enterprises above designated size, such as Aimei Liuli, Jingjing Liuli, Jinxiang Liuli, Xiye Workshop, and Renli Wenchuang.

There are more than 5000 direct employees in the colored glaze industry.

In recent years, the warm spring poverty alleviation drama "Green Water and Green Mountains with Smiling Faces" has become popular all over the country.

While being infected by the story of the protagonist returning home to start a business and working together to build a beautiful hometown, people are also attracted by the brilliance of Boshan colored glaze.

Xiye Workshop, an enterprise with the same name as in the play, has attracted more tourists and customers with its exquisite handicrafts, and has become a well-known online celebrity check-in place.

Today's Boshan colored glaze production has truly entered the era of a hundred flowers blooming. One more Chen Wenzhe, one more Yi Nian Tang, is not a problem at all.

Besides, if Chen Wenzhe sticks to the rules and just copies ancient handicrafts, then he can't compete with modern enterprises that are flourishing with a hundred flowers.

People inherit the craftsmanship of the ancients, constantly innovate and develop new products on the basis of it.

And if Chen Wenzhe only knows how to retro, then why should he compete with those modern large enterprises?

Of course, Chen Wenzhe is not without advantages. His advantage is that he can easily obtain all the top glazed crafts in ancient and modern times.

In particular, he was able to pass on all or complete inheritance of many ancient special crafts.

In this regard, no matter ancient or modern craftsmen, there is no way to compare with him.

The current glass craftsmanship has been developed to a very high level. If Chen Wenzhe's Yi Nian Tang wants to stand out from the encirclement, it will naturally have to innovate on the basis of the old.

Chen Wenzhe's Yi Nian Tang is a new enterprise, and it is definitely not as deep as other glass factories, but he can quickly accumulate this kind of background.

Now that he is interested, Chen Wenzhe will choose to study.

In this way, he doesn't have to hide in Yi Nian Tang factory every day, but goes to some antique markets around Dahai City from time to time.

Now when he visits the antique market, he no longer pursues good antiques, but chooses some old objects with a history that allow him to see useful scenes.

For example, a piece of glazed glass that had been damaged badly during the Warring States Period.

After research, it turned out to be a glass ring!

It was also through this glazed product from the Warring States Period that Chen Wenzhe knew that the types of glazed wares in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods were far more abundant than our modern imagination!
Liuli, also known as "Ruli", is an artificial crystal of various colors.

The colors are produced by various metallic elements, including 24% lead dioxide.

A rare ornament fired at a high temperature of more than 1000 degrees.

Its color is flowing and colorful, and its quality is crystal clear and dazzling.

In ancient my country, the material for making colored glaze was first obtained from the by-products of bronze casting, which was then refined and processed into colored glaze.

There are various colors of colored glaze, and the ancients also called it "five-color stone".

In ancient times, because it was difficult to obtain among the people, people at that time even regarded colored glaze as more precious than jade.

The colored glaze currently on the market is mainly the dewaxed colored glaze represented by the south, and the handmade colored glaze represented by Boshan.

There are relatively well-known teams in the production of colored glaze in China, namely Liuli Studio, Renli Liuli, and Liuyuan.

The beauty of colored glaze is well known in the world, so it has attracted much attention and admiration since ancient times, and even the emperor's love for colored glaze is beyond words.

The Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period were the era when a hundred schools of thought contended. At this time, the birth of colored glaze enriched the lives of the ancients.

The types of colored glaze in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods were very rich, far richer than people imagined.

For example, there are colored glaze bi, glazed ring, colored glaze huang, glazed sword decoration and so on.

These glazed objects are exquisitely made and each has its own artistic characteristics.

Liuli was called "Qi Lin" and "Lu Li" in ancient times, and it was later collectively referred to as "glass".

According to the "Shangshu · Yugong" in the Warring States Period, Qilin originally meant beautiful jade, but the ancients used Qilin to refer to "glass".

The Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period were the source of the development of ancient colored glaze in my country.

The craftsmanship of glazed products unearthed during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods has far surpassed the most primitive glazed products of the Western Zhou Dynasty.

In the Spring and Autumn Period, glass beads and tubes were mostly used as string ornaments with crystal, agate, jade, etc.

At this time, the styles of glazed wares were not too rich. It was not until the middle and late Warring States period that the styles of glazed wares began to gradually increase.

In the ancient tombs of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, many exquisite glazed products were found.

Generally, most of them are found in Chu tombs. In addition to the common colored glaze beads and colored glaze tubes, there are also exciting colored glaze bi, glazed rings, glazed huang, glazed sword ornaments and so on.

In addition, exquisite blue colored glaze was also found on the swords of King Fuchai of Wu and King Goujian of Yue. It can be seen that even the kings couldn't put it down.

Most of the glazed biscuits from the Warring States Period were found in Chu tombs, which shows that the Chu State at that time was an important production area of ​​glazed objects, and there was a tendency to replace jade.

Liulibi is an imitation of jade bi, which was very popular in the late Warring States period.

At this time, the production of glazed biscuits was very regular, and the color was as warm and moist as jade, which demonstrated the high level of the glazed manufacturing industry in the Warring States Period.

The glazed rings of the Warring States period can be said to be a substitute for the jade rings.

At this time, the glazed rings were mostly used as adornments of the ancients.

If you don't observe carefully, the glass ring and the jade ring are almost indistinguishable, which shows the essence of craftsmanship.

There are many colored glaze works in the Warring States period, such as colored glaze rings, walls, etc., and of course colored glaze huang, which are very distinctive.

In fact, colored glaze is similar to porcelain, and it is a kind of craftsmanship for human beings to pursue beautiful jade.

Porcelain wants to be fired with a jade-like texture, and glazed products also have this demand.

Therefore, jade rings, jade bi, jade huang, etc. like jade all appeared one by one.

For example, jade huang is an important jade ritual vessel in ancient times, and glazed huang also appeared in the Warring States period.

At this time, the glazed glazes did not have the function of ritual vessels, and were mostly used as decorations.

There are many perforations on both ends and upper part of Liulihuang, which can be worn with a rope.

It should be an important ornament in the group of jade pendants, similar to Yuheng.

In addition to these ritual vessels, glazed sword ornaments were also produced during the Warring States Period.

The so-called glazed sword ornaments are almost imitated according to the shape of jade sword ornaments.

Glazed jade sword ornaments appeared in the middle of the Warring States Period, and were very popular during the Warring States Period.

There is almost no change in the shapes of glazed sword ornaments and jade sword ornaments, but they can be distinguished in terms of ornamentation.

That is to say, the glazed sword decorations in the Warring States period were mostly grain and cloud patterns, while those in the late Warring States period were mostly animal face patterns, panchi patterns, persimmon stalks, etc.

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