Chapter 1687 Flapping Wings and Flying for 3000 Years
It's a pity that during the war, many treasures in the country were taken away by little devils.

I hope that one day, when the country really develops to that day, we will step on the cherry blossoms together and welcome back all the national treasures.

"Don't be emotional, there are still a lot of good things left in our country. Look, there is a bronze bird here."

Just when Chen Wenzhe was feeling emotional, Cao Qingchun opened a box again, and inside was a simple bronze bird covered with copper rust.

This exhibit is 5 cm long and 5.3 cm high.

The bronze bird has a raised head, protruding round eyes, closed and upturned wings, folded and drooping tail feathers, and a vivid image.

There is nothing to say about this kind of copper bird, because there is no inscription, and it doesn't go out very much.

Bronze birds of the Shang and Zhou dynasties in this shape still exist in China. Chen Wenzhe remembers a bronze bird of the Shang and Zhou dynasties, which is now in the Jinsha Site Museum in Sichuan.

"Your vision is high now. You can't even see the bronze wares from the Zhou Dynasty. Why don't you go and see the large bronze phoenix outside?"

"Large? How big? It won't be the largest in the world, right?"

Chen Wenzhe was joking, and followed Cao Qingchun out.

Sure enough, there was actually a bigger phoenix outside, which was not moved into the studio.

"Don't be too concerned, this one should be a replica. Although the real one is in China, it's a pity I can't buy it!"

Seeing Cao Qingchun's regretful expression, Chen Wenzhe burst out laughing.

Of course he knows where the real body of this phoenix bird is. It has been flying for 3000 years, the largest bronze phoenix bird, as long as it is an insider, who would not know it?

There is an ancient saying that good birds choose trees to live in. There has been a saying in my country that "the dragon and the phoenix bring good luck" since ancient times.

Together with the dragon, the phoenix is ​​known as a symbol of dignity and auspiciousness.

Now there is a 3000-year-old "Shenfeng" returning to the motherland.

This "divine phoenix" is a bronze ware of the early Western Zhou Dynasty more than 3000 years ago-the Phoenix Bird Zun.

The overall shape of this bronze ware is a phoenix bird, which has a different meaning.

What kind of dynasty was the Western Zhou Dynasty?Historians agree that this was the heyday of my country's ancient society, and the Huaxia nationality gradually merged and formed, becoming the predecessor of the Han nationality.

This is a dynasty with a definite history. In 841 B.C., when the Chinese rioted, the history of China entered an era of complete faith in history.

3000 years ago, our ancestors especially admired the phoenix bird, and businessmen took it as a totem, so there is a saying that "the black bird produces business".

Zhou people regard it as the patron saint of the nation.

According to records, the ancestors of the Zhou people were named Qi.

It is considered a bad omen for an abandoned mother to step on the footprint of a giant to conceive and give birth, and people decide to throw the child away.

However, throwing it on the side of the road, cows and horses bypass it without stepping on it;

Throwing it into the forest, the originally silent forest suddenly became more crowded;
Finally, the child was thrown on the ice to freeze him to death. Suddenly, a group of phoenix birds flew from the sky, and they used their wings to warm the child.

People thought the child was supernatural, so they decided to bring him up.

When Qi grew up, he became an agricultural official of Yao and Shun, teaching the people how to farm.

From this point of view, without Feng, there would be no Zhou people.

It is precisely because of the reverence for the phoenix and the auspicious meaning of the phoenix that a large number of phoenix and bird patterns were decorated on the bronze wares of the Shang and Zhou dynasties.

However, for unknown reasons, three-dimensional bronze statues reflecting the image of phoenix birds are very rare.

In the past, the most famous ones were the two Western Zhou phoenix statues from the Ugly Kingdom of Tibet.

However, they are only more than ten centimeters high, more than delicate but not bold enough.

And this Western Zhou Dynasty Fengniao Zun is nearly half a meter high, allowing people to fully understand the highest level of Shang Zhou Fengniao Zun for the first time.

Of course, we can also deeply understand the respect and love of the Shang and Zhou people for Feng.

The life experience of this phoenix bird statue is a mystery, and it was discovered by accident.

This great bronze statue was originally wandering overseas, and when it was lost overseas is now unknown.

The person who originally collected the Phoenix Bird Zun overseas is still unwilling to disclose the origin of the Great Zun.

The curator of the Poly Art Museum, who had personally collected this treasure, lamented that the return of this treasure to my country was purely accidental.

A person who has been engaged in the collection of cultural relics for many years told the Poly Art Museum that he heard that someone overseas collected a bronze phoenix statue from the Shang and Zhou Dynasties.

But this person does not know what this cultural relic looks like and who owns it.

The experts from the Poly Art Museum couldn't believe it when they heard the news.

Because there are dozens of bird and animal-shaped bronze statues handed down from the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, and most of them are animal-shaped statues, and there are very few bird-shaped statues. .

But the people of the Poly Museum were afraid of missing a precious cultural relic, so they asked people to inquire around overseas.

After more than half a year of inquiries, the collector was finally found, but the collector refused to show up.

Finally, after repeated persuasion by the intermediary, the collector finally agreed to transport the Zun to an antique shop in Xiangjiang, and the antique shop would act as an intermediary to negotiate with Poly.

Unexpectedly, after the appraisal by experts in the past, they were all surprised, because it was a complete Fengniao Zun with no damage.

Such a bronze ware directly amazed everyone.

At that time, the owner of the antique shop did not agree to let Poly take it back to the mainland for inspection before payment.

The experts spent a lot of time, and finally persuaded the shop owner to welcome back to the mainland for appraisal with Poly's world-recognized reputation and sincerity that the national treasure should eventually return to the motherland.

Professor Ma Chengyuan, former director of the Maritime Museum, Professor Li Xueqin, chief scientist of the Xia, Shang and Zhou Dating Project, and Professor Zhu Fenghan, deputy director of the Huaxia National Museum, and other authorities in the supervision and research of bronze wares in my country, made back-to-back independent appraisals and finally determined them to be genuine.

What surprised the experts even more was that when the bronze phoenix was about to be repaired, the treasure was not damaged at all!

The final verdict of historiography and bronze authority is: "It is unanimously believed that it is huge in shape, extraordinary in momentum, and unique in shape, which has never been seen before. It is the most wonderful Shang and Zhou bronze bird statue in the world. It is an extremely rare art treasure. It is a well-deserved national treasure.”

Times have changed, the world has changed, how many splendid cultures have gradually dissipated in the passage of time, and how many national treasures and cultural relics have been exiled and damaged.

How lucky and precious is every national treasure and cultural relic in the world!
There are still quite a few bronze ritual vessels like this one owned by the nobles of the Western Zhou Dynasty in China.

Such as the god face you (you), the earliest cultural relic in my country that records Yu and the rule of virtue, the Suigong (xu), and the top wine vessel of the Western Zhou Dynasty, the Jifengniao Zun.

These are national treasure-level bronze wares, such as Shenmian You, which are bronze ritual vessels owned by nobles in the Western Zhou Dynasty 3000 years ago.

It is unique in content and exquisite in craftsmanship, and is considered one of the few works with the highest artistic value among the surviving bronze wares.

Suigong 盨 is a piece of tableware in the middle of the Western Zhou Dynasty about 2900 years ago.

It is the earliest known cultural relic in my country that records Dayu's water control and rule of virtue, and belongs to the national first-class cultural relic.

(End of this chapter)

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