My system is not decent

Chapter 170 All the secrets of "Qing"

Chapter 170 All the Secrets of "Green" (100 Monthly Ticket Plus Updates)

Zijin soil, also known as "Purple Gold Stone", is named for its purple color and is a clay with a high iron content.

Iron-containing soil block raw materials have different amounts of impurities due to different impurities, so the appearance is earthy yellow, earthy red, dark red and other colors.

Zijin soil is the raw material for preparing high-temperature glaze colors such as pink green, plum green, holly, Geyao glaze, purple gold, and tea powder.

It must be crushed, sieved and washed before use.

It can be said that if you leave Zijintu, don't talk about Longquan porcelain.

The purple gold soil contains all the secrets of the "green" of celadon.

The reason why the official kilns of the Southern Song Dynasty showed the characteristics of "purple mouth and iron feet" is because of the use of purple gold soil.

Moreover, purple gold soil is also an important raw material for preparing high-temperature glazes.

Put Zijin soil into the porcelain body, and the aluminum oxide contained in Zijin soil can make the porcelain body sintered at a temperature of 1260°C without significant deformation.

The carcass will also show different colors depending on the iron content in the purple gold soil.

The higher the iron content, the darker the tire color, and the iron content in Geyao iron tires can even reach 10%.

If the iron content is controlled at about 2%, the carcass will appear off-white or even white.

The purple gold soil is used as a coloring agent in the glaze, and the iron contained in the purple gold soil can also change the glaze color.

When the iron content of the carcass is constant, the glaze color will deepen with the increase of the iron content.

So there are moon white, pink green, plum green, etc., with different glaze colors.

In addition, the alkaline components in purple gold soil can also reduce the fluidity of glaze, making it possible to fire thick glazed celadon.

Zijin soil is also widely used in the decorative techniques of celadon, such as the exposed body decoration.

The exposed body decoration is a unique decoration method in celadon.

Because the carcass contains powdered purple gold soil, the exposed carcass will appear cinnabar red or reddish brown during the firing process, forming a contrast with the green glaze color, thus presenting a unique aesthetic effect.

In addition to the exposed tire decoration, there is also the fetal color decoration, which is different from the exposed tire decoration. The fetal color decoration is not actually the original color of the carcass, but the carcass is painted with purple gold soil to increase the contrast between the fetal color and the glaze color. Make the work more colorful.

The last one is brown color decoration, which uses purple gold soil as pigment, point color or painted decoration.

During the high-temperature firing process, purple gold soil flows in the green glaze, forming a diffuse effect like ink.

However, this kind of uncontrollable factor requires a lot of experience to play well.

Chen Wenzhe knows the firing process, but he doesn't know how to use the purple gold soil and how to mix the glaze.

He knows the general routine, but he is not sure of the specific effect.

This is the accumulation of experience. What he has accumulated now is only basic production skills, but he has not really studied the production of Longquan Kiln in depth.

At this time, Chen Wenzhe really wanted to find a fine Longquan kiln from the Southern Song Dynasty to use for an independent inheritance.

If he was really allowed to complete such an independent inheritance, he would have everything he wanted.

It's a pity that the antiques of the Longquan Kiln in the Southern Song Dynasty are not so easy to come by.

For this point, we must find a way in the Dahai City Museum, and we must rely on Professor Tao, or there will be no door at all.

It's useless to think about it now, Chen Wenzhe settled down and made a small bowl first.

Chen Wenzhe plans to make a small bowl of plain powder and green, such a small bowl, as long as the mud is mixed, an embryo can be easily pressed out.

He is a professional in mud practice, and he will finish it quickly.

Embryo pressing is also very simple, one at a time, and a row of seven or eight are quickly produced.

After a while, the body of the vessel is slightly dry, and then it can be glazed.

However, before glazing, he still needs sharp embryos, because one of the characteristics of Longquan celadon is its thin body and thick glaze.

The thinner the body, the thicker the glaze, and the more crystal clear and jade-like it will be when it is fired.

In this way, the pressed embryos must be sharpened, and only in this way can the embryos of the small bowl be made thinner.

After pressing the embryo, there is actually nothing to do during the drying process.

Chen Xingchen was fiddling with those broken porcelain pieces, and Chen Wenzhe didn't want to do such a boring thing, so he looked at his attribute list, wanting to be perfect.

He is a master in practicing mud, drawing embryos, engraving, painting, glazing, and kiln firing.

Emboss is printing, it is not needed now, if it is not possible, it can be replaced by engraving.

Ke Liembo is an unavoidable weakness.

Originally, I wanted to challenge the master, but now it seems that I should upgrade the embryonic technology first!

Just do it when you think of it, Chen Wenzhe spent [-] achievement points to upgrade the embryonic technology.

This time the upgrade is relatively simple, mainly about the feel and control.

As long as the hand feels good and the control is strong, it is really not difficult to sharpen the embryo and cut the mud.

This kind of inheritance inherits experience, and Chen Wenzhe has digested this inheritance in just one time.

This time it was the shortest inheritance, which was beyond his expectation.

After accepting the inheritance, the embryos still need to be dried. If there is no work to do, they can only choose porcelain pieces.

With Chen Wenzhe's help, the workbench was soon covered with broken porcelain.

These really can't be pieced together, even if the two pieces are combined, they can't be connected together.

Needless to say, the museum's restoration masters must have passed the sidelines and were able to piece it together. They must have left it to restore it by themselves.

"There is no way. If we want to complete the repair, we can only make do. We can't restore each piece into a complete piece of porcelain!"

Soon, Chen Xingchen was desperate.

"I'm afraid that's what the museum thinks. The work of the two of us is a hundred bowls!"

One hundred pieces of broken porcelain were neatly arranged. Starting from the first piece, they were constantly compared with the next ninety-nine pieces, but none of them could be connected together.

Then the second piece, the third piece, and one hundred pieces were all compared with the other ninety-nine pieces, and the two of them became sober.

Don't think about good things, it's better to treat each piece of porcelain as a remnant.

"Firing a hundred bowls, if we follow your method of repairing that ear bottle, we will have to fire it a hundred times." Chen Xingchen was a little worried.

"It's going to be displayed publicly on May [-]st, and it's already mid-February now." Chen Wenzhe said.

Chen Xingchen looked sad. For the next two months, is he going to stay up late every day?
Chen Wenzhe didn't care about Chen Xingchen, the embryos he made should be able to benefit the embryos.

After taking a small bowl, I feel that it is already very thin, but it is still not as good as Longquan Kiln.

Carefully put it on the potter's wheel, and Chen Wenzhe took a scraper.

Turning the potter's wheel, the tray rotated rapidly, and he carefully touched the embryo with a scraper.

Chen Wenzhe was sticking to the rapidly rotating small bowl with one hand, and controlling the scraper with the other.

The scraper moved up and down, and his other hand also moved up and down, feeling the thickness of the embryo.

(End of this chapter)

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