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Chapter 1706 Complete set of chimes

Tao Xun, for example, is an important ancient musical instrument.

The three dynasties of Xia, Shang and Zhou all had this kind of ancient musical instrument - Tao Xun.

More than 20 round fish-shaped colored pottery xuns with three-tone holes have been unearthed in the Huoshaogou site in Yumen City, Gansu Province, my country;
Two pottery xuns with five-tone holes were unearthed in the ancient tomb of Yin Ruins in Liulige, Nenhehui County;
Some pottery xuns with five-tone holes were unearthed in the ancient tomb of Houjiazhuang in Anyang, Nanhe.

The discoveries of these pottery xuns all represent the ancient musical instruments of the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, which have undergone further development.

As old as pottery xun, there is also stone chime.

The earliest stone chime found in my country comes from the late Longshan culture in Yuxian County, Nanhe and the stone chime from the Erlitou cultural site in Yanshi, Henan.

The Xia Dynasty stone chimes were unearthed from the Taosi ancient tomb in Xiangfen, Xishan and the Dongxiafeng site in Xiaxian County.

Although the surface treatment is not ideal, after testing, it is found that its pitch is almost perfect.

The stone chimes of the Shang Dynasty, the most representative ones are the dragon-patterned stone chimes and tiger-patterned stone chimes unearthed in Anyang, Nanhe.

At this time, the stone chimes are very exquisitely made and quite imposing.

The most important thing is that after testing, its timbre is very rich, giving people a pleasant aesthetic feeling.

In addition, chime chimes were also very popular in the Shang Dynasty.

The music development of the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties was very prosperous, and among its ancient musical instruments, drums were naturally inseparable.

Drums can be divided into drum drums and bronze drums.

The drum, generally referring to a drum made of crocodile skin, is a very ancient musical instrument in our country.

In the ancient tomb of Taosi Temple in Xiangfen, Xishan, a drum was unearthed.

Its shape is very unique, and there are exquisite patterns painted in four colors around the drum body.

According to archaeological experts' speculation, the drum was an important ritual vessel of the owner of the tomb during his lifetime.

Bronze drum is a very important percussion instrument and ritual vessel in ancient my country, and it is generally used in banquets, music and dances and wars.

The earliest bronze drum in my country was unearthed in the Shang Dynasty. The drum surface has a pattern similar to that of crocodile skin, and the drum body is cast with exquisite double birds.

There is no separation of bells and drums. If there are drums, naturally there are bells.

According to ancient documents, the earliest bells in my country came from the Xia Dynasty, but unfortunately, so far, no real objects have been found in archaeological excavations.

There are also cymbals and cymbals among the bell instruments. According to the archaeological excavation records, we know that the big cymbals and cymbals have already appeared in the Shang Dynasty.

Some cymbals are a single piece, and some are woven into a three-piece or five-piece set. The large number unearthed is amazing.

The last is the copper bell, which is a very ancient type of ancient Chinese musical instrument.

Its shape is very close to that of a clock, but much smaller than that of a clock.

The earliest copper bells in my country were first seen in the Shang Dynasty, and they were mainly used as musical instruments, and sometimes copper bells were also used on cars and horses.

Copper bells vary in size.The upper part of the bell generally has ring-shaped ears, which can be hung with ropes. There are two iron balls inside the bell.

Whenever it is played, the iron balls inside the bell hit the bell wall, and the sound is crisp and sweet, which is very pleasant to the ear.

After excavating so many ancient tombs, it is quite normal to find a lot of bronze bells and bells.

The most famous percussion instrument is definitely not the above-mentioned ones, but chime bells.

Chime bells are large-scale percussion instruments in ancient times. They originated in the Zhou Dynasty, flourished in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period until the Qin and Han Dynasties.

my country is the earliest country to manufacture and use musical bells.

It is made of bronze and consists of oblate bells of different sizes arranged in order of pitch and suspended on a huge bell frame.

Use a T-shaped wooden hammer and a long stick to strike the bronze bell respectively, and different tones can be produced.

Because the tone of each bell is different, you can play beautiful music by beating it according to the sound spectrum.

A group of copper bells with different tones are hung on the wooden frame, and the maid beats the music with a mallet.

According to literature records and unearthed cultural relics, it was found that my country had chime bells in the Western Zhou Dynasty.

Chime bells at that time were generally composed of three pieces of different sizes.

From the end of the Spring and Autumn Period to the Warring States Period, the number of chime bells gradually increased, with groups of 9 bells and 13 bells and so on.

Chime bells are composed of several bells of different sizes, which are hung on wooden frames in an orderly manner and formed into one or several groups.

The pitch of each bell is different.

Due to different ages, the shapes of chime bells are also different, but the bell bodies are all painted with exquisite patterns.

The sounding principle of the chime bell is generally that the bell body of the chime bell is small, the pitch is high and the volume is low;
The bigger the body of the bell, the lower the pitch and the louder the volume.

Therefore, the size and shape of the casting have an important impact on the chime.

The variation in the photo that Chen Wenzhe saw was very eye-catching.

This set of chimes is big enough to fill the entire stage of a modern concert hall.

Looking carefully at one of the photos, this chime bell is composed of 19 button bells, 45 Yong bells, and a big iron bell, a total of 65 pieces.

These clocks are divided into 3 layers and 8 groups, hanging on the clock frame.

The three sets of bells hung straight on the upper floor are called button bells, and the five sets of bells hung obliquely on the middle and lower floors are called Yong bells.

The smallest button bell is 20 centimeters high and 4 kilograms in mass.

The reason I know this is because it is marked on the photo.

Chen Wenzhe had made bronze bells before, thought about making chime bells, and even studied them seriously.

Therefore, he knew that these chimes should be genuine.

Because it is not genuine, it is generally not so professional.

When Chen Wenzhe saw the shape of these chime bells, he knew the role these chime bells could play in the performance.

For example, a button clock can play a role in setting the tone.

This point cannot be concealed, because some clocks are very large, so he can see many details clearly through the photos.

For example, the largest bass Yongzhong is 153 centimeters high and 4 kilograms in mass.

This makes the whole set of chimes have a total mass of more than 2500 kilograms.

It is a pity that the bell frame has almost rotted away.

However, judging from the photos of the excavation site that year, the bell frame is made of copper and wood.

Its shape is in the shape of a right-angled ruler (such as ┏), with a total length of more than 10 meters, three floors up and down, and a height of 3 centimeters. It is supported by six bronze warriors with swords and several columns.

The whole set of chimes and beams is magnificent and magnificent.

When playing, the band is composed of several people, using 6 T-shaped wooden hammers to hit the high and middle notes, and using two long sticks to hit the bass.

According to other archaeological discoveries, Chen Wenzhe knows that each bell in this chime can emit two different tones.

As long as you hit the marked position on the bell accurately, it can emit a musical tone that meets a certain frequency.

The whole set of chimes can play all the black and white keys on the modern piano.

Such a set of chime clocks is well preserved.

It can be said that the whole set of chime bells is decorated with human, beast, dragon and other patterns, and the casting is very exquisite.

The pattern on it is delicate and clear, and engraved with wrong gold inscriptions to mark the pronunciation tone of each bell.

It can be seen that, more than 2000 years ago, my country's music culture and casting technology had developed to a very high level.

It is nearly 2000 years earlier than the appearance of the twelve equal-tempered keyboard instruments in Europe.

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