Chapter 172 I Made Big Money (1000 Recommendations Plus Updates)

"Look, this is a typical Longquan kiln. On it are the various colors fired by the Longquan kiln, all of which have been adjusted and fired. From moon white, pink green, to plum green, the transition of the three colors is very natural. , can be said to be an absolute master level."

Looking at the tiles on the desk, or the color palette, Chen Wenzhe was full of amazement, of course, more surprises.

This is really classic enough. He knew that the iron contained in the purple gold soil can change the glaze color, but he didn't expect that the ancients had already studied it clearly.

Up to now, many artisans who study Longquan kiln know that when the iron content of the carcass is constant, the glaze color will deepen with the increase of iron content, so there are different kinds of glazes such as moon white, pink green and plum green. glaze color.

But it is not easy to really prepare the three most classic glaze colors.

Knowing how to make it and being able to do it are two completely different things.

Chen Wenzhe knew that the opportunity was rare, so after seeing that palette, he used it without hesitation.

He didn't move extra, just sat on a chair and stroked the palette.

At the same time, he started his own inheritance.

Inheritance started, and this time there will be more inheritance.

He even saw the origin and process of Longquan kiln, and experienced it personally.

The rise of Longquan Kiln originated from the decline of Yue Kiln.

The Nayue Kiln was very prosperous in the Tang Dynasty, but due to the exhaustion of raw materials and the increase in taxes, it was at the end of its strength in the Northern Song Dynasty.

The Yue kiln wares discovered overseas are from the Northern Song Dynasty at the latest, which also shows that after the Northern Song Dynasty, the Yue kiln no longer produced high-grade porcelain.

New civilizations are always built on the ruins of old civilizations.

The Yue kiln declined, but the demand for celadon remained, replaced by the Yaozhou kiln in the north and the Longquan kiln in the south.

At that time, a group of Yue kiln craftsmen migrated to the south and arrived in Longquan in the early Northern Song Dynasty.

When this team of Yue kiln craftsmen first arrived in Longquan, they saw such an environment: a mountainous area with plenty of firewood; a river for easy water transportation; porcelain clay with good quality;

Many ancient famous kilns originated in mountainous areas, such as Jian, Jingzhen, Yaozhou, Dehua and other kilns, not because mountainous areas are suitable for firing porcelain, but because there is not enough arable land in mountainous areas, and farmers have to start some side jobs to supplement their households.

The ancestors of Longquan burned porcelain before. One said it began in the Three Kingdoms, and another said it was the Five Dynasties. They lived a pastoral life of "cultivating while farming is busy, and pottery when farming is slack. What does imperial power do to me?"

There are no physical objects of the products at that time, and they are probably ordinary household utensils.

It was not until the professional porcelain workers of Yue Kiln joined that Longquan became the largest celadon producing area in history.

The development of Longquan kiln can be divided according to the dynasties, the Northern Song Dynasty is the rising stage, and there are many shadows of Yue kiln;

The Southern Song Dynasty reached the peak of technology and formed its own style;

The inheritance Chen Wenzhe got came from the Southern Song Dynasty.

Longquan Kiln had many branches in the later period, and many kiln mouths had a legendary founder, who was regarded as a god by later kiln workers.

For example, De Yinghou of Yaozhou Kiln, Lin Bing of Dehua Kiln, and Zhao Hui of Jingzhen.

Longquan Kiln is two brothers, Zhang Shengyi and Zhang Shenger.

The Zhang brothers represent the two branches of Longquan Kiln.

Zhang Shengyi founded Ge Kiln, which fired celadon made of rubbish (that is, broken pieces), and Zhang Shenger founded Di Kiln, which fired celadon that could not be opened.

The current Longquan porcelain workers still worship the Zhang brothers very much, and they also divide Longquan porcelain into brother kiln and younger brother kiln.

Simply put, the iron-bodied celadon with slits is Ge kiln, and the white-bodied celadon without slits is Di kiln.

The iron body is to add a kind of purple gold clay with high iron content to the white porcelain clay, and to set off the glaze color by deepening the color of the porcelain body.

This is the inheritance that Chen Wenzhe wanted, and it is also the source of that palette.

Naturally, Chen Wenzhi learned how to mix three kinds of glaze colors, or even multiple glaze colors.

Yuebai, Fenqing, Meiziqing, the three most classic Longquan glaze colors, I learned all of them at once, and I also learned a lot of ways to use purple gold soil.

In fact, these are not important, what is important is that he has learned some firing techniques of Ge kiln porcelain.

This shows that it is not unreasonable for Longquan Kiln to be regarded as Ge Kiln.

According to modern archaeological excavations, in the Southern Song Dynasty kiln site of Longquan kiln, the iron-bodied porcelain pieces with open pieces accounted for about one-tenth. This is the evidence of Longquan Ge kiln, but the output is not large.

Chen Wenzhe doesn't care about these things, what he cares most about is inheritance, and his inheritance, in addition to the color formula of the three glaze colors, also includes the firing process of the younger brother's kiln.

This time inheritance can be said to be a big profit, not only the classic glaze color formula of Longquan Kiln, but also the firing process of Ge Kiln and Brother Kiln.

Especially the brother kiln, many skills have reached the master level.

Engraving, decals, and printing are all at the master level, and printing is the imprint. Before coming to the museum, he still had the urge to upgrade the imprint technology to the master level. Fortunately, he did not upgrade. Now that he has inherited it independently, he will upgrade it all To the master level.

Looking at the attribute list, in terms of porcelain production, two branches, Ge Kiln and Brother Kiln, have been added. The firing level of Ge Kiln is the second level of specialization, while that of younger brother kiln is the third level of master.

"Student, classmate, what's wrong with you!"

"Ah? It's okay, I feel the craftsmanship of the ancients, and I'm a little distracted!"

"You are really good. You have been walking for more than ten minutes. Have you watched it? Looked good, we should go out too."

"Let's go, watch!"

Chen Wenzhe put his hands away from the palette, but his eyes did not leave the palette.

This thing is a treasure, but unfortunately, he can't get it.

When you are free, be sure to re-fire one!
I made a wish, but the system didn't respond at all.

It seems that I haven't got the task for a long time, is it because I haven't completed the inheritance task?

He walked out of the museum with a puzzled expression on his face. He planned to take a taxi, but Professor Tao's driver stopped him.

"Student Chen, Professor Tao arranged for me to take you back."

"No, I'm going to the antique city. I have something to do there. After finishing the work, I will go back by myself."

"Then I'll take you to the Antique City!"

The driver was very enthusiastic and insisted on taking Chen Wenzhe, but Chen Wenzhe had no choice but to get in the car.

"Student Chen going shopping?" On the way, the driver asked curiously.

"My elder brother opened a store in the Antique City, I'll go and have a look."

Chen Wenzhe didn't intend to hide it at first, but in the future, his elder brother will mainly look after the store, and it's not wrong to say that his elder brother opened it, so it will save trouble.

"An antique shop?"

The driver was a middle-aged man in his forties who was good at talking. Chen Wenzhe knew that he was a relative of Professor Tao.

"Yes, just started, I'll go over and help, and I'll go back at noon."

"This is not easy! Professor Tao also likes antiques, but in the antique city, it is difficult to buy real things."

"I still have a few real things at home. I wonder what Professor Tao likes?"

"Bronze ware, this seems to have something to do with porcelain, I don't understand either."

(End of this chapter)

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