My system is not decent

Chapter 1726 Strong alliance, learning from each other

The reason why today's tomb robbers are extremely destructive is not only their higher and higher professional level, but also has a lot to do with their professional division of labor.

A professional team with a clear structure and each performing its duties will naturally double its combat effectiveness.

According to the information provided by the Xishaan police, today's tomb robbers have clear internal powers and responsibilities, which can basically be divided into four parts: Zhiguo, Zhangyan, Legzi and Xiaku.

The so-called support pot can be understood as the general leader of a tomb robbery gang.

He is like a contractor on a construction site or a producer on a film crew. He is responsible for building a professional tomb robbery team, and his main job is to recruit people and coordinate internal relationships.

In a sense, Zhiguo is a bit like the benefactor behind the tomb gang.

He needs to be responsible for providing all the expenses during the tomb robbery process, including the purchase of equipment and the remuneration of personnel.

As the patron, Zhiguo does not need to personally participate in the actual actions of finding and descending the tomb, but only needs to provide logistical support.

Because they bear the basic cost of the entire tomb robbery activity, they can get [-]% to [-]% of the income after completing the transaction of funeral objects.

In the vast land of China, there are various kinds of tombs dotted all over.

However, after many large-scale tomb robberies in history, even in provinces like Henan, Shaanxi and Shanxi that have a large number of underground cultural relics, it is extremely difficult to find a suitable tomb.

Therefore, an excellent tomb robbery team must have someone who can grasp the information of the tomb and help the team quickly locate it.

And this person is the so-called Palm Eye, the core member of the team.

This kind of person has mastered the most hard-core knowledge, and there is no substitute at all.

So after the successful tomb robbery, he can take away most of the benefits.

The previously mentioned tomb robber Yang Bin with strong professional ability is the eye of his team.

They can not only find hidden tombs based on knowledge related to history, feng shui and geology, but also appreciate cultural relics and find out the true value of funerary objects.

At the same time, Eye of Palm is also the most well-connected member of a tomb robbery team, and they often have their own sales channel.

After digging up valuable funeral objects, the stolen goods can be sold in just a few days, and the cultural relics can be successfully sent abroad.

For their own safety, both the palm eye and the support pot are hidden behind the scenes, and they never go to the scene of the tomb robbery. It is actually the "legs" who are in charge of commanding.

These people can be regarded as the engineers of the tomb robbery team. They have mastered the most practical tomb-entry techniques and are quite proficient in various equipment.

"Legs" are also irreplaceable in the team. As the person in charge of the tomb robbery scene, they are more in command of others and rarely do it themselves.

Those who really participated in the burial and excavation work were actually the lowest level of the entire tomb robbery gang, that is, "Xiaku".

They are often local farmers hired by gangs, or newcomers to the trade.

"Hard work" does the most work, but the income is not high, and there is no dividend after the work is completed.

In the process of tomb robbery, the "hardship" involved in the excavation also needs a clear division of labor in order to achieve the best results.

These people can be divided into occupations such as stepping on the spot, watching the wind, digging holes, installing blastholes, and touching treasures. They complete the work of stealing and digging with their cooperation.

With a near-professional division of labor, the operation efficiency of the tomb robbers will be significantly improved, and the distribution of benefits will be more clear, which in disguise increases the difficulty of solving the case.

As the saying goes, "the devil is one foot tall, and the road is one foot high." Although the professionalism of the tomb robbers is constantly strengthening, the official case handling capabilities are not what they used to be.

The crackdown on such crimes has been maintained at a high level, and the risk of tomb robbery is definitely increasing day by day.

In order to avoid exposure, domestic tomb robbers have established a very secretive circle.

Such a circle can make it easier for them to move around the country to commit crimes, and greatly reduce the possibility of showing their feet after living in one place for a long time.

Moreover, when the tomb robbers sell the stolen goods, they must be carried out in other provinces far away from the place where the crime was committed.

Only in this way can there be a time difference with the official detection operation, which also requires them to establish contact with each other.

Recently, the Huainan police arrested a large gang of tomb robbers, among whom the tomb robbers confessed that they had many WeChat groups of "insiders".

After the tomb is successfully robbed, the tomb can be sent out through a specific channel by contacting relevant personnel.

And after the circle is established, as long as a certain tomb site is detected by a team, multiple tomb robbers will flock to it.

Some large-scale burial groups cannot be handled by a single team. Only a "strong alliance" can solve the problems encountered in the process.

Moreover, after the tomb robbers form a nationwide linkage, it is beneficial for them to "learn from each other's strengths and make up for their weaknesses" in the process of communication and cooperation, and learn from each other's excellent skills in tomb robbery.

In the tomb robbery case uncovered by the Huainan police, there were a large number of locals in the gang.

There are even a few "legs" from Qi County, Nanhe, and Quwo County, Linfen, Xishan.

After questioning, I found out that the reason why they colluded together was because the blasting technology mastered by local people in Huainan was relatively crude, and these "professionals" were needed to make up for the shortcomings.

And this kind of thing must have happened more than once, but many of them were not caught and were not exposed.

With the advancement of modernization, the explosion of information, the convenience of communication, and the powerful equipment, the damage caused by these people to the ancient tomb has become even greater.

Now through various signs, it is showing that the domestic cultural relics theft circle has developed very large.

The division of roles within them is becoming more and more clear, and the stability of the hierarchical division is gradually improving.

After these people got together, they effectively coordinated the national tomb robbery resources, and the information exchange between each other made it difficult to arrest across provinces.

What makes the police speechless is that after the establishment of such a circle, the profit chain of cultural relics theft has gradually improved, and the efficiency of the sale of stolen goods by tomb robbers in various places has been doubled.

If the stolen goods cannot be recovered, even if the person is caught, it is sometimes difficult to convict.

It is precisely because this chain of interests can run smoothly that it is almost impossible to completely eradicate the crime of tomb robbery.

As long as it can bring a steady stream of benefits, countless people will participate in it, and they will not hesitate to take risks.

Officials from all over the country have found similar findings. Many people arrested for tomb robbery never think about reflecting on their past after being imprisoned, but quietly brewing the next action after they are released from prison.

Some people even regard going to jail as a rare opportunity to recuperate, and seize all the time to read books related to history, feng shui and geology, so as to reserve knowledge for future tomb robbers.

It is almost inevitable for such a person to embark on a criminal journey again after serving his sentence.

In fact, if you think about it, if you put in the effort to study Fengshui, history, geology, etc., you would have already been admitted to university, how could you find a decent job.

With such abilities, why take countless risks and embark on the road of breaking the law and committing crimes?

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