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Chapter 1743 Yongle Gold Coin

Chapter 1743 Yongle Gold Coin
Today, Chen Wenzhe saw the silver coin of "Zhenghe Tongbao back half a cent".

First of all, identify the original style of the two-pin money.

One is silver money, it is not difficult to see that its silver paste is pure and dignified, covered with thick paste, and the soil marks are still there.

No matter how you look at it, it is a natural appearance, a look of vicissitudes and old ways!

There is no doubt about this patina.

Obviously, this silver coin from the canned cellar has pure and innocent rust-colored pulp, green and thin rust, firm and old-fashioned, and naturally distributed.

Secondly, looking into the cast body, it can be seen that the diameter, size and thickness of this silver coin are basically the same as those unearthed in the Northeast.

This silver coin is neatly minted, square and round, stamped evenly, and worn cleanly.

Although the outline of the characters is not very deep, the strokes are clear and the convexity is distinct.

This is naturally not at the same level as the casting of money in Yuan Dynasty temples.

In a word, this casting is none other than the official furnace.

Furthermore, it can be seen that "Zhenghe Tongbao" is read directly, in the official script style, with bold and strong strokes, coordinated and correct layout, and even more recited words.

The meaning of this book is obviously not the meaning of Hui Zongzheng and Qian Zhishu.

Therefore, according to the style of his book and the word "half points" on his back, etc.

Now we can think that it was cast in the Yuan Dynasty, and this conclusion should be nine out of ten.

At this point, can the coffin be closed?I am afraid that further examination is required before a conclusion can be drawn.

This is because, we will ask questions, the Yuanzhu Daguan Tongbao, which is recorded in the spectrum, has a half-cent back with a diameter of 38.5 mm.

And this kind of Zhenghe Tongbao carries half a cent, but its diameter is only 23 mm.

Why is this so?Questions arise from this, and it is natural.

First of all, with regard to the nature of Daguan Tongbao's back half-cent money, there are different opinions in the Quan circle, one of which refers to its power banknote money.

Therefore, based on the nature of the money, its diameter is more than 38 mm, which should be relieved.

Secondly, as for this small-diameter Zhenghe Tongbao carrying half a penny, it seems that it is not very accurate if it is determined by the power banknote.

What is the reason for this?Because it happens to be money for use.

The reason is that in the coinage of the Yuan Dynasty, we know that there are "half cents" copper coins in the shape of Xiaoping, that is, "half cents for handing over banknotes" and "half cents for receiving banknotes".

That is to say, it is not surprising that "half cents" appeared in Deng Xiaoping's Zhenghe Tongbao Qianbei, and it is well-founded.

As for the half-cent of banknotes, you can see the money discussed by you Quanjia.

For example, Mr. Tang Shifu recorded it in the book "Ancient Chinese Coins".

"Half-cent banknotes, late-Yuan Quanquan banknotes, face script, regular script, four-character reverse outline, Xiaoping recites Yuanwen, it is an extremely rare item."

Mr. Zheng Jiaxiang also recorded it in an article "Paying half a cent" in the 40th issue of "Quanbi" magazine published in the 48s.

"The person who handed over half a penny in banknotes, Ding Haifang once owned a product, which is a special product in the power banknotes. It has not been recorded in the previous genealogy, and it is still an original idea. All families are very envious of it, and it is called the orphan in China."

There was an article by Mr. Luo Muyuan in the 29th issue of "Quanbi", and "Said half a cent of banknotes" made an in-depth analysis of this money.

Its argument is more rigorous, not only explaining the distinction of "Jiao and Zhi", but also clearly being the product of the early Yuan Dynasty.

Its text said: "Pay half a cent of banknotes, thick meat, deep back, four inscriptions on the face, majestic characters, and the right banknotes at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty."

Through the discussion of the above-mentioned several well-known Quanjia on handing in and receiving half-cent coins, it can be seen that "half-cent" coins were minted at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, and their shape was Xiaoping, which was real and unquestionable.

At this time, it should be possible to talk about closing the coffin.

That is, at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, it was probably an expedient measure at that time to cast money in the name of Song money.

As a commodity, it has a limited amount of casting, and was later replaced by half-cent banknotes and half-cent banknotes.

Therefore, Zhenghe Tongbao's half-fen Xiaoping coin is also an early trial coinage. Its mintage is not abundant, and the remains are naturally not thick. It is hidden deep and has not been seen for a long time.

As for the large diameter of Daguan Tongbao's back half-cent coin, I foolishly thought that it was just the earliest trial casting, and then cast Xiaojingzhizheng and Tongbao back half-cent coins for use.

The above is Chen Wenzhe's cognition.

However, the various characteristics of the silver coin in front of him can withstand scrutiny and can be mutually corroborated, and its authenticity is self-evident.

"This is also a special treasure!"

Chen Wenzhe paid more and more attention to these treasures hidden in various parts of the country.

The most important thing is that these things are hidden by some experts.

Since he is an expert, the hidden treasures are naturally real treasures, and they are all complete sets.

There were many gold coins in the Song and Yuan dynasties, but there was only one kind of gold coin in the Ming Dynasty, which made Chen Wenzhe a bit pity.

Among the whole set of gold coins, Chen Wenzhe only found Yongle Tongbao gold coins.

This was issued during the period of Ming Chengzu Zhu Di. This coin is 22.9mm thick and 1.0mm thick. Weight: 5.0g.

But the gold coin he saw was extremely beautiful, and it was really well preserved.

"How is it possible to find only one piece? If it is a funeral object, it is absolutely impossible to only bury one piece. Are the others sold or collected by other people?"

With a thought in his mind, Chen Wenzhe began to search for Ming Dynasty gold coins in a targeted manner, and it was related to the group of tomb robbers.

Now he understands his baby better and knows how to use it better.

As long as there is a medium, he can connect the long river of time and find out all the information related to him.

For example, now, as long as it is related to the Yongle gold coin he saw, it will emerge one by one.

And it was a targeted keyword search, so he saw Yongle gold coins, and also Yongle copper coins by the way?

Is that guy stupid, he only wants a very beautiful Yongle gold coin?
He actually gave up other Yongle gold coins and Yongle copper coins in order to ask for other types of gold coins?
He probably didn't know that even Yongle copper coins were worth a lot.

Of course, before the gold coins, the value of Yongle gold coins is definitely not comparable to that of other gold coins, and there is even a gap of ten or twenty times.

How much the Yongle Tongbao gold coins are worth is not a real antique merchant, so I really don't necessarily know.

First of all, you should also know that this itself is the most commemorative gold coin in the history of our country.

During the Ming Dynasty, due to the gradual increase in the number of overseas trade, Zheng He gradually let our country go to the world when he sailed to the West.

In order to effectively promote domestic economic prosperity, it is of great significance to regard Yongle Tongbao as a bridge between our country and other countries.

It is because of this that the price of ancient coins on the market has also increased significantly.

Several types of them are even more valuable, and many investors are very excited now.

In fact, many people want to know how much Yongle Tongbao copper coins are worth. After all, there are more such copper coins in the market.

In the current market analysis, the cheapest is only a few hundred yuan, and the highest has reached 500 million yuan.

You must know that this is a copper coin, why is it of such a high value?
(End of this chapter)

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