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Chapter 1820 The sky is round and the earth follows the law of nature

Chapter 1820 The sky is round and the earth follows the law of nature

Wang Mang's new dynasty is a great era, but it is also the end of an era, the transition from the Western Han Dynasty to the Eastern Han Dynasty.

However, many things of this period have been handed down in later generations.

As far as bronze mirrors are concerned, even in the early Eastern Han Dynasty, or even in the middle period, the most important and popular mirror style was still the regular pattern mirror that became popular in the late Western Han Dynasty and the Xinmang period.

It's just that the patterns in the mirrors of the Eastern Han Dynasty are more complicated, and the pattern bands on the mirror edges appear in more styles.

In the regular pattern mirror, there is a square column outside the button seat, and there are regular rectangular marks such as "┐", "┬", and "└" outside the column.

In addition to regular lines, there are sometimes four or eight breasts.

Between the breast nails, there are often birds, beasts, figures, dragons and tigers or geometric patterns and other patterns composed of fine raised patterns.

Portrait mirrors are the most distinctive new mirrors in the middle and late Eastern Han Dynasty, and they are mostly popular in the Yangtze River Basin.

For example, many portrait mirrors have been unearthed in Shaoxing, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, and the themes are mainly gods, men, beasts and historical stories.

These bronze mirrors are decorated with high-relief techniques, and the decorative style is mostly similar to that of Han Dynasty stone reliefs.

Portrait mirrors were still popular until the Three Kingdoms, Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties.

The mirror button of the bronze mirror in the Eastern Han Dynasty increased significantly in the proportion of the whole mirror, and the ratio of the diameter of the mirror to the mirror increased from 1:7 to 1:4, and even to 1:3.

The mirror button is not like the semicircle in the Western Han Dynasty and the middle Eastern Han Dynasty, but gradually becomes oblate.

The Han Dynasty can be said to be a historical period with very detailed records in Chinese history books.

Its royal family, officials, etiquette, clothing, culture, society, manufacturing, agriculture, business, military, war, funeral, etc. are all involved.

Bronze mirrors have already become commodities and circulated in the market, and are loved by the people.

In order to ensure that the bronze mirror can have a real and clear effect, when the ancients cast bronze mirrors, the size and curvature of the mirror had a relatively strict ratio.

A smaller bronze mirror can see a relatively gentle arc.

A bronze mirror over 20 centimeters is basically a plane, without obvious arc fluctuations.

When the bronze mirror is buried, people will wrap it with a piece of silk cloth and be buried with it.

The bronze mirror has been corroded for thousands of years, and the silk cloth wrapping the bronze mirror will stick to the green rust.

Therefore, as long as you look at the rust color of the earthen bronze mirror from the side, you can vaguely see some traces of silk threads, etc., which have become experiences.

In the Later Han Dynasty, another batch of classic bronze mirrors appeared, the typical representative of which was the gilt animal belt mirror with plain borders in the Later Han Dynasty.

This bronze mirror has a diameter of 12.8cm and a weight of 301g. It is round and has a circle of inscriptions in it, which is simple and heavy.

Although the gilt has peeled off a lot, the golden brilliance is still faintly visible.

Needless to say, as long as there is gilding technology, such things must come from princes, or simply belong to the royal family.

It is precisely because of the clear historical records of the Han Dynasty and the prosperity of literary creation that we can understand the epic social background and royal court life of the Han Dynasty today.

At the same time, it also brings us endless reverie and romantic fun when appreciating the ancient relics of the Han Dynasty.

For example, the artistic conception expressed in "Han Palace Mirror" makes people sigh, especially the cruelty of war recorded in it, which makes people sigh.

The thin clouds float on the bright moon, which is reflected into a mirror stand; the jade rabbit and osmanthus palace, the beautiful shadow wanders alone.

The brocade clothes soak in the cold, and the blue hair is lazy to comb; the mirror is bright with candles, and the jade face is pink.

The general marched for thousands of miles, and his family wrote to Qilian; Liu Qing came with a saddle horse and stepped on leaves without hoofs.

Hearing the king's words suddenly, the dream is frightened, the mirror is sad;

Among them, "Liu Qing completes the saddle horse, steps on the leaves without hooves", which means that spring goes out and autumn has not returned.

It is difficult for ordinary people to come across such poems, but as long as they read them, they will be infected by the artistic conception, right?
There is a small world behind each side of the Han mirror in the round sky.

The Han Dynasty gradually merged the local colors that had been divided since the Spring and Autumn Period into a unified culture.

And for the "metaphysical" material world and the "metaphysical" spiritual world, a complete philosophical system was leisurely established as the basis for the "Han people" to settle down.

The formation of this "cosmology" appears as the close combination of "circle" and "square" in plastic arts.

Before the Han Dynasty, especially the works of art during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods, they were usually very well made.

It seems that every artist is trying to express their differences from others;

However, in the Han Dynasty, artists seemed to be trying to express "what is the sameness between me and others".

Artists are trying to find life, or the most common part of human nature.

Therefore, the "square" and "circle" are not the discovery of any individual, but the basic principles and order of the universe.

This is a rule that everyone can abide by, and an aesthetics that can be identified with psychology.

It can be said that the Han Dynasty was a collection of various experimental results in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods.

In Han Confucianism's interpretation of scriptures, it is not exactly the same as that of pre-Qin Confucianism.

The theories of various schools mixed in it have made "Confucianism" include the strengths of various pre-Qin philosophers from the universe to personnel.

Just like the way of thinking of "beauty" summarized by "eight tones" in ancient times, "five elements generate and restrain each other" is an easy-to-understand image technique to refine the essence of the world.

Metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, the five factors refer to the five common states in various fields such as natural phenomena, human biological clock, social operation, and cultural aesthetics.

Tranquility and storage (gold), life and divergence (wood), cold and downward (water), inflammation and upward (fire), conservation and neutralization (earth).

The five states function alternately and complement each other, promoting the huge order from the operation of the universe to the harmony and balance of personnel.

It includes the five virtues of five tones, five colors, five flavors, five internal organs, benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and faith.

Through the ingenious configuration of this kind of staves, which are generally rhythmic, rhythmic, and legal, let them occupy their respective positions.

This simple and beautiful concept, like a five-character poem, is the most basic framework that has influenced the lives of Chinese people for 2000 years.

This kind of conceptual world is concentratedly reflected in the modeling characteristics of Han Dynasty bronze mirrors.

The design path before the pre-Qin period was mostly the interaction of ideas, materials, and technology.

In the Han Dynasty, it was a clear concept that strongly guided the specific modeling.

In a large number of handed down Han mirrors, the basic shapes of the mirror back patterns are circles and squares, representing the most basic coordination of "rules" and "moments".

The shape of the bronze mirror of the Warring States Period, which makes the chaotic and entangled, is fixed by an inner "square".

A kind of order and stability in the world has been found again.

Outside of this order and stability, there is a day that runs in circles.

This is the combination of Confucian ethics and Taoist destiny, which is "people follow the earth, the earth follows the sky, the sky follows the Tao, and the Tao follows nature".

"Gui" means compasses and Zhouzheng, and "moment" means ruler and yardstick.

The characters in the "Fuxi Nuwa Picture" commonly seen in Han Dynasty stone reliefs also hold "rules" in one hand and "torques" in the other.

They are measuring people's hearts and morals, delineating good and evil and good and evil, and rectifying ethics and order.

(End of this chapter)

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