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Chapter 1822 Handed down from ancient times, ancient black lacquer

Chapter 1822 Handed down from ancient times, ancient black lacquer

There is also a gold-pasted square mirror with grass leaf pattern from the former Han Dynasty, with a diameter of 18.4cm and a weight of 717g.

This mirror round button has a four-leaf pattern button seat, surrounded by a large square grid outside;
The four breast nails are plump and plump, dominating the four corners;

The leaf pattern is large and curly, stretching freely;

The sixteen inward continuous arc lines are continuous and graceful, full of rhythm.

The gold foil applied is radiant and immortal for thousands of years.

The overall pattern is extremely elegant, with clear decoration and excellent casting.

There are quite a few mirrors like this. By the beginning of the Western Han Dynasty, there were mirrors with double Chi pattern, mirror with double Chi cloud pattern, and mirror with continuous arc pattern.

It is said that the mirror was cast by the essence of Yin and Yang combined by the Yellow Emperor.

The characteristics of the light reflection of the bronze mirror are further extended, and the mirror has the historical meaning of learning from the past and knowing the present.

Like a Changguifu mirror with curved patterns, this is also a bronze mirror from the Western Han Dynasty.

The bronze mirrors of the Western Han Dynasty added the feature of decorating the bronze mirrors with inscriptions.

The inscriptions are mainly auspicious words, blessings and praises.

The combination of these beautiful patterns and inscriptions around the mirror button is really fascinating!

There are also nebula mirrors with curved patterns, mirrors with curved patterns in Boju, etc., all of which are fine works of bronze mirrors in the Western Han Dynasty.

Especially the Bo Bureau with arc pattern mirror, in which the Bo Bureau is a kind of decoration on the bronze mirror.

Such as L, V, T and other shapes, this kind of decoration was more popular in the Han Dynasty.

There are also gold-plated mirrors with portraits of heavenly kings, sun, moon, gods, humans, and beasts. After the middle of the Eastern Han Dynasty, themes such as gods and beasts, dragons and tigers, chariots and horses with different images became the theme decoration of bronze mirrors.

Most of these decorations adopt the technique of high relief, which makes the visual effect of the decoration more three-dimensional.

For example, there are portraits of people in the Eastern Han Dynasty in Shi's portrait mirror of chariots and horses. This allows us modern people to finally see them not only on portrait bricks and stone portraits!
Such a classic bronze mirror with portraits must belong to the Kuaiji Portrait Mirror of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Kuaiji was the capital of the State of Yue during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

Later, the bronze mirror produced by the Kuaiji was called the Kuaiji Mirror.

The rise of Kuaiji bronze mirror in the early and middle Eastern Han Dynasty has its historical reasons.

First of all, since the fourth year of Yuanshou (119 BC), Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty, a large number of northern people moved south.

In the early years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, because "the world was newly established, the roads were not open, and those who avoided the chaos in the south of the Yangtze River did not return to the middle land, Kuaiji was quite called a toast."

As a result, "the people of Yinfu, the princes and concubines, the mansions look at each other".

Population growth has greatly increased the demand for bronze mirrors.

Secondly, Kuaiji is rich in mineral resources.

Volume [-] of "Yue Jue Shu" once stated, "The mountain of red viburnum is broken and tin is produced, and the stream of Ruoye is dried up and copper is produced."

According to the survey, there is Taohong Bingkang copper mine near Pingshui, Shaoxing, Dajiaoling lead mine at Xiejiaqiao, Lanting, Shaoxing, lead mine at Yinshanba, Dongguan, Shangyu, and copper mine at Tongyanshan, Zhuji, all of which were mined in ancient times.

"Jiatai Kuaiji Zhi" also records that in Xishan, fifty miles east of the county, the king of Yue once picked tin here.

Thirdly, the ancient Kuaiji area has a developed tradition of smelting technology since ancient times.

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the ancient Yue State was famous for its sword casting, and its bronze weapon smelting and casting technology even far surpassed that of the Central Plains.

To sum up, the prerequisites for Kuaiji bronze mirror casting are guaranteed in terms of demand, raw materials, and technology.

When people discuss the development of bronze mirror casting, they often refer to the relief-style portrait mirrors that began to flourish in the middle of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

There is also the mirror of gods and beasts, which is regarded as a sign that the development of ancient mirrors in my country has reached a new stage, and that Han mirrors have truly entered the characteristics of this era.

Kuaiji in Jiangsu and Zhejiang in the Eastern Han Dynasty was one of the famous bronze mirror casting centers in the country at that time.

The bronze mirrors in this area mainly include relief portrait mirrors, mythical beast mirrors and dragon and tiger mirrors.

Among them, most of the portrait mirrors are abundant and unearthed, which is also one of its characteristics.

Due to the large size, rich content and exquisite carving and casting, the portrait mirror has always been valued by Chinese and foreign scholars.

The relief art style of the portrait mirror is completely different.

The decoration layout of the portrait mirror adopts the quartering method, and the main part outside the button seat is divided into four areas.

Each area is separated by milk nails, the pattern is symmetrical, and the expression technique is flat bas-relief with oblique cutting method.

This is a common technique used in stone portrait carvings in the Eastern Han Dynasty, which is quite interesting for decoration.

The portrait mirror is the epilogue of the Han mirror, but it gives people a strong feeling of "playing elegance in the music", just like the sunset and the evening light, it is extraordinarily brilliant.

The portrait mirror in Kuaiji bronze mirror is unique in the history of bronze mirror development in my country.

Before the portrait mirror came into being, there were already inscriptions such as "the immortals above did not know how to grow old, thirsty to drink Yuquan and hungry to eat jujubes, floating all over the world and traveling all over the world".

However, the motifs of the Queen Mother of the West and the Prince of the East are clearly seen in the portrait mirrors.

Taking a complete historical story as the subject of decoration is also a precedent created by the portrait mirror.

In addition to figure mirrors, there are also many animal mirrors from the Han Dynasty.

For example, the gold-plated panlong mirror of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and the animal belt mirror carved with animal patterns and borders in the Later Han Dynasty.

The animal belt mirror carved with animal patterns and edge lines in the later Han Dynasty has a diameter of 21.1cm and a weight of 912g.

The shape of the mirror is round, and the round button seat is decorated with nine small breast nails, surrounded by flower and leaf patterns, and its exterior is decorated with two weeks of convex string pattern.

The outer ring area is decorated with seven four-leaf seat milk nails, which divide the main ornamentation into seven areas.

Each area is decorated with patterns such as green dragon, white tiger, rosefinch, divine bird, basalt, and divine beast. The ornamentation is high relief, and the composition is elegant and gorgeous.

Like this classic, there is also the seven-breast line carving animal belt mirror from the Later Han Dynasty to the Three Kingdoms.

The mirror has a diameter of 17.5cm and weighs 449g.

It is a round, semi-circular button with eight small breast nails outside the button and seven breast nails in the main area.

The breast nails are decorated with blue dragons, white tigers, rosefinch, basalt and other auspicious birds and beasts.

There are also some mirrors of the same type as this mirror that have been handed down to the present, such as the animal belt mirror carved with green lines in animal script from the Later Han Dynasty to the Three Kingdoms.

This mirror has a diameter of 18.5cm and a weight of 731g.

It is round, with a round button and a round button seat. The button seat is decorated with nine small breast nails and flower and leaf patterns, and its exterior is decorated with a wide band of raised string patterns.

Surrounded by seven inward-facing breast nails with curved bases, the main decoration is divided into seven areas.

Each area is decorated with green dragons, white tigers, feathered people, divine deer, basalt, green sheep, and mythical beasts.

The ornamental composition is elegant and gorgeous, and the lines are gentle and smooth.

The inner ring of the mirror rim is decorated with zigzag patterns, and the outer ring is surrounded by deformed four gods patterns.

The most important thing is that the antique bronze mirror in front of Chen Wenzhe is an ancient black lacquer mirror. It is really not easy to imitate such an exquisite and magnificent black lacquer ancient mirror.

Black lacquer ancient means that the bronze is stored in the atmosphere for a long time, and a very stable protective film will be formed on the copper surface.

Mainly copper sulfate basic is olive green, and also produces black copper oxide, black cuprous sulfide, and brown-black tin oxide.

The longer the age, the thicker the rust layer and the darker the color, commonly known as "black lacquer ancient".

If you play with it in your hands for a long time, it will make the surface as bright as a mirror, commonly known as "handed down from ancient times".

However, electrochemical corrosion also occurs in this type of bronze, so it is "dumb".

If the bronze is in a dry environment (in the atmosphere or in the soil) for a long time, it will also produce copper oxide and sub-venus oxide, which is dark black, commonly known as "black lacquer ancient".

(End of this chapter)

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