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Chapter 1843 Ya Chou Yue, Bronze Hand

Chapter 1843 Ya Chou Yue, Bronze Hand

盉, water vessel or wine vessel, with a bulging abdomen, a tubular flow in the abdomen, and a cover.

The special feature of this bronze yu is that its cover is the image of a human face.

Eyebrows like lying silkworms, nose like garlic, eyes fixed on the front, a little innocent, the facial features are really funny.

However, it is not accurate to say that it is a human image, because it has two horns.

Combined with a coiled dragon body on the back of the body, and dragon claws on both sides of the neck of the yu, the overall shape of this yu should be a "dragon body with a human face".

It is a pity that there is no similar jade unearthed in China.

There is another bronze ware like this, that is the Yachou Yue, produced in the Shang Dynasty and collected by the Qilu Provincial Museum.

It is 32.7 cm long, and it can be said to be a bit out of shape.

Such unserious bronzes are still rare.

"Yachou Yue" was unearthed in Subutun, Qingzhou, Qilu Province in 1965. It got its name from the word "Yachou" on its body.

The bronze ware with the inscription "Augly" should belong to a huge family.

A total of two such copper axes were found, which are very similar in shape and shape, both of which are in the image of human faces.

However, the image of this inferior ugly battle-axe is cuter, with round eyes, corners of the mouth raised, and teeth clearly visible. Such a copper battle-axe with a human face is still very rare.

This kind of copper ax with a human face was unearthed in 1966, and it was unearthed in Tomb No. [-].

There are two human-faced axes produced together, and this is the one with the inscription cast on it.

The length of the battle-axe is 32.7 cm, the width of the blade is 34.5 cm, and the width of the shoulder is 23.3 cm. The body of the battle-axe is made of hollowed-out human face with tattooed eyebrows, pupils and protruding nose, making it hideous and terrifying.

The edge of the blade is extravagant, and on both sides of the human-face-shaped mouth on the front and back, there is an inscription of "sub-ugly".

The left side of the inscription is positive writing, and the right side is reverse writing. Therefore, the copper axe with a human face is also called Ya Chou axe.

Another copper axe has a total length of 31.8 cm and a blade width of 35.8 cm.

It is flat and square, with two shoulders and a wide blade.

The body of the vessel is open-carved with an angry human face pattern, the eyebrows, eyes and nose are protruding, and the mouth is slightly concave.

Subutun Tomb No. 1 is a large tomb with four tomb passages. The tomb chamber is rectangular. The tomb entrance is 15 meters long from north to south, 10.7 meters wide from east to west, and 8.25 meters deep.

There are wooden boards in the middle of the tomb, which are built in the shape of "Ya".

The two copper axes are both from the entrance of the northern tomb.

The inscription "Yachou" was also seen on other bronze wares produced together, so experts speculate that this may be the cemetery of the "Yachou" family.

The owner of the tomb may be someone like Fang Bo who is second only to King Shang.

This type of Yue appeared in the late Neolithic Age and was made of stone and jade.

In some large-scale and high-standard tombs, the stone or jade axe is often an important burial object that marks the status of the tomb owner.

In the Shang Dynasty, a wide variety of bronze battleaxes appeared.

Some archaeologists once divided nearly forty bronze battle-axes belonging to the Shang Dynasty into three types and eight types according to the order of casting size.

The degree of exquisite workmanship also varies, but the most spectacular are the two large copper axes unearthed in Qilu.

Since there are people with a big axe, there are naturally other types.

The "bronze hand" in Yachang's tomb at the Yin Ruins is very special.

This bronze ware is from the late Shang Dynasty, and it is now hidden in the Yinxu Museum in Anyang.

However, this bronze ware is a remnant, with a remnant length of 13.2 cm and a width of 6.8 cm.

The reason why this bronze ware is strange is because it looks like an itch.

Of course, the first thing people think of when they see it is, is this a prosthetic?

However, this conjecture was quickly rejected.

Because the bronze wrist is hollow, and there are traces of wooden handles inside.

What's more, its size is very small, only the size of a child's palm, and the age of the owner of the tomb was about 35 years old when he died.

This bronze hand-shaped vessel was unearthed in Tomb No. 2000, Huayuanzhuangdongdi, Yinxu, Anyang, in 54.

The owner of the tomb is a male who holds the official position of "Asia" in the long clan.

However, the nature of the official position of "Asia" is still unclear.

Perhaps, this is a general, and the bronze hand may have a similar function to the copper axe, that is, a symbol of military power.

Cultural relics are non-renewable resources, which carry the memory of history and engrave a long civilization.

In the process of visiting museums in various places, tourists will see various cultural relics.

And some cultural relics with strange shapes will make tourists stop.

After researching this strange bronze hand, experts said: It is difficult to judge what it does.

Needless to say, behind such a work, there are some "difficult mysteries" hidden.

In December 2000, the Anyang work team made local infrastructure construction in order to cooperate with the garden.

They conducted fieldwork in Huayuanzhuang Village.During the drilling process, an ancient tomb was discovered by accident.

The staff immediately contacted the local Institute of Cultural Relics, and experts rushed to the scene with professional tools.

After reporting and asking for instructions, the experts decided to conduct a protective excavation of the ancient tomb.

After entering the tomb, experts found that the mausoleum was well preserved, with a coffin and a coffin inside.

Due to its age, the coffin has begun to rot. The four corners of the coffin wall panels are designed with mortise and tenon joints, and the color of the coffin is black.

After professional analysis and inspection, the experts determined that the owner of the tomb was male and named it "Yachang Tomb".

In the process of clearing up cultural relics, experts unearthed a large number of bronze, jade, and stone utensils.

But when cleaning the coffin, a young expert found something with a strange shape, which was the "bronze strange hand".

The appearance of the Bronze Hand is very similar to that of a human right hand, but slightly smaller than that of an ordinary adult.

The bronze hand is the same as the five fingers of a human being, the thumb is relatively short and the middle finger is relatively long.

In order to study the Bronze Hand carefully, the experts brought it back to the research institute.

After measurement, the actual size was obtained. The length of the strange hand is 13.2 cm, and the width is 6.8 cm.

After reviewing the relevant historical materials, the experts still haven't solved the mystery of the "bronze strange hand".

Some experts began to analyze and speculate that there are five possibilities for the real purpose of this item.

The first is tickling. In daily life, we will find this kind of artifact.

When our backs itch, we can take care of ourselves.

The unearthed "bronze grotesque hand" is relatively small and similar in shape.

Because of this, some scholars speculate that this is an ancient itch.

Furthermore, it is believed that this is a production tool, because when excavating Yachang's tomb, experts found a large number of production tools.

In other words, the owner of the tomb chose production tools as funeral objects.

Experts speculate that this item should be a "special" production tool, but we don't know how to use it.

The third is to think that this is a prosthesis. In ancient my country, it was the era of cold weapons. After soldiers went to the battlefield to fight, they would be injured if they didn't pay attention, and even lost arms and legs.

Due to limited technical conditions, craftsmen will produce bronze prosthetics for those in need.

(End of this chapter)

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