Chapter 1860
The re-birth of the stone drum is already full of erosion, and the handwriting on the stone drum is incomplete, which has attracted countless famous scholars to sigh.

What is even more regrettable is that one of the stone drums was somehow lost due to being abandoned in the wilderness.

This is the Zuoyuan Stone Drum that caused a sensation in the world and often caused academic disputes in the past dynasties.

The nine stone drums are not safe in Fengxiang Confucian Temple.

More than 90 years later, the once prosperous Li and Tang Dynasty suddenly collapsed in successive wars.

It is a pity that the Fengxiang Confucian Temple was burned down in the flames of war, and the nine stone drums hidden in the temple were also stolen.

Chencang Stone Drum once again escaped in the grassy rivers and lakes in the troubled times.

There is also a legend here, that is, Sima Chi, the father of Sima Guang, directed the counterfeiting project of cultural relics in the Northern Song Dynasty.

This is the same as making a fake green space now, directly applying green paint.

Of course, this is a joke, but they are all political achievement projects. In fact, they are all the same, and they are all for flattering the superiors.

After the Northern Song Dynasty unified the world and gradually wiped out the princes who ruled the country, the economy and culture of the country were restored in just a few decades and made a leap forward.

When Song Renzong checked the classics and historical archives left by the previous dynasty, he accidentally discovered the legendary record about the stone drum, and became very interested in the Chencang stone drum that had been lost for a hundred years.

Song Renzong was a well-known calligraphy and painting king in the history of our country. He did not hesitate to promise him high officials and rich salary, so that talented people from all over the world searched everywhere to find out the whereabouts of Chen Cang Shigu.

After hearing the news, Sima Chi, the father of Sima Guang who was then the magistrate of Fengxiang, tried his best to find the legendary 10 large stones, trying to please the king.

After several twists and turns, Sima Chi finally brought back the Chen Cang Stone Drum, which had disappeared for a hundred years.

It's a pity that only 9 stone drums have been found, and the Zuoyuan stone drum, which had been lost as early as the end of Tang Dynasty, is still missing.

The impatient Sima Chi played a clumsy trick of superimposed on the superfluous, and privately sent craftsmen to collect similar stones overnight to make fakes.

Soon, he copied a fake "Zuoyuan Stone Drum" by referring to the rubbings of the stone drum.

This move really allowed him to be praised by Renzong for his extraordinary achievements.

It's a pity that the well-educated Song Renzong and the famous scholars who were ordered to come here quickly identified the fake stone drum.

Sima Chi was rewarded for his extraordinary achievements first, and then he was convicted of forging and deceiving the emperor.

Nine stone drums appeared in the world, and experienced a storm of counterfeiting, so the missing "Zuoyuan Stone Drum" immediately became famous all over the world.

It is believed that its value can be compared with nine, and then it triggered a wave of tyrants spending thousands of dollars to find "Zuoyuan Stone Drum".

However, it was not until 1052, when Xiang Chuanshi, who was a collector of gold and stones, arrived in Fengxiang that the incomplete history of Shigu got a turning point.

Xiang Chuanshi was a well-known gold and stone collector in the Northern Song Dynasty.

The original relationship with the stone drum came from a rubbing copy of Taishi's stone drum inscriptions that he begged for a lot of money.

When comparing other stone drum rubbings in his hands, he accidentally discovered that this new rubbing actually retained the words "Zuoyuan Shigu".

But in fact, "Zuoyuan Stone Drum" has been lost for more than 200 years, and it is impossible for new rubbings to come out.

Otherwise, how could Song Renzong post yellow lists all over the world, asking for high officials and huge sums of money?
The discovery of the rubbings of the "Zuoyuan Stone Drum" made Master Xiang sleepless all night.

After many investigations, it was finally found out that this rubbing originated from the Tai family in Guanzhong.

Fearing that the night would be long and dreamy, he immediately prepared his horse and set off.

When he arrived at Taishi Village, he was completely stunned by the sight in front of him.

It turned out that the Tai family all died of the plague half a year ago.

In order to prevent the spread of the plague, the government burned all Taishi's house and property.

This bad news, to Master Xiang who traveled thousands of miles, was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky.

Teacher Xiang, who was physically and mentally exhausted, found a nearby inn to settle down with great disappointment.

The next morning, Master Xiang was awakened by the sound of sharpening a knife from the backyard.

It turned out that a butcher was sharpening his knife behind the inn.

Following the sound of Master Xiang, he walked to the door of the butcher, only to see that the butcher's knife was sharpened until it shone coldly.

What surprised Master Xiang was that although the whetstone used by the butcher was old, it looked like a stone drum.

He walked closer and took a closer look, and some familiar handwriting looming on the whetstone could be discerned.

It turns out that this is the "Zuoyuan Stone Drum" that has been missing for more than 200 years and has attracted generations of people.

The stone drum has been completely changed, the upper part has been cut off by the villagers, and the middle has been hollowed out for pounding rice.

The two broken sides on the top were used by the butcher to sharpen the knife.

More than half of the writing on the stone drum has been worn away and severely damaged, leaving only 4 lines of writing on the remaining half.

This is also the reason why Chen Wenzhe saw something wrong at a glance, because the stone drum he saw was intact, but the writing on it was complete, not just the four lines of writing in the lower half.

Of course, even at this time, the legend of this stone drum is not over yet.

Not long after discovering the stone drum of the butcher's house, the prefect of Fengxiang received a letter to the master.

Therefore, the army was mobilized overnight to rush to Guanzhong to protect Shigu and Xiang Chuanshi back to Fengxiang.

Immediately, the stone drum was sent to Bianliang.

Xiang Chuanshi received many awards from the imperial court for his meritorious service in finding stone drums, and obtained a complete set of stone drum rubbings.

So far, the 10 stone drums are finally reunited, but their fate of wandering continues.

Song Huizong, who claimed to be the "No. [-] scholar in the world", was another emperor of calligraphy and painting in the Northern Song Dynasty.

On the issue of Shigu, he not only inherited the obsession of the former king Song Renzong, but also doted on him.

In 1110 AD, after the "Zuoyuan Stone Drum" was transported to the capital, the 10 stone drums were officially transferred to Taixue for preservation.

Afterwards, he was moved into the Hall of Preserving Harmony to accompany him day and night.

In the future, Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty unexpectedly had a whim, and ordered to fill the gaps between the text grooves on the 10 stone drums with gold, and put gold bodies on them.

During the Jingkang Incident, the Jin soldiers invaded Bianliang, captured Emperors Hui and Qin, and escorted them to the Northeast Wasteland for captivity.

The 10 stone drums were regarded as treasures by the Jin soldiers because of the gold filling of the drum body, and they followed the plundered Huiqin Emperors to the north.

After the stone drum was transported to Yanjing, the Jinren, who did not know much about the culture of the Central Plains, did not find its value.

They just picked off the gold filled on the stone drums and threw them into the wilderness.

So far, Shigu has been lost for the third time due to war.

Until 1234 A.D., the coalition forces of the Southern Song Dynasty and the Mongolian and Yuan Dynasties broke through Yanjing, and the royal historian Wang Mo who came with the army happened by chance.10 stone drums hidden in the ruins were discovered.

Wang Zhu was born in Fengxiang Guo County (now Chencang District, BJ City), and has the same root as Shigu.

He kept it in the Confucian Temple and asked someone to take care of it.

In the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, Shigu never left the capital of God.

However, the stable days of the 10 stone drums in Shendu only lasted until the 30s.

After the full-scale outbreak of the neon war of aggression against China, the 10 stone drums continued to migrate along with the national treasures of the Forbidden City, and were transported to Chongqing with difficulty after a short stay in Jinling.

(End of this chapter)

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