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Chapter 1872 Dragon's World

Chapter 1872 Dragon's World
In our country's traditional culture, nine means a lot.

There is a saying that this does not mean that the dragon gave birth to nine sons, but generally refers to an imaginary number.

Nine Dragons Wall, also saw more than just a simple description of nine dragons.

The top of the Nine-Dragon Wall is mainly made of yellow glazed tiles, and under the eaves are rafters, purlins and dougongs of imitation wood structure.

The lower part of the Nine Dragon Wall is decorated with clouds and water in two colors: blue and green.

This highlights the majestic momentum connecting the water and the sky, and the bottom is mainly white marble.

Yellow is Zhenglong, which is in the middle and located in the middle of the Nine Dragon Wall.

The front paws of the dragon are encircling, and the back paws are parted into sea water. The dragon's body is curved, holding the flame orb under its head, and its jaws are wide open, majestic and majestic.

The two dragons on the left side of the Nine-Dragon Wall face each other, and the two dragons on the right face away from each other.

On the right end, the yellow dragon is bowed and crossbowed, with a certain degree of relaxation, and its figure of moving and jumping is vividly depicted and lifelike.

The white dragon in the Nine Dragon Wall is the ascending dragon, and the blue dragon is the descending dragon.

The two dragons on the outside are composed of one yellow and one purple. The yellow dragon at the left end stretches its chest and shrinks its neck.

The purple dragon in the Nine Dragon Wall presses down with its left paw, lifts up its right paw, and flicks its tail forward.

There are 270 plastic blocks on the wall, which is also a multiple of ninety-five.

In order not to damage the dragon's head, the division into pieces is very particular.

Between the dougongs under the eaves, 45 pieces of ninety-five dragon-patterned gong boards are used to make the whole building contain multiple ninety-five numbers in different ways.

The Palace Museum, the largest palace-style museum in the world, bears the brilliance of 5000 years of Chinese civilization.

Every inch of its land and every wall seems to be telling fascinating stories one by one.

Among these stories, there is a mystery about the Nine Dragon Wall, which has been perplexing countless tourists and history lovers.

That is: why are there only eight dragons on the Nine Dragons Wall?
There are many versions of the legend of Nine Dragon Wall, the most popular one is about Emperor Qianlong.

It is said that when Emperor Qianlong visited the Forbidden City at night, he was very surprised to find that there were only eight dragons on the Nine Dragon Wall.

In order to solve this mystery, he ordered to find out the whereabouts of the ninth dragon.

However, he couldn't find the answer in the end, so he could only follow the suggestion of an old minister and inlaid a jade dragon on the wall to make up for the lack.

Although Emperor Qianlong failed to solve the mystery of the Nine Dragon Wall, with the development of modern technology and the deepening of historical research, more and more evidence shows that there are indeed nine dragons on the Nine Dragon Wall.

It's just that one of the dragons is hidden very cleverly and is not easy to detect.

According to authoritative data and opinions, the existence of Invisible Dragon is not accidental, but deliberately done by designers.

In order to create a mysterious atmosphere and make people feel awe of the royal family, the designers cleverly used visual techniques such as perspective and occlusion to make this dragon blend with the other eight dragons at a specific angle, as if invisible.

As a symbol of the supremacy of the royal family, the Nine Dragon Wall contains the admiration and maintenance of imperial power behind it.

By hiding a dragon, the designers tried to express the mysterious and unattainable meaning of imperial power.

This design not only reflects the inheritance of traditional culture by ancient craftsmen, but also shows their innovative spirit in artistic creation.

With extraordinary skills and unique imagination, they created this unique masterpiece, making it a treasure of Chinese culture.

The mystery of the Nine Dragon Wall also left a profound enlightenment to future generations.

It tells us to be good at discovering the beauty and mystery in life, and not to be fooled by superficial phenomena.

Only by observing and thinking with your heart can you uncover the truth behind things.

In fact, the reason why the Nine Dragon Wall can attract countless tourists and history lovers is that apart from its mysterious legend and profound connotation, it also has the following charms.

The first is the artistic value. As a masterpiece of mural art, the Nine Dragon Wall has high artistic value.

It integrates various art forms such as traditional painting techniques, architectural sculpture and three-dimensional decoration, and presents a unique visual effect, which has become a highlight of the Forbidden City.

Then there is the historical significance. The Nine Dragon Wall carries rich historical information, reflects the style and characteristics of the royal architecture, and also witnessed the development and changes of the imperial power system at that time.

Therefore, it has high historical research value.

The third is humanistic care. The mystery of the Nine Dragon Wall has made people more curious and interested in the Forbidden City.

It not only inspires people's love for history and culture, but also helps people realize the important value of traditional culture in modern society.

And there are many dragons like this in the Forbidden City.

The Forbidden City is like a world of dragons, with overlapping magnificent palace roofs, doors, windows, ceilings, beams, steps, railings, and "dragons" everywhere.

There are stone dragons, wood dragons, copper dragons, iron dragons, golden dragons, jade dragons, pottery dragons, glass dragons, painted dragons, etc., with various shapes.

The Hall of Supreme Harmony, the Hall of Preserving Harmony, and the Hall of Zhonghe are the main buildings of the Forbidden City. The three halls stand on the triple white marble stone dragon.

There are 1480 watchtowers and 1414 slabs in the Longchi Stone Lane, and each watchtower is embossed with a dragon.

There are 1142 huge stone dragon heads protruding from the eaves of each balustrade.

The royal roads at the front and back of the three main halls are paved with exquisitely carved Longbi.

The doors and windows of the Hall of Supreme Harmony are engraved with exquisite dragon patterns.

The lintels, architraves, bucket arches and plaques above the gate of the hall are all painted with carved dragons;

The ridge beast at both ends of the ridge on the top of the hall is the largest dragon head in the Forbidden City, weighing 8.6 tons.

The main hall has two floors of double eaves, with thousands of tile ridges and grooves, all of which have dragon patterns, and the number of dragons is innumerable.

The six gold pillars in the Hall of Supreme Harmony are each 6 meters high and 12.7 meters in diameter, and the pillars are decorated with golden dragons coiling around them.

There is a giant dragon hanging ball in the algae well on the top of the hall, which is called "Xuanyuanjing".

The flowerless board is composed of countless squares, and the squares are painted with the color book "Two Dragons Playing with Pearls". There are more than 3000 colorful dragons on the ceiling alone.

On the golden lacquered woodcarved throne in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, nine golden dragons hold their heads high and bend their bodies, looking like they might leap into the air.

The lower part of the seat is Xumizuo, which is an openwork golden dragon, and behind the seat is a huge nine-dragon screen.

In addition to the three main halls, there are also many dragons in other parts of the Forbidden City. The bronze dragon in Chuxiu Palace is 1.6 meters high, 1.7 meters long, and weighs about 3 tons.

But among these countless dragons, some are very special.

There are more than 5 dragons in the Forbidden City, and there is a special dragon related to Qianlong!

This special dragon is different from all the dragon-shaped sculptures, buildings, furniture, etc. in the Forbidden City.

Many people even wonder why such a dragon should be built?
An expert from the Forbidden City has made a not-so-complete statistic. The Hall of Supreme Harmony, the main building of the Forbidden City, has as many as 13844 dragon patterns and dragon carvings inside and outside.

The Forbidden City claims to have more than 8600 palaces, and if there are only 6 dragons in each palace, there are 5 dragons.

Among these dragons, there is such a dragon that is very special.

In the archives of the Qing palace, there is a building area collectively called "Zhongzheng Hall", with Zhongzheng Hall as the center.

(End of this chapter)

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