Chapter 1908

There are 500 arhats carved on the ebony, which can be regarded as a small "Longmen Grottoes".

So many arhats gather together, giving people a sense of grandeur.

However, compared to these five hundred arhats, there seems to be something better?And there are many more, such treasures are not only found in one temple!
The five hundred arhats made by this boss have specimens, and the five hundred arhats are still very famous.

Regarding this point, Chen Wenzhe felt a little bit emotional, he didn't know about such a good thing before.

It was a group of 500 arhats carved in red sandalwood, which belonged to a monastery, and the location was in Yangshi!
500 Arhats are the most common in fairy tales.

It generally refers to the five hundred monks who participated in the first assembly after the death of Buddha Sakyamuni.

With the head of Kasyapa and Ananda, as for others, except for the famous top ten disciples, there are generally no records of their names.

What is more amazing is that the five hundred arhats that have been circulated in our country all have names.

However, the Five Hundred Arhats still has a large number of believers. For example, in Lingyin Temple in Hangzhou, there is also the Hall of Five Hundred Arhats.

By going back to the store owner's experience, Chen Wenzhe found that he has been there many times, and every time he went there, he would meet many people visiting or stopping to watch!
Because he didn't pay attention to asking for an arhat, he carefully observed his face and name, and found it interesting!

I asked some Zen masters why Luohan is so popular.

Originally, the five hundred arhats referred to the highest state that Buddhists could achieve, and later it generally referred to those who had attained the "Arhatship" status.

In the simplest terms, it is that the fruit attained by Arhats is inferior to that of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

But Arhat's practice is very easy, and he can become a "golden body".

Therefore, many believers think that arhat is the height they can get, so they are very pious!

The boss still agrees with the artistry of Five Hundred Arhats.

So he simply took this material and copied a batch of ebony five hundred arhats.

Of course, the five hundred arhats he copied were not the arhats of Lingyin Temple, but the arhats of Ningguo Temple.

This temple was first built in the Tang Dynasty (637 A.D.) and rebuilt during the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty. There is a saying of "Paomaguan Mountain Gate".

The entire monastery preserves a large number of precious cultural relics, many of which Chen Wenzhe did not know at all.

For example, Buddha's real body relics and 500 red sandalwood carvings of arhats should be well-known in the local area, but few outsiders know about them.

In addition to these two national treasures, there are many wood carvings in this temple, and each of them is a national treasure.

For example, the giant rosewood ruyi and the agate petrified wood hundreds of millions of years ago.

In addition, there are some antiques, such as the examination tapes of the Song Dynasty, and Tian Huangshi's engraved illustration of Sakyamuni Buddha's teachings.

And such temples naturally have no shortage of stone carvings, such as the stone carvings of Buddha statues in the Southern and Northern Dynasties.

Others include ancient ceramics, etc., all of which are priceless and rare treasures!
Regardless of its cultural value or appreciation, it is extremely high!

Of course, the most famous one is the Five Hundred Arhats.

These are [-] golden Buddhist niches, and [-] red sandalwood arhats, all of which are made of world-famous precious trees.

These trees are small-leaf red sandalwood that grows in the island country of Heizhou, and are exquisitely carved, which is unique in the world today.

It was also at this time that Chen Wenzhe discovered that there are quite a lot of statues of five hundred arhats in our country.

After searching, he found that the existing [-] Arhat Halls include Biyun Temple in Shendu, Baoguang Temple in Chuandu, Lianhua Temple Grottoes in Gansu, Xiyuan Temple in Sushi (Jiezhuang Temple), Qiongzhu Temple in Kunshi, and Huating Temple in Xishan , Guiyuan Temple in Wushi, Lingyin Temple in Hangzhou, etc.

Today's Ningguo Temple can be said to be a temple with the highest artistry and value!

In addition, Ningguo Temple also has the ruins of the ancient city of the Ming Dynasty - the Temple of the City God.

It is a Taoist building in the Ming Dynasty, with blue bricks and black tiles, screen doors and partitions, and the wooden frame of the hall beams and columns is the original Ming Dynasty hall. It has been of important cultural relic value for hundreds of years.

Apart from these places, the wooden statues of five hundred arhats in Nanhua Temple are the only extant wooden statues of five hundred arhats in Song Dynasty in my country.

Each statue there is carved out of a whole block of wood, with a height of 49.5 to 58 centimeters and a diameter of 23.5 to 28 centimeters.

The wood is mainly cypress, and a small amount is nanmu, camphor or sandalwood.

Each statue consists of a base and a seated statue, which are composed of two parts.

These statues of arhats are natural in shape, varied in variety, vivid and vivid, and refined in carving. They have high artistic research value and are very precious historical relics.

Chen Wenzhe had good luck this time, the boss he met really dared to think and act.

He didn't just spend 50 to buy a large piece of ebony before, he also accumulated many other precious materials.

For example, petrified agate wood, which is regarded as wood, but has been vitrified, or jade.

It's amazing how trees can be turned into gems.

And there are more resources like this in foreign countries.

Because the boss's petrified wood is mostly imported.

For example, a large number of petrified wood imported from the ugly country, they come from the southern desert of the American continent.

The land there is sparsely populated, and the south is an endless desert.

The desert spans Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona.

It is home to Petrified Forest National Park, the largest forest of petrified wood in the world.

This place has undergone great changes, and towering trees can be turned into gems.

These tree gems have been around for nearly 2.4 million years.

Hundreds of millions of years ago, this place was not a desert, but a vast forest dominated by coniferous forests.

In this forest, some trees can grow to more than 70 meters high.

When these trees die, they experience different fates.

Some will be washed by river water and transported to swamp mud ponds, where they will be gradually decomposed by bacteria.

In the end, it rots into nutrients that nourish the land.

Part of the trees will enter the natural circulation system and become traditional energy sources such as coal;
Some trees will be quickly buried by volcanic ash deposits, and after a series of changes, they will eventually form petrified wood.

This process is very exciting. Under the high temperature and high pressure environment where the trees are wrapped in volcanic ash, the silica and other substances in the sediment will gradually seep into the inside of the trees.

At this time, the organic components in the trees begin to be replaced by silica.

Silica is gradually deposited in the cells of plants, but does not destroy the cell morphology of plants.

The complete cell morphology and special texture of the tree can still be observed through the instrument.

There are many ingredients, so it is called petrified wood.

Therefore, towering trees can really become gems through a series of changes.

If it is attacked by volcanic high-temperature hydrothermal fluid again in the future, a large amount of metal ions and minerals will seep into the interior of the tree.

After cooling, gemstones of different colors and textures are formed due to the different forming conditions and temperatures.

Such gemstones include crystal clear crystals, large jaspers, and lustrous agates.

(End of this chapter)

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