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Chapter 36 Quicksand Trap

Chapter 36 Quicksand Trap
After a long while, Qian Dajun said: "This Yangluo shovel weighs about ten catties, right?"

"With the two-meter steel pipe, it weighs almost eight catties."

Chen Wenzhe said casually while cleaning up the excavated river mud.

"This steel pipe is really thick, isn't it too heavy?"

"The weight is just right, and the gravity of the fall is enough to make holes quickly."

"Well, you still have experience, how about it, how thick is the underground seal?"

"What seal? There is no seal here!"

Chen Wenzhe realized that this old guy was playing tricks on him!
"No? Even if there is an ancient tomb here, the size is not big!"

Qian Dajun was a little disappointed. Originally, seeing Chen Wenzhe's actions, he thought he would gain a lot this time, but he didn't expect it to be similar to what he guessed.

"It's not big, at most it's the size of a small rural landlord." Chen Wenzhe said casually.

"Can you tell what period the tomb is from?"

Although a little disappointed, Yuan Fangfang still asked.

Chen Wenzhe thought for a while and said, "According to our history here, it should be at least three hundred years old."

"Is it so difficult to deduce the age of this ancient tomb? Isn't it possible to know by looking at the seal?" Yuan Fangfang frowned.

"How is it possible? To date the ancient tomb, we must search for information. This ancient tomb does not bury the ancestors of our village. No one knows the previous history, so we can only infer it to three or four hundred years ago."

"The late Ming Dynasty, or the early Qing Dynasty, or even earlier, has certain excavation value. Can you show us Fengtu?" Qian Dajun asked.

Chen Wenzhe knew that this was inevitable.

Take them directly to the place where the cave was drilled for the first time.

"It was hit unintentionally. It hit the real mound of soil at a depth of two meters. There must be a problem. Continue to hit it down. I don't know what happened."

"The situation is complicated? If this is the case, it would be better. It means that this ancient tomb is very valuable. Otherwise, how could there be protection measures?" Qian Dajun still has some experience.

After thinking for a while, Chen Wenzhe reopened a hole in another place.

With three or two blows, he hit the ground more than one meter deep.

The mellow soil on the top was very soft, so the digging was quick, but at the bottom, there was already some loess layer.

After breaking through this layer of loess, the following is the sealing soil.

To put it simply, the sealing soil is the head of the grave, the digging of the grave, and the excavated soil, which will be backfilled in the end.

This is not over yet, a mound has to be piled up.

The emperor's words will be piled up even bigger, even piled up into a hill.

The sealing soil layer is the soil that was excavated and backfilled before, so this soil will not be pure sand or loess.

As long as you have experience, you can dig holes in the ground layer by layer and dig out the soil layer mixed with silt, which is likely to be the sealing layer.

The higher the specification of the tomb, the more special the sealing layer and the easier it is to identify.

On the contrary, there are some small mounds in the countryside, the soil is very random, and it is not easy to identify.

While talking, while drilling, Chen Wenzhe's movements were very fast, and he drilled down to a depth of more than three meters in just ten minutes.

"I don't think it's necessary to continue to hit it down. The bottom is probably a quicksand layer."

Checking Fengtu, Chen Wenzhe stopped.

"Quicksand trap? If this is the case, then we really need to continue fighting!"

Yuan Fangfang was already a little excited at this time, even if she didn't understand, she also knew that the thicker the sealing soil layer, the higher the standard of the cemetery.

If there is a quicksand trap, it is definitely not an ordinary tomb.

"Don't be too happy, quicksand traps appear here, it's too normal, because sand is produced here!"

As he spoke, Chen Wenzhe pointed to the creek not far away.

The stream flowing down the mountain not only brings mud, but also a lot of sand.

On their side, there is sand in almost every piece of land, even if it cannot be connected in one piece, it is not too much.

However, every household uses sand to build a house, and it is enough to dig some in the ground.

Sure enough, after hitting a few more times, Yang Luo brought out nothing with the shovel.

Needless to say, there is a layer of sand and gravel below, that is, a layer of quicksand!
Through drilling holes, Chen Wenzhe knew that the bottom had become very hard, which was completely different from the feeling of shoveling soil.

"It must be dug up!" Yuan Fangfang said affirmatively.

Qian Dajun also said: "It must be dug. After all, this is an ancient tomb protected by quicksand. Such an ancient tomb must have never been dug by tomb robbers. Ah, sorry, I didn't mean you!"

Chen Wenzhe's face turned black, are you pointing at the monk and scolding the bald donkey?
No, he shouldn't explain it, and the explanation can't be explained to him. He is a tomb robber?

"Old Qian, it's over, this little brother, at best, attempted to rob the tomb, how can you say that?"

At this moment, Sha Feiyue said with a smile.

Chen Wenzhe's face turned darker, what kind of attempted tomb robbery?
He also said mmp, I don't know if I should say it!
"Haha, just kidding, this is the brother of my comrade-in-arms, otherwise how could there be such awareness? They found the ancient tomb and immediately reported it."

Looking at the grinning Sha Feiyue, Chen Wenzhe felt that he must stay away from him in the future, this is a smiling tiger.

"Since we have decided to dig it out, we must act immediately. We hope to gain something before dark, and only after we have gained can we apply for protection!" Sha Feiyue immediately made a decision.

Putting away the Yangluo shovel silently, Chen Wenzhe made some calculations, and the sealing soil below is definitely more than ten meters.

Such a deep ancient tomb, protected by quicksand, is not easy to dig.

Even if they use forklifts and excavators, they will not be able to dig it out for a while.

If there is no way, even if it is dug up, the coffin in the ancient tomb will be destroyed!

Originally, he wanted to remind these people, at least to save them some effort, but now, hehe, he just watched the fun.

Seeing that Chen Wenzhe was about to leave with the cart, Li Qingtian walked over immediately.

"Your expression is wrong, and you feel a little malicious. Is there something wrong?"

Chen Wenzhe raised his head, and said expressionlessly: "I think you have a hole in your head."

"Tell me, otherwise I will remind those people. Look, fans like me want to know how to avoid the quicksand trap smoothly."

Chen Wenzhe glanced at his mobile phone, feeling that it was too messy, there were a lot of swiping gifts and more messages, it was impossible to see clearly.

The most important thing is that the achievements given to him are not worth much now.

Useless things, don't bother with them at all!

"It seems that I have to find a manager. There are so many people asking, I can't answer it!"

Chen Wenzhe ignored him, Li Qingtian continued to urge, "Quickly tell me, another brother is using rockets, if there is no surprise, how can we attract people to stay?"

"There is nothing to say. They are not grave robbers. Even if there is quicksand, it will not threaten them!"

"Tell me in detail, why can't you threaten them?"

(End of this chapter)

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