My system is not decent

Chapter 571 This level is not bad

Chapter 571 This level is not bad

"Looking at Senior Brother Chen Xingchen, he just wants to gain the approval of the world. Therefore, I often do high imitations before. I know this best. Unfortunately, it seems that it is difficult to get the approval of the world. However, this is not hopeless. For example, I, I am you role model?"

"We will work together in the future. Look at my craftsmanship. Why can my craftsmanship be recognized by the world? And the works that can be recognized by others must be at least at the specialization level, that is, at the level of a fourth-level worker. .”

While talking, he walked into the workshop and looked at their craftsmanship just now.

The sixteen teapots are all plain, without any decorations or carvings. Such purple clay pots cannot be sold for a price at all, and naturally they cannot be recognized by the world.

He picked up a horizontal jug, which reached the thickness and looked very honest. As for the cuteness and honesty, it was gone.

This is the difference between the master level and ordinary craftsmanship.

Chen Wenzhe picked it up carefully and took off the lid.

At this time, he put the whole teapot on the drawing machine and turned it slowly.

Although the pot has been successfully made, it is still not dry at this time and can still be trimmed.

Chen Wenzhe didn't think about doing too much trimming, and with the help of the drawing machine, he kept shaping the shape with his hands.

A good work, the most important thing is shaping.

For example, the one in Chen Wenzhe's hands can only be said to be a fairly standard and qualified product, without any special features, just an ordinary handmade purple clay teapot.

Such a thing, because it is a handmade product, can only sell for two to three hundred yuan at most, which is the extreme.

And here, there is still a suitable channel, otherwise it would not be sold for two or three hundred yuan.

Of course, if you want to deceive people, if you pack it up, you may be able to sell it for two or three thousand.

However, that's crooked, because the craftsmanship plus the cost of the purple sand mud is only worth two or three hundred yuan.

Chen Wenzhe repaired the teapot again. At first, many people didn't know why, but soon, they were shocked.

The teapot was still the same teapot, but after Chen Wenzhe kept trimming it, the old teapot soon disappeared completely, and now the teapot in their eyes has become different.

They haven't noticed the difference yet, but they feel that it's not wrong.

The number of times Chen Wenzhe has made this kind of horizontal pot is too many.

He dipped his hands in water and kept moistening the body of the pot to make it soft so that it could change its shape.

And as the shape changed, the teapot, which was originally a bit thick, began to look pleasing to the eye.

In the beginning, it was just an ordinary teapot, nothing special, let alone anything special.

It's different now, it looks very pleasing to the eye, and the following facts subvert the perception of many people.

As time goes by, the center of gravity of this relatively thick teapot moves down and becomes more stable!

steady?Can this feeling still appear on a teapot?

This is the feeling, a feeling that is as stable as Mount Tai and makes people feel very trustworthy.

At this point, Chen Wenzhe stopped his movements, and he could only modify it to this extent.

At this time, the teapot still had many flaws in Chen Wenzhe's eyes.

For example, the proportion of the pot body is still a bit uncoordinated, and the wall thickness is uneven.

What's more, the spout is not made finely enough. After firing, although the pouring will be smooth, it is not the smoothest.

In addition, the lid of the pot is also made a little too big. After being fired, the lid will easily stick to the body of the pot after thermal expansion. If the pot cannot be knocked open, the pot will be useless.

Of course, these are things in the future. Just looking at the present, this teapot is quite satisfactory.

At this moment, the teapot should have barely reached the quality of a specialist. That is to say, if you take it out, if you are a little more ruthless, you can sell it for one or two thousand yuan.

"This kind of teapot has barely reached the fourth level of craftsmanship, that is, the level of elementary expertise. A set of purple clay pots of this level can be sold for [-] yuan in the market, which is a conscience price!"

"That's five hundred? What about our two days' wages!"

"Are you so promising? Work hard, if we reach the fifth or sixth level, we can get a share of the profits!"

"How much profit can be achieved?"

"Can you figure it out, after removing all kinds of costs, how can it cost one or two hundred? Even if you give a [-]% commission, it won't be less in a month, right?"

"This is still a fourth-level craft. If it is a fifth-level craft, what about a sixth-level craft?"

"Why don't you say seven-level craftsmanship? That's the master level, not only with a commission, but also with dividends!"

"It's meaningless to say that. If you have a seventh-level craftsmanship, you are a master. What is the price of a master's work? There are no points?"

Seeing the students getting active, Chen Wenzhe smiled, this kind of atmosphere was what he wanted.

Visible skills seem to be achieved with a little effort. This is hope. Don't people live for a hope?
"Okay, be quiet, you guys, do you think the fourth-level craft is easy? You have studied it for four years, how many of you think you have the fourth-level craft? You can stand up and show it, the fourth-level craft is everyone Add another [-] yuan a month!"

Seeing the students getting excited, Chen Xingchen directly stepped forward to attack them.

The pancake looks very tempting, but you have to reach it, don't be too ambitious!
"Is there no one? Let's start with the simplest pot-making process. What about mixing mud? Who feels that their mixing mud is the best? Don't underestimate this. I noticed when I was making mud sticks just now. The mud is not up to standard, think about it, when the boss was shaping the shape just now, you didn't notice his expression? He is very dissatisfied with the mud you made."

"It's okay if you don't want to stand out now, but after a while, we will divide the labor and strive to produce professional-level works at one time. Only works of this level can be sold."

Chen Xingchen thought about it when Chen Wenzhe spoke just now. If they want to make qualified products, they really need to divide labor and cooperate.

His own kiln firing technology, as Chen Wenzhe said, must be able to reach level four.

If Chen Wenzhe taught him some more tricks, it would not be difficult to burn kilns at level five and level six, but it is rare to surpass level six and reach the level of a master.

I dare not say that the master level can be easily achieved, but at the level of five or six, Chen Xingchen is still very confident.

"Now my kiln firing technology must have reached level [-]. If the boss teaches me some more skills, then I can master level [-] or even level [-] kiln firing technology. How much salary can I get at that time?"

"Add four, five, and six together, and add fifteen thousand to nine thousand, which is twenty-four thousand. A monthly salary of twenty-four thousand is not bad in Dahai City, is it?"

okay?Can you remove the last word?

A monthly salary of more than [-] yuan is already quite acceptable in the international metropolis of Dahai City.

(End of this chapter)

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