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Chapter 588 National Porcelain Classic

Chapter 588 National Porcelain Classic
"Nine autumn winds exposed the kiln, and won the emerald greenness of thousands of peaks."

Longquan celadon is no worse than Yue kiln celadon.

Meiziqing not only conforms to the aesthetics of the ancients that "green is the most precious", but also highlights the purity of nature.

Due to the high firing temperature, the glaze layer is clear and transparent, and the glaze color is green, just like jadeite.

And the current Meiziqing can be fired into a green color?Even if the glaze layer is clear and transparent, it is difficult to fire, right?
Of course, inheritance is no problem.

However, according to the ancient inheritance, the glaze prepared by Chen Wenzhe using modern mineral materials must be different from the Longquan celadon inherited from modern times.

However, Chen Wenzhe didn't know what kind of effect the batch of porcelain he made could really achieve.

Therefore, he doesn't say much, and everything will be discussed after the works are out of the kiln.

Chen Wenzhe didn't explain much, and Chen Xingchen couldn't figure out what he was thinking, so he could only start firing the kiln.

Today's products are not too much or too little, just enough to make up a kiln.

Chen Xingchen has been busy here for six hours, and a total of less than sixty beauty pots have been produced, the exact number should be fifty-six.

They also used the last remaining mud to make hundreds of teacups, which were sold with teapots and not counted as production value.

Calculated in this way, it is still far from the one hundred teapots Chen Xingchen planned.

However, because the craftsmanship of this batch of teapots was unexpectedly good, their work today was not only completed satisfactorily, but also far exceeded Chen Wenzhe's expectations.

Fifty-six teapots, even at the ex-factory price of [-], are worth more than [-].

If it leaves the factory at [-] yuan, the output value will exceed [-] yuan, which is already quite a lot.

[-] a day, [-] million a month, and an annual output value of over [-] million.

This is considered a big company in this relatively clean development zone, right?
After all the works entered the kiln, both Chen Xingchen and Chen Wenzhe relaxed.

As for Li Jinli, he stayed here for a day, just to understand the production situation, and at most, to have expectations.

Therefore, he planned to bring the products back to the antique city immediately after the porcelain came out of the kiln tomorrow morning.

Li Jinli is very satisfied with the establishment of this workshop, because he no longer needs to worry about the lack of sales of products in the future.

It's just that this situation only lasted for a few minutes. After he answered the phone once, he came to Chen Wenzhe with a sad face.

"What's wrong?" Chen Wenzhe was startled by his appearance.

With such an expression, it's not something wrong with the antique city or the pharmacy, or it's a private matter.

Otherwise, Li Jinli was greened?It should be impossible, this kid's wife is still very good to him.

"It's okay, it's just that the pair of peony vases you put in the store were bought away. Hey, now there is no treasure in the store."

Chen Wenzhe was taken aback: "Red peony bottle in blue and white glaze?"

"Yes, just the pair of red peonies that you fired with copper red glaze, the real pair of blue and white underglaze red!"

Chen Wenzhe couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Even if it's sold, you don't have to make such an expression, do you? I thought you had grass growing on your head!"

"Grow grass? What kind of grass grow? I'm not. You just have green grass growing on your head!" Li Jinli finally came to his senses.

"Haha, what's the big deal? I will be stationed in the factory in the future. What kind of porcelain can't we make?"

After finishing speaking, Chen Wenzhe looked at the busy workers not far away. They were all so eager to learn, so he couldn't be left behind.

Since he has time and conditions, he will burn another pair, anyway, he is just about to start trying to make porcelain.

Among treasure firings, he is most familiar with the copper red glaze. With the copper red glaze itself, the effect of ruby ​​red can be fired, which Chen Wenzhe has long known.

Ruby red is one of the varieties of copper red glaze. It is named for the ruby-like color in the glaze.

And because this glaze color is often used as sacrificial utensils, it is also called "sacrificial red".

Created and fired in the Xuande Jingzhen kiln in the Ming Dynasty, the varieties include plates, bowls, washing, and high-footed bowls.

Although this type of porcelain was successfully fired in the Xuande period of the Ming Dynasty, the ruby ​​red of that year should have been successfully fired using the treasure firing technique.

But the modern technology is obviously not, that is to use another craft formula to successfully fire.

Regardless of the technique, ruby ​​red is beautiful.

You must know that the current ruby ​​red is a national porcelain. Its appearance is the highlight of the development of contemporary Chinese ceramics. Like the ancient Yuan blue and white, it represents the return of ceramic art to the beauty of natural materials and has become a feature of an era.

Because of the early preparations, Chen Wenzhe prepared the ruby ​​red glaze very quickly, because he had already prepared the materials, but he didn't plan to fire it today.

Since the store needed it, he fired a batch of ruby ​​red works, which happened to be the main signature of the store.

After preparing the glaze, Chen Wenzhe started mixing the mud.

Since the production of national porcelain classics, it is natural to be meticulous. From the very beginning of clay selection and practice, there must be no flaws.

He has master-level kiln firing technology, and the production process is also master-level, so it is difficult to produce defective products when firing kilns.

However, this is only because of his superb level, and because he is meticulous in his production, otherwise, he will definitely have failed products.

The most important thing is that Chen Wenzhe's output is not large, so he can take each work seriously.

After reconciling the mud, Chen Wenzhe made a few small thin bowls, thought about it, and made a lot of small wine cups.

Then he made a few small jugs with open mouths and no handles. This kind of jug was simple in craftsmanship and was mainly used in the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, or the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

No one uses it now, or it has been replaced by glass products, which is a wine utensil similar to a wine dispenser.

The style is like an hourglass with two irregular upper and lower parts, with an open top and a larger belly below for wine.

There are very few bottles, and it is usually used for drinking alone.

Each of these porcelains is as thin as paper, and fired with precious firing techniques. I don't know if they will be as bright as a mirror after firing?

Applying green glaze is a prelude to firing Ru porcelain this time.

In the green glaze formula used, fire glass and agate powder are added. Because there are not many glazes in the configuration, the speed is fast.

The style of porcelain made is also simple, and the natural speed is faster.

Therefore, Chen Wenzhe finished making all these small bowls, jugs and wine cups in just one visit.

If the firing is successful, this is some treasure fired celadon porcelain.

The standard of success is to burn out the jade color.

"Open a small kiln and burn these first!"

In fact, without Chen Wenzhe's orders, Chen Xingchen was already waiting.

After Chen Xingchen took the things away, Chen Wenzhe started mixing the glaze again.

This time it is copper red glaze, and the formula is not troublesome, just add a mineral to the finished copper red glaze.

(End of this chapter)

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