Chapter 596

Even if it is a modern handicraft, Chen Wenzhe might be able to learn some unique techniques from it.

It should also be known that the successful firing of twisted tire ceramics in the Tang Dynasty was a breakthrough in the "underglaze painting" that penetrated into the fetal bone because people broke away from the shackles of monotonous blue and white porcelain before the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

It is often said that the three major breakthroughs in ceramic decoration in the Tang Dynasty are: twisted tires, Tang Sancai and underglaze painting in Shachang Kiln.

Just imagine using porcelain clay of several different colors. It is necessary to master both the dry humidity and the coefficient of thermal expansion to fire this kind of "underglaze painting" that penetrates into the fetal bone. Underglaze painting of Daisha Chang Kiln.

Therefore, it can be said that, at that time, twisted tire ceramics were high-tech products with outstanding technology.

After the founding of New China, the state organized personnel to carry out research and imitation many times. At least until the [-]s, no great achievements have been made.

On the little devil's side, in 1960, after long-term research on the art of twisted body porcelain, a guy innovated the traditional twisted body porcelain technique, and successfully reduced the shrinkage rate of different colored soils, and finally became the little devil's twisted body porcelain technique. The masters of the works were awarded the highest honor in the field of arts and crafts, "Living National Treasure".

In addition to this one, there are several masters from the little devil's side. Of course, there are now several masters of twisted body porcelain in the country, which allows the domestic twisted body porcelain to continue and continue.

Looking at the photo on the phone, Chen Wenzhe could see the vicissitudes of history on it, this thing should not be a modern imitation.

There was nothing to say all the way, when Li Jinli drove the car and entered the antique city, Chen Wenzhe couldn't wait to get out of the car.

Naturally, Li Jinli will handle the truck, and Chen Wenzhe just needs to be a free boss.

Quickly walked into Hualou and came to the new Yi Nian Hall.

"Hi, boss!" Seeing the boss coming in, some of the newly recruited shop assistants finally got to know him.

"Are there any guests?" Chen Wenzhe asked.

"Inside, hold a pile of rags!" A beautiful woman in business attire said immediately.

Chen Wenzhe was speechless. They probably forgot that this is the Antique City. It used to be a place to trade antiques. It's just that there are fewer antiques now, but you can't treat antiques as junk!
However, there is not no good news here, a pile of junk?
Chen Wenzhe still likes a pile of two words, a pile, which means that there are a lot of them.

It's just that there is a pile of tatters, and the situation of that pile is not optimistic.

Sure enough, as soon as he walked into the store, Chen Wenzhe saw a pile of porcelain.

Except for a small bowl which is well preserved, the others are some broken porcelain pieces.

No wonder the clerk said it was a pile of tatters, but he suddenly looked at it and thought it was a pile of broken bricks and tiles!

"Wen Zhe, are you here? If you like these things, you must give them a high price. You must know that this brother has been waiting for you in the store for two hours."

Seeing Chen Wenzhe come in, Chen Qingchuan immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

It's definitely not easy to stay with this precious lord in front of me for more than two hours.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm late, I'll take a look at the things first, as long as the things are real, I will definitely give you a high price."

Chen Wenzhe understood almost immediately what his elder brother meant.

Of course, Chen Qingchuan understood what his brother meant better.

If he didn't want it, how could he come over in such a hurry?
Also, as long as the things that my brothers are interested in, the value is not low.

"This is Tang porcelain? Gao Gu porcelain!"

However, as an antique dealer, he performed the performance that should be performed very naturally.

Therefore, the young man in his twenties who had been paying attention to Chen Wenzhe naturally saw the disappointment on Chen Wenzhe's face.

Just glanced at the things on the table, and Chen Wenzhe looked at Master Bao again.

This person looks young, but his face is not lacking in weather. The most special thing is his eyes, which give people a deep feeling at a glance.

This is an old Jianghu, Chen Wenzhe can almost tell it at a glance.

This person is not very old, but he has been in society for a long time.

In other words, he has rich experience in the world, and his average acting skills will definitely not fool him.

Therefore, Chen Wenzhe behaved very naturally, because the earlier the history of porcelain, the more valuable it is.

Generally, porcelain before the Yuan Dynasty, which is different from the porcelain of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, is considered to be high ancient porcelain.

However, according to the customary division, the general Yuan blue and white porcelain does not belong to Gaogu porcelain, just because it is valuable!

Of course, Song porcelain among the high ancient porcelains is also different, because too many top porcelains were produced in the Song Dynasty, which has a very unique position in domestic history.

Before the Song Dynasty, that is, Tang porcelain, it must belong to Gaogu porcelain.

Such high ancient porcelain is often synonymous with worthless.

It was only in the last few decades that there was a special case of the boom in antiques, and Tang porcelain and others had some potential for appreciation.

Therefore, it is quite normal for Chen Wenzhe to show a disappointed expression.

For the old Jianghu, the traces of performance should not be too heavy, so, just showing a little emotion, Chen Wenzhe returned to normal.

After exchanging some nonsense with this man, Chen Wenzhe's eyes fell on the coffee table again.

A pile of tatters, there is really no description error, which made Chen Wenzhe involuntarily show distressed expression.

This time it was a real performance, with no trace of performance at all.

"It's a pity, these are all antiques."

Chen Wenzhe didn't do anything to cover up, because he couldn't cover up.

Didn't pick up the well-preserved small bowl first, but picked up a piece of porcelain, which seems to be covered with yellow glaze?
Yellow glaze has always been related to the royal family. Even in the Song Dynasty, when the scholar-officials had the highest status, no one used yellow utensils casually, right?
It was also because of this that Chen Wenzhe took a fancy to this piece of broken porcelain at a glance.

Picking it up, according to its shape and curvature, Chen Wenzhe thought it was probably a porcelain pillow, which was relatively normal in the Song Dynasty, but did anyone make it in the Tang Dynasty?

Unable to resist using the backtracking skill, Chen Wenzhe saw some intermittent pictures.

The picture recorded on the fragment is not complete, but there must be a record of what artifact the fragment came from.

Therefore, Chen Wenzhe saw it at a glance. It came from a yellow-glazed twisted tire pillow.

Because its pillow surface is cut perpendicular to the cross-section of the column, it presents a pattern like a knot on the wood, which has a solemn and luxurious feeling.

And the ornamentation on its side reflects a natural and simple charm due to the essentials of rubbing the earthen soil and the difference in the angle of cutting.

Such twisted tire pillows, because they are cut tires, are pasted on the pre-made tire molds, with concise shapes and delicate tire repairs. Therefore, after being covered with glass glaze and fired, it is regarded as sincere and atmospheric, and it is warm and smooth. .

Its pattern and glaze color are perfectly combined, which makes people never forget it.

This is definitely a fine product among twisted body porcelain, and it is an official kiln.

(End of this chapter)

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