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Chapter 601 I just lost a king bomb

Chapter 601 I just lost a king bomb (900 monthly ticket plus update, ask for monthly ticket subscription)

Obviously, the young man was smart, and he wasn't so easily fooled, but somehow, he was interested in these teapots.

Whether it's the beauty shoulder or the beauty pot, he was very interested, and he unexpectedly asked Li Jinli to introduce them to him.

"The goods in your store are really so easy to sell?"

"Our boss has dozens of employees, and that's not counting the rent and taxes. If we don't make money, we can't support such a big store!"

"When I came here, I saw this beautiful porcelain in many shops here!"

"You're talking about cloisonne! There's no way. Seeing that our store is selling well, other stores have started to stock up. We can't monopolize this kind of porcelain. If we can sell it, others can naturally sell it too. However, purple sand pots It’s different, our boss is a master craftsman of purple clay teapots.”

"Just him? So young?"

"Young, right? I feel too young too, but who is the best? He came from the Academy of Fine Arts and is a professional porcelain maker. You have only seen the purple sand pots he made, but you haven't seen the porcelain he made yet. That's great!"

With that said, Chen Qingchuan walked in from the outside with a big box in his arms.

Needless to say, it contained a large jar, but what was contained here was only a pair of ruby ​​red peony flower jars.

Naturally, good things should be kept in reserve. It is impossible for Li Jinli to sell the best works first.

When the cardboard box was opened, not only the young man looked surprised.

Even the three well-informed salesmen in the Antique City recently looked surprised.

The ruby ​​red peony is so beautiful that anyone who sees it at first sight will be surprised!

I was in the factory before, because I looked at other porcelains first, so I couldn't see the beauty of this pair of large ruby ​​red peony flower jars.

But now it is different, a big pot, covered with layers of petals, from light red, pink, peach red, layers are distinct, expressing the beauty of layers of peony flowers vividly.

The same kind of ruby ​​red has a sense of layering after being fired. This is Chen Wenzhe's method.

Among them, the top color is peach red, just like after the peach is red, there is a little red on the tip of the peach, the red is so natural, but very dazzling.

The luster of ruby ​​red, coupled with the positive color of pink, how can it not be beautiful?
In comparison, the bright red color is not as beautiful as the pink color!

When such a big pot appeared, it not only attracted the eyes of the people in the store, but even passers-by and tourists passing by outside the store and occasionally glancing at the interior of Yi Nian Tang were quickly attracted in.

Many people here are ordinary people, and they don't have much artistic literacy at all. Naturally, it is impossible to see how powerful the craftsmanship of this big pot is.

However, they can always see that this large tank with a height of forty to fifty centimeters is really beautiful.

"How much does this big pot cost?"

Seeing that he was about to be squeezed out of the crowd, the young man became anxious.

He pulled Li Jinli, wanting to know how much such a beautiful big pot can sell for!

Glancing at the young man who behaved even more strangely, Li Jinli felt even more strange, you are here to sell goods!This performance is a bit upside down.

"At least [-]. I haven't figured out how much. Earlier, there was a pair of red peony vases in blue and white glaze, which sold for [-], and a vase for [-]."

"I'm so stupid! Is this a modern handicraft?"

Li Jinli said: "Naturally, it is a modern handicraft. Although our boss's craftsmanship is very good, but this piece of porcelain just came out of the kiln this morning, the fire is still there, but it is amazing. Our boss can use all disadvantages to show A piece of porcelain in perfect condition.

Didn't understand?See that shimmering sheen?In the antique shop, it is called Thief Light, which means that the porcelain that has just come out of the kiln has a kind of fire, or fire light, which can be seen by ordinary people. It is the bright light that is more dazzling. Will feel, new, is there such a feeling? "

"When you put it that way, I feel a little new. Everything I saw before was beautiful and amazing!" the young man said thoughtfully.

"Yes, if the porcelain made by others is not old, it will feel very new at first glance, that is, the fire light, the thief light! And look at this big pot made by our boss?
Its layer of fire light is blessed on top of the red precious light, which is the characteristic of copper red glaze, it is a layer of gem light, if the gem light is brighter, it will cover up the new feeling, Just makes people feel more beautiful! "

Li Jinli seemed to have found a bosom friend, regardless of whether the young man could understand it or not, he just praised it fiercely.

Anyway, it's always a boast, and while the boss is around, maybe you can make more money by boasting!

It was at this time that Chen Qingchuan entered the store again, this time he also brought in a large box.

When it was opened, there was another large peony jar inside.

The same gem light is also the same red peony, but anyone can see that although they are both peony flowers, they are all peony flowers layered on top of each other, but the two are absolutely different, and it can be clearly seen that this It is two peonies.

Although the same beauty, but the shape, color distribution of flowers, etc., are different.

The only thing that is the same is beautiful and amazing.

"Rang Rang, Rang Rang, you don't buy it? What are you doing here? Delay the boss's business!"

At some point, a flag bearer walked into the store, and judging by his posture, he looked like the owner of the store.

It is very common to carry flags like this here in Chenghuang Temple, and they are tour guides!

When did the tour guide come into the store and still have such an aura?

Seeing that twenty or thirty people had squeezed into the store, Li Jinli finally stopped talking.

Because there are so many people, it is the best sign.

He felt that even if he didn't do business with this annoying young man in front of him today, his commission would not be less.

However, the situation at the scene is a bit not good.

Because the pair of big peony pots were so beautiful, everyone was watching them around at this time, and Li Jinli was naturally squeezed out.

Also squeezed out was that young man.

At this time, the young man has completely understood the envy and hatred of those previous store owners.

He didn't come to Yi Nian Tang randomly, otherwise, he wouldn't have waited for Chen Wenzhe for more than two hours.

It's all to sell more money. He did a lot of homework, but he really didn't expect it. He thought it was an exaggeration, thought it was a legendary joke, but he didn't expect it to be true.

The business of Yi Nian Tang is really good.

There were too many people in the store, and the young man finally became a little worried about his things.

So, he returned to the negotiating table.

"Can I see the information on your phone? It's what you said, the information given by the professional!"

As soon as the young man came over, he immediately threw a bomb.

 Thank you brothers for your monthly ticket support. Now, there are 927 monthly tickets, and 1000 monthly tickets will continue to be added.

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  Thanks brother mollyaihuaan for the reward.

  The difference is 7500 coins, and [-] coins are enough to add more changes!

(End of this chapter)

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