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Chapter 619 Enduring Not Killing Him

Chapter 619 Enduring Not Shooting Him To Death (Subscribe)
"Your boss has gone to Chang'an. He left at noon today. He will arrive at the place in the evening. After getting off the plane, he will contact you to report his safety."

After finishing speaking, Ma Chengji waved his hand and walked out of the One Thought Hall. He was hit hard today.

All along, he thought that he was a young talent, but today he realized that there are many people who are better than him in this world!

Li Jinli just listened to it, and then began to settle the accounts. Today's accounts must be understood.

I calculated [-] million piecemeal, less than [-] million, which doesn't seem to be much!
However, he still had two pairs of large blue and white pots in his hand that he did not make a move.

Also, a deposit of [-] million has been received.

No, later a deposit of hundreds of thousands was collected, and when all these were counted, it would almost break through ten million.

After a little calculation, Li Jinli realized that the focus is not on sales, but on production.

The boss ran away and actually went to Chang'an. I don't know what to do there?
However, although the boss is gone, the factory's production cannot be stopped.

Not to mention the orders of those tourists just now, but the orders of the boss of Hangshijing, so they must be guaranteed.

Looking at the store, it seems that there is nothing to sell except gold jewelry?
So, now the focus is on the factory.

Looking at the three employees who were tallying the goods, Li Jinli felt very satisfied.

The work enthusiasm of these three employees is not bad, at least they are so busy today, they can still do it in an orderly manner.

Such an employee is already very rare.

With excellent sales staff and a financial supervisor, he doesn't have to keep an eye on it, right?

Therefore, Li Jinli, who made a decisive decision, gave Chen Qingchuan a few words of advice, and then left the antique city.

He was going to the factory in the development zone, and there should be no accidents in the production there.

If it wasn't for Chen Wenzhe Qian's and Wan's orders, he would have to find a way to make the workers work overtime.

Only six hours of assembly line production during the day?Is it too extravagant?
However, making porcelain by hand is not about driving screws, it is really necessary to ensure that the workers are energetic.

"It seems that we still need to recruit people!"

Soon, Li Jinli had a way to recruit people, but couldn't the experienced ones find it, and the novice couldn't find it?

Of the sixteen experienced hands, each of them has two or three apprentices, isn't it?
In this way, they can save time as much as possible and produce as many products as possible.

Even if the speed is faster, the quality of some products has deteriorated, it's nothing!

As long as it reaches the fourth level of craftsmanship, it can also sell five hundred sets.

In fact, this kind of mass product is the best-selling, but unfortunately, they don't have much stock at all.

Speeding all the way, soon came to the factory.

At this time, the workers in the factory had just finished their lunch break and happened to be going to work in the afternoon.

Seeing Li Jinli rushing to the factory building, Chen Xingchen thought something happened, so he immediately greeted him.

"what happened?"

"What's the matter? It's okay, no, there's something, the goods were shipped back this morning"

"Is there a problem with the goods? Impossible! When it came out of the kiln today, there was no problem. Did you get damaged on the way?"

"What are you talking about? There is no problem with the goods. They are all sold out. I'll come over."

"What? They're all sold out?"

Chen Xingchen interrupted Li Jinli again, nothing else matters, the most important thing is that the goods are all right and sold out!
How long is this?It will take some time for Li Jinli to come from Yi Nian Tang, right?
Doesn't this mean that their works were sold out in a short period of time as soon as they were shipped to Yi Nian Tang?

"Is our work so popular?" Chen Xingchen asked with surprise.

For Chen Xingchen who interrupted him twice in a row, Li Jinli endured and did not shoot him to death.

Bear with it, I still need this guy to be a slave, coax him, let him work more, so that he can make more money.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Li Jinli's face.

"All of your works have been sold, and I signed a big order for you today, [-] sets, which will be completed within a month. Therefore, in the future, you will have to produce at least [-] sets of tea sets every day."

"A big order? So no matter how many works we produce, we won't worry about selling them?" Chen Xingchen said excitedly.

"Yes, no matter how much you produce, you don't have to worry about selling it. Do you have any difficulties here? I'm sure I can help you solve it. If you can, you should try to make as many good works as possible, so that"

"No problem, we must work hard, no matter what, we must be worthy of the boss's salary!"

Li Jinli gritted his teeth and interrupted him again?Tolerate!
"You should be paid for your work. Tell me if there are any difficulties. Only by solving the difficulties can we increase the output!"

"Don't tell me, it's really difficult. In the past two days, the brothers have done more physical work and ate more, and Chen Qinghu's wife is also very good at doing business, and the meals they cook are all delicious, so they The food is a bit over the standard”

Li Jinli didn't wait for Chen Xingchen to finish speaking this time, and waved his hand and said: "I understand, I eat a lot, the food is good, and the money is not enough, right?"


"Then what do you mean? Let the boss raise his salary?"

"No, don't talk nonsense. What we mean is, do you want to ask the boss how to reward those works we made privately? When will they be rewarded?"

"Haha, so that's the case. In principle, we don't advocate working overtime, because you will be very tired if you do that. If you get bored by then, it will be worth the loss."

"Stop talking nonsense and get to the point." Chen Xingchen interrupted him directly.

Li Jinli rolled his eyes and said: "For privately produced works, the profit is divided in half. To be clear, the author shares a quarter. For example, the commemorative edition of the fourth-level craft, the ex-factory price is [-] yuan for a teapot, and the cost is [-] yuan. The remaining one hundred is profit, half of the boss and half of you.

In other words, if you make a set of commemorative purple clay teapots, you can get a bonus of [-] yuan. If you make ten sets a day, it will be [-] yuan, and if you make [-] pieces, it will be [-] yuan. "

Li Jinli glanced at Chen Xingchen very secretly, this kid probably didn't pay attention to his wording, right?
Although this group is not all two hundred and five, it is almost the same!
"The reward is so high? Does the boss know?" Chen Xingchen asked in surprise.

"Is this high? After leaving the factory, enter Yi Nian Tang, we sell a set for [-], and the boss earns [-] for a set." Li Jinli said directly.

Everyone in the field did not speak, and all looked at the two managers with a smile.

After the work leaves the factory, even if it sells for [-] yuan, they are not envious.

Now is the information age, who doesn't know the importance of channels?
No matter how many works they have produced, it is useless if they cannot be sold.

As for how much the terminal sellers sold, it really has little to do with producers like them!

(End of this chapter)

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