Chapter 622

If he can really comprehend such a unique skill as Yingying Baoguang, Chen Xingchen will really get a golden job in the future.

This is just making some six-level craft products, but Chen Xingchen's craft is only five-level.

The price of being able to sell the six-level craftsmanship is entirely because of the shape of the pot. Who makes the beauty pot more popular and easier to sell?
Looking at the entire production line, in fact, Chen Xingchen is not the only one who has made progress. Students from other major art colleges are also making progress, and the progress is not small.

After all, it's just a craft. If you do a lot every day and accumulate enough experience, it's normal to improve your skills.

Don’t think that you can learn a lot if you work hard enough in the Academy of Fine Arts, but that’s not the case.

Just like Chen Wenzhe had no money to study art before, these art majors are not free to waste porcelain clay at will.

You know, it takes a lot of cost to make a piece of porcelain.

And if you don't have good porcelain clay and glaze, no matter how talented you are, how can you make good fine porcelain?
Also, if there is no countless times of practice, how much technology can be learned?
You know, there are too many types of porcelain.

It is impossible for every student to involve all types of instruments. Even if some instruments are taught by teachers, they do not have the strength to practice every day.

Because every practice is money.

But now at the factory, it's completely different.

Chen Xingchen is smart, capable, and has management experience.

It's just that the students from the Academy of Fine Arts that he selected are not very talented people, but they are all hardworking and down-to-earth.

It is because they are willing to work and endure hardships that they are selected.

And such a group of people came to Chen Wenzhe to allow them to practice their skills to their heart's content. Do you think their strength will improve rapidly?
It is only a few days now, and Li Jinli believes that as time goes on, this group of people will become the treasures of Yi Nian Tang.

In this way, it seems that if they are given more bonuses, it will be nothing.

If there is no food for people, how can we retain talents?
As for the guy who made some money, floated away, and wanted to fly solo, there must be one.

However, Chen Wenzhe is not uncommon for people who drift so easily.

After all, it is really not difficult for him to train a group of skilled workers.

For example, those apprentices who are working hard now, they see hope, and no longer cherish their own strength.

Therefore, they can do or even complete the pre-processes such as beneficiation, mud mixing, mud stripping and mud strip cutting, and even pot handles, spouts, pot buttons, etc. at the beginning.

After that, let their masters trim and perfect it before they can be used.

In this way, with their help, the production speed of the sixteen-person production line increased again.

"Manager Chen's shaping speed is already a bit behind. You can add one more person. Two people will shape faster. Does anyone have this confidence? Don't be afraid that the product is not up to standard. If you can't make something like Manager Chen, Still can't make the ones that just passed? Even if the ex-factory price is [-] yuan, every time you make an extra one, you will get an extra bonus."

At this time, Chen Xingchen realized that as soon as he kept improving, his speed naturally slowed down.

Once he slowed down, there would be too many purple clay teapot accessories accumulated in other links.

"Chen Qinghu, you come to shape the shape. I have seen your works, and you have practiced your skills well."

Just looking up, Chen Xingchen saw Chen Qinghu who was idle and had nothing to do.

It is too easy to practice mud with someone to help, so after making a large amount of porcelain clay, Chen Qinghu is the most idle.

Chen Qinghu was not afraid, he picked up a piece of round pot bottom silently, and connected it to a body tube.

The cross-joint technique is also an important technique, but he is still not good at it.

It turned out that the people who made this craft had only the same hand speed, so now they just accumulated one piece and put it next to Chen Xingchen.

Although Chen Xingchen doesn't need it now, Chen Qinghu still doesn't use that one, because he can't affect Chen Xingchen's speed, which is their cash cow.

"Brother Hu, you can wait a moment. I was practicing technique just now, and the speed can be faster!"

"It's okay, keep improving, we all need to practice skills." Chen Qinghu said with a smile.

"Hey, on the assembly line, it's better to make money first. After eating enough, you will have time to practice after get off work!"

"Ha ha!"

This was telling the truth, and everyone laughed.

After laughing, their speed began to increase involuntarily.

After all, there are now two people starting to shape, which means that there are two assembly lines, and their pressure is not small.

Coupled with Chen Qinghu who is not very familiar with the shaping process, this newly added assembly line just happened to be formed stumblingly.

Chen Qinghu is definitely not as good as Chen Xingchen when he first started making beauty pots.

However, the children of the old Chen family have really flexible hands.

If it wasn't for this, Chen Wenzhe would not have taught Chen Qinghu how to make pots.

But now, the talents of the Chen family's children are revealed.

With Chen Xingchen as a role model by his side, Chen Qinghu would take a few glances at what he felt was not doing well.

In this way, with the first teapot off the assembly line, Chen Qinghu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't have to think about selling a fake six-level for [-].

However, he can still make a grade four that can sell for two hundred.

"Let's congratulate Chen Qinghu. He has attained a real level [-] crafting level. From now on, his basic salary will be increased by [-]!"

"That's an extra [-]?" Chen Qinghu smiled innocently while busy.

It used to be [-] per month, not counting bonuses, but now it's [-] per month?Almost as good as Chen Xingchen!

It's just that he doesn't know, it's not even a little bit worse!

"Don't underestimate the two hundred yuan. As long as it can be sold, it is a fourth-level craft. This is a watershed. Work hard."

Li Jinli is the happiest, this is equivalent to an extra production line!
Every day, there are fifty fake six-level teapots, and fifty regular four-level purple clay teapots, which is an additional output value of [-] yuan.

Although the value is not high, but it can't stand for a long time!
[-] a day, [-] a month, which is definitely a lot!
Also, this shows that their production model is feasible, and it can also allow employees to make continuous progress.

You know, although Chen Qinghu has good talent, he is not from a major.

Since he was able to reach the fourth level of craftsmanship, what about the other students?

Look at those boys, their eyes are already burning.

From the shining eyes, it can be seen that they should not be far away from breaking through to the fourth-level technician.

In this way, they can easily split into sixteen production lines!

(End of this chapter)

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