Chapter 642
For example, the three pieces of jade from the Tang Dynasty in front of Chen Wenzhe, in terms of craftsmanship, they absorbed the sculpture and painting techniques of the time, using traditional ground-picking, openwork and round carving, and a large number of thin lines carved in intaglio.

Among them, the theme pattern is hidden, and the expression method of decorative clothing pattern and yin and yang concave and convex surfaces is particularly prominent with dense Yin lines.

The Yin lines decorated by it are mostly completed with a mound pattern, with parallel or radial short strips, dense and rich in texture.

This is still to express the characters. If it is the flower and leaf veins of plants, the hair of animals, and the clothing patterns of characters, they can all be made with this kind of technology, and they can be seen at a glance.

With this characteristic and this kind of craftsmanship, these three jade figures definitely cannot be modern imitations.

"Boss, how much do these three jade figures cost?"

Following Chen Wenzhe's actions, several people were attracted to the stall here, so after seeing something, Chen Wenzhe asked the price directly.

Generally just watching, the boss will not pay much attention to it, unless there is no business.

As for the jade stall here, the business is still good, maybe it was brought up by the anchor who sells big green goods?
Chen Wenzhe saw some anchors wandering around the antique city, probably looking for leaks in the live broadcast.

When he started to inquire about prices, he naturally attracted attention. After all, everyone has a sense of curiosity.

"Jade people from the Tang Dynasty cost [-] yuan for one piece, and at least [-] yuan for three pieces."

Chen Wenzhe was a little speechless, just place random things on the stall, you bid [-] at once?
"Boss, isn't this too much? How much is this kind of little beauty less than ten centimeters tall worth even if it's genuine?"

"I didn't ask you for money according to the authentic Tang Dynasty jade man, otherwise it would not be [-] pieces, but at least [-] pieces."

"It's too expensive, tell me the real price, I'll shoot three of them at once!"

"It's not expensive anymore, just looking at the texture of the white jade, it's more than thirty thousand!"

"They are all knowledgeable, so the boss doesn't have to fool around. If your jades are genuine, then you don't need to stay here. Someone will be very happy to give you a silver bracelet. Go in and have a public meal and sing tears behind bars." !"

The boss wanted to say something, but now that Chen Wenzhe blocked him, he couldn't say anything.

There are still a lot of jade bis in his stall, as long as these things are genuine, they are all national treasures, and it would be strange if he didn't go in.

"Three thousand for one piece, nine thousand in total!"

“Still too expensive!”

"You make an offer, and I'll sell it if it suits you." The boss finally spit out.

Chen Wenzhe smiled. He bid, naturally the floor price.

"Three hundred and one piece, and three pieces will give you eight hundred!"

"Nine hundred, or I won't sell it!"

"Deal!" Chen Wenzhe was very happy this time.

This made the boss stunned, what did he just say?
Chen Wenzhe gave one hundred less, and he agreed?
Yuan returned to [-], isn't that an agreement?
"You young man, you are really powerful, I just let you go in!"

Shaking his head, he still took out the QR code for collecting money and made the transaction.

The main reason is that the boss did not think that these three jade figures were the works of Hetian Baiyu, because most of the jade wares in his booth were of the grade of Ayu and Russian white jade.

Therefore, even if you see a few pieces of natural white jade with a very delicate texture, it is impossible to think that they are genuine antiques made of Hetian white jade.

For [-] yuan, he bought three jade figures, and Chen Wenzhe felt even better.

Generally, at least one piece of this thing is worth [-] yuan, and three pieces are worth [-] yuan.

This price still seriously underestimated the value of Gao Guyu.

This is also a matter of no choice, which is due to the influence of the domestic cultural relics policy.

Most of the Tang Dynasty jade wares are unearthed wares. At present, the auction of Tang Dynasty jade wares has been limited. These reasons make private transactions popular.

At present, mainland buyers do not have enough knowledge of jade culture and the international market. As a result, there are fewer opportunities to come into contact with high-quality Tang Dynasty jades, and naturally the prices will not be too high.

In history, or in the 80s and [-]s, a large number of Tang Dynasty jade products were exiled overseas.

If you don't know the outside market and domestic transactions are restricted, it will naturally suppress the price of Tang Dynasty beauties even more.

That's why the boss mentioned [-] yuan.

Looking at the three pieces of jade figures in his hands, especially some Hu people's decorations on them, Chen Wenzhe felt a little moved.

The image of the Hu people is the most typical figure decoration in the Tang Dynasty, and it is widely carved on jade wares.

However, the top 20 transactions with the highest auction records for Chinese jade articles were not high in price.

For example, at the Shendu Hanhai Spring Auction in 2003, the Baiyu Lewu Hu Renthall, 15 cm high, was sold for 8 yuan.

This is a typical jade belt decoration of the Tang Dynasty. The Hu people carved on the plot are standing and dancing on the carpet, and the figures are accurate and vivid.

In fact, Chen Wenzhe's three beauties, in addition to the Huren's clothing, also have some characteristics of flying.

In the auction field, there were not many flying jades auctioned.

In 2003, a collection of Nanyun Collection was sold at a spring auction for 18.7 yuan.

It is 8 cm long, and the white jade is engraved with Feitian.

In particular, the engraved Feitian looks like a male, with a bun and breasts, which should be the image of the early Tang Dynasty (female image after the middle period).

As for Chen Wenzhe's three items, there are men and women, and they fit all the characteristics of male Feitian and female Feitian.

Of course, there are only some images and some decorations are used. After all, these three jade figures are not Feitian.

This is the main reason why domestic jadeites are [-] yuan. Even the auction price [-] years ago is still used as a standard by some insiders in the antique industry.

However, this is also beneficial, because the price of this kind of jade is relatively low, anyway, it is Chen Wenzhe who gets it all.

A jade figure from the Tang Dynasty worth at least [-] yuan was bought for [-] yuan. How can this be considered a waste?

Putting the three beauties into three pockets separately, Chen Wenzhe continued to stroll around.

Anyway, he's fine, as long as he can't see all the stalls here, he won't leave.

Next, for a long time, Chen Wenzhe didn't see anything good.

He saw bronze wares, Tang Sancai, various stone carvings, and many ancient bricks and their carvings, such as inkstones carved with ancient bricks.

Maybe these things are too famous in Chang'an, anyway, Chen Wenzhe did not find a genuine one.

And the biggest possibility is that this kind of thing, as long as there is a genuine product, it will definitely be put up for auction, and it will not be sold at a stall in this kind of place!

The previous two harvests made Chen Wenzhe a little bit flustered, and actually set a flag!

Now that the words have been spoken, Chen Wenzhe plans not to eat at noon, but to watch things here, unless he harvests another treasure, otherwise he will not leave.

I have seen all kinds of interesting ones, and the rest are not interesting before.

Before I knew it, I came to some calligraphy and painting stalls.

There is no need to think about celebrity calligraphy and paintings. This kind of thing might have been missed a few decades ago, but it is absolutely impossible now, unless it comes across a hidden painting in a painting, or a high-quality imitation of a celebrity.

(End of this chapter)

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