My system is not decent

Chapter 647 Windfall

Chapter 647 Windfall
I took out my mobile phone and searched the surrounding gourmet shops, and specifically indicated that I wanted an old shop.

It seems that the most indispensable thing in Chang'an City is old shops.

I found an old store of mutton steamed buns nearby, turned on the navigation, and arrived at the store in about five minutes.

Walking slowly, watching people coming and going around, I feel pretty good.

And when he came to Lao Mo's mutton steamed bun shop, Chen Wenzhe's mood became even better.

Although it has undergone modernization, it looks like a fast food restaurant with clean windows, but the smell is still very good.

This is probably also an online celebrity shop, because Chen Wenzhe saw many people live broadcasting, and they were eating and broadcasting at the same time.

"I heard that the bowls in this store are decades old."

"Look, blue and white porcelain bowl, isn't it very simple?"

When walking to a little girl, Chen Wenzhe heard these two sentences.

Only then did he notice that the big blue and white bowl here is really quite simple.

Just looking at it, at least it was fired during the Republic of China. I didn't expect to see so many antiques here.

"Young man, are you here for the live broadcast? Why are you holding so many books?"

As soon as I entered the store, an aunt in her thirties and forties came over and asked.

"live streaming?"

"That's right, it's not time for dinner, and [-] to [-]% of the guests who come here at this time are doing live broadcasts while there are few people!"

This aunt is a waiter in the store, she explained while clearing the table.

Chen Wenzhe glanced at it, and found that the style of this store is quite peculiar. The waiters here are all middle-aged women.

Maybe young people are not willing to do this kind of work?Or simply to save money?

He saw some middle-aged waiters quickly clearing the tableware, and the speed was fast and steady.

These middle-aged women are capable and not hypocritical, and it may be more profitable to hire them.

"Auntie, are the bowls in your store really all antiques?"

"It's true. I didn't use antiques on purpose. It's just that the shop has been open for a long time, and the dishes are old. Later, it was discovered that there were still stolen ones. This is troublesome.

Originally, the boss was thinking about replacing all of them with modern porcelain, but after thinking about it, he simply took out all the old porcelain at home and used them, so that they were all old porcelain. No matter who it was, if they lost it after use, it would be stealing. "

As she spoke, the aunt pointed to some customers who had left the store.

When the tableware used by each guest is checked out, someone will come and count it.

And at this time, Chen Wenzhe discovered that the dining table here is also specially designed, as long as you don't die, the bowls and chopsticks on the table will not fall to the ground and break.

It seems that this store is also advancing with the times.

It must be because of the theft of antiques that they saw an opportunity and simply used antique dishes to gain fame.

"You only have blue and white here? I brought six teacups here, but they don't belong to you!"

Coming to an empty dining table, Chen Wenzhe took out his six teacups.

"Hey, did you just come out of the Antique City? These six broken teacups are far from ours."

"Huh? You also have white porcelain here?"

"Not only white porcelain, blue and white porcelain, but also celadon and black porcelain. I heard from the boss that celadon is a wine bottle, and black porcelain is a wine and tea cup. They are old things that were originally used. They are not official kilns, they are all folk kilns. It’s worth a little money, but it’s not worth much.”

"Otherwise, let's do it all and let me see it?"

"Then you want the full package?"

Lamb steamed bun set?Chen Wenzhe felt a little strange, but in order to look at other people's antiques, he still nodded.

It’s really a set meal. The first thing to serve is the classic local mutton puffed buns. Others include the home version of mutton puffed buns, the new version of mutton puffed buns, mutton puffed buns in soup, and mutton puffed buns.

It's not too late, and then came the "seven deadly sins" of fragrant mutton, kimchi mutton pot, steamed buns with noodles, cumin mutton buns, non-authentic mutton bone soup steamed buns, roasted lamb
There are very few set meals for one person, and some even have a few mouthfuls.

However, there are many styles.

Looking around, Chen Wenzhe found that there were quite a few people eating like him.

It's a strange meal, not an ordinary meal.

Since there are so many tricks, Chen Wenzhe doesn't mind tasting them all.

Of course, by the way, he also took a look at other people's antiques.

They must all be folk kilns, and they are also daily-use porcelain. Moreover, these porcelains have really been used for a long time.

There are white porcelain large bowls, blue and white medium bowls, yellow glazed bowls, flat plates, small butterflies and so on.

There is a small wine pot with white glaze, a small wine cup with black glaze, and a matching jade pot spring bottle magnum.

The Yuhuchun bottle is filled with a local grain wine, which tastes good. It is called "powerful" ration wine. Although it is very popular in the province and its sales volume is not low, it has been unknown since it left the province.

Chen Wenzhe can drink some wine, but it's three o'clock in the afternoon, and he can't drink too much at this time.

So, he just scratched the surface.

"Huh?" While tasting delicious food and wine, he checked the memories of these antique porcelains. Unexpectedly, he actually saw some interesting things.

Chen Wenzhe discovered that many of these porcelains were probably not from here, but were collected by the boss after painstaking efforts.

If the time is early enough, such as in the 90s, it is not too difficult to collect a batch of old porcelain from folk kilns.

Chen Wenzhe discovered that these old porcelains were of different ages, and the longest was more than [-] years old. Unfortunately, that period was also the Qing Dynasty, and these porcelains were all folk daily-use porcelains, so their value must not be high.

For others, this kind of living porcelain has no collection value, but for Chen Wenzhe, it is really different.

These old porcelains have their own long life, and the experience of watching them is like watching a movie.

Of course, Chen Wenzhe was not so bored as to see how the owners of these porcelains lived. What he saw was some useful information.

For example, these meals served in porcelain?
How are these meals prepared?So what if it's a full banquet?
So, after looking at so many antiques, I didn't learn any porcelain-making techniques, but instead inherited some delicious dishes?

Chen Wenzhe is not interested in cooking, even if he has inherited Chaotianguo, he will not let him think about developing in this area.

However, seeing some useful and interesting things, he was also happy to take a look.

For example, the tureen on hand came from a family of a big landlord with a long history, and it was a tea bowl used by the wife of the landlord at that time.

This tea bowl is not just for drinking tea, no, it is for drinking tea, but what people drink is not ordinary black tea or green tea, but ginseng tea!

This tea bowl, in the original period of time, was specially made for the owner to make ginseng tea.

(End of this chapter)

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