Chapter 649

It is unclear when the local famous food of Shangdang cured donkey meat originated.

However, during the Jiaqing period of the Qing Dynasty, it was a fact that it became a court tribute.

How delicious is donkey meat?It can be seen from the widely circulated "dragon meat in the sky, donkey meat on the ground".

There are also proverbs such as "If you want to live longer, eat donkey meat; if you want to be healthy, drink donkey soup", we can feel the people's praise for it.

Not to mention anything else, as long as it is related to health preservation, as long as it has the effect of nourishing blood and nourishing qi, it will definitely be sought after by people.

These delicacies make people drool just looking at them. Unfortunately, Chen Wenzhe is not very interested in being a chef.

If someone likes it, he doesn't mind passing on the ancient craftsmanship of a hundred years ago, it must be different from the current craftsmanship.

I just don’t know, will the donkey meat made with the technology of a hundred years ago be more delicious?
When are you waiting, find a chef to try, maybe you can eat it often in the future, two real traditional delicacies!
Besides, in comparison, Huanggui Choujiu is more profitable.

This thing can be sold as a drink, and the market will be huge.

You know, young people don't like high-alcohol wine very much these days. This kind of low-alcohol wine with a good taste just came out to occupy the market.

Of course, Chen Wenzhe just thought about it, because it was quite troublesome to actually make it.

The brewing process of thick wine is exquisite and exquisite, and has a unique brewing process.

Although the inheritance that Chen Wenzhe got came from a local landowner's family, the family has a long history of inheritance, and has thoroughly studied all aspects of wine making.

For example, when making wine, the ingredients are very carefully selected.

During the brewing process, the heat of steaming the rice, the dosage of the next koji, the time of fermentation, the temperature of the water for flushing the rice, and the production techniques of turning, stirring, kneading, kneading, and pressing when drinking wine are also unique.

The brewed wine is white as jade in color and has a sweet fragrance. After heating, it will be full of mellow aroma and unique flavor.

Because this kind of thick wine is naturally brewed without any additives, it is not only delicious, but also has the effects of promoting blood circulation, invigorating the stomach, quenching thirst and moistening the lungs.

After drinking, it can increase calories, increase appetite, and prolong life.

Such a good thing must be a high-end drink, a good nourishing and health-care product.

Going out this time, the harvest is really not small, happy and dizzy, Chen Wenzhe returned to the hotel.

As soon as dawn dawned, this time, he turned into a hardworking bee again in his dream, either brewing wine or cooking beef and donkey meat.

Although a little tired, this kind of skill that can be learned by seeing it is simply very suitable for Chen Wenzhe's appetite.

There is no need to consume achievement points, and there is no need to inherit independently or passively. Take a look, you can learn it with just an immersive experience, which is too simple.

Art is not overwhelming, since it is so simple, then when you come to the ancient city of Chang'an, how can you not visit some places of interest?

Therefore, in the following days, Chen Wenzhe went to visit the ruins of Daming Palace, the ruins of Huaqing Pool, and other places of interest.

And in this way, visiting during the day and sleeping at night, seven or eight days in a row, he lived a very fulfilling life.

But this night, Chen Wenzhe felt like his days were like years.

Maybe it's because he has seen too many ancient skills through backtracking recently, which makes his head a little short.

The most important thing is that there are many skills that he didn't want to learn, but why are these things still exciting?

Whether he wants it or not, some of the pictures he has seen recently will come to mind from time to time.

Especially in sleep, he has no control over the content of his dreams.

Therefore, as long as he dreams, he can only learn passively, and it is an immersive learning method.

In this way, the experience may not be so wonderful.

At dawn, Chen Wenzhe drank a lot of Wushen tea again?He even drank a lot of ginseng tea.

In the dream, he kept drinking, and when he saw the tea, he wanted to vomit.

So, this morning, he woke up sweating profusely.

In the ancient city of Chang'an, there are really a lot of things to eat. Last night, he just kept eating.

Although taking this opportunity, he was familiar with the skills of making beef, sheep and donkey meat.

Now even if he doesn't want to be a chef, he still has a good cooking skill, at least he must be good at making meat.

However, thinking about the scene in his dream, Chen Wenzhe, a promising young man in the new era who was born in New China and grew up under the red flag, couldn't help but break out in cold sweat.

In this situation, does he seem to be possessed by a ghost?
It turns out that the worst thing to do to obtain the inherited skills is to be killed by someone, which is an accident. However, drinking ginseng tea to death, eating beef and mutton to death, isn't it too miserable?

"I have learned too much recently, and there are sequelae?"

In the end, Chen Wenzhe could only attribute it to this point.

So for the next three days, he did nothing but ate and slept, slept and ate.

Anyway, this visit to Chang'an has gained enough, and he has no obsessions.

This does not go out, does not add new knowledge, but only digests the original gains. His experience is indeed a little better. At least he can control the dream, and he can not do what he doesn't want to do.

Returning to normal, Chen Wenzhe was once again immersed in the joy of learning.

On this day, Chen Wenzhe left Chang'an reluctantly after receiving a call from Zheng Yu.

I slept all the way, got off the plane, and when I came to the waiting hall, I immediately saw Zheng Yu, Zhang Yijie and Cao Qingchun.

At this time, Chen Wenzhe realized that they hadn't graduated yet, so they got together less and separated more.

The four of them hadn't seen each other for a while, even Zhang Yijie, who was closest to him, didn't see each other very often when he went to the antique city.

When the four of them met, it was naturally a fight.

After making a fuss enough, Chen Wenzhe asked, "What's the matter? You have to let me come back?"

"Are you reluctant to leave?" Zheng Yu looked at Chen Wenzhe strangely and said.

Chen Wenzhe ignored him. Naturally, he couldn't think of leaving. After all, it was a city with a strong historical heritage. You can learn a lot by just looking around there.

For example, he learned how to make pottery warriors and Tang Sancai at the Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Qin Shihuang.

It can be said that it was the top level of craftsmanship in the Tang Dynasty.

At the Abang Palace ruins, through some broken bricks, tiles and stones, I learned some fragmentary construction techniques, such as brick carving, stone carving, woodworking and other crafts.

There is also the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, where he saw Sanskrit classics and Buddha statues.

"Chang'an cultural relics are the best in the world", this is really not bragging.

If there are no sequelae, if no one calls him, Chen Wenzhe can have an immersive experience there for a year.

Not to mention the history museum over there, there are 554 other protected units such as the Big Wild Goose Pagoda and the Bell and Drum Tower, 8822 mausoleums, more than 5700 ancient ruins, and more than 21100 cultural relics.

As long as you go to these places, you will definitely gain something.

(End of this chapter)

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