My system is not decent

Chapter 661 Talented Employee

Chapter 661 Talented Employee
Chen Qinghu has been studying Yingying Baoguang's unique skill for longer than Chen Xingchen. It seems that he has mastered some of the skills and achieved some effects.

If the teapots he produces now have this level, they can be sold as level five handicrafts now.

Let's see first, if the work that comes out of the kiln tomorrow can reach the level of this one, Chen Wenzhe doesn't mind, and now he will evaluate Chen Qinghu's work as a fifth-level craftsmanship.

Looking at the other teapot, it was a small vermilion clay pot, very natural red, shaped like a bead, and it was also a beauty pot.

I think this should be the work of another senior brother?Chen Wenzhe looked at another production line. If he remembered correctly, that senior was Zhao Dayong?

My family is also from the countryside. I don't have too much talent, but only one effort.

This seems to be Chen Xingchen's original words, and looking at the small vermilion clay pot, its shape and shape are really not distinctive.

This is a beauty pot, if compared with Chen Xingchen's works, it is far behind.

However, it can now be placed next to Chen Qinghu's works, which means that this purple clay teapot has its own characteristics.

They are all from the Academy of Fine Arts, so there is still some aesthetics.

So when Chen Wenzhe saw it, he knew that the advantage of this teapot was its color.

The shape of the pot is quite satisfactory, and the craftsmanship has reached level four, but the red clay pot is very beautiful and conspicuous!
With this kind of feature, its visual effect can be improved by one level at once, and it can also reach the five-level aesthetic effect, which is very powerful.

Interested, Chen Wenzhe walked to another production line and carefully observed Zhao Dayong's craftsmanship.

His craftsmanship is really not surprising, that is, it has reached the level of ordinary people, but he seems to be more sensitive to colors.

I don't know how he prepared the purple clay. The teapots he made each have a different color, and that color gives these purple clay teapots some temperament.

This is very powerful, just like the one he is making now, it is said to be purple, but the color is a bit dark, and it is said to be black, but it looks a little purple, anyway, it feels very comfortable to look at.

This is his skill, he never expected that he could still recruit so many talented employees here.

Turning back to Chen Xingchen's side, the beauty pots he made here are not only light pots, but now both the color and the shape of the pots have also changed.

Not to mention the color, it must have been stimulated by Zhao Dayong.

As for the shape of the vessel, it seems that the important parts of these beauty pots have been tattooed.

For example, how many small flowers are carved on the spout, body, and lid of the pot.

In doing so, it is actually adding an engraving technique, and it is not difficult for students from the Academy of Fine Arts.

But in this way, it really took his works to a higher level.

At the very least, there are two more plum blossoms on the round beauty pot, which looks very playful.

Needless to say, Chen Xingchen's skills improved very quickly.

These guys should be learning from each other.

As long as you are not complacent, you can see your own shortcomings, and learn from each other's strengths, it is impossible not to improve your skills.

As technology advances, there are more ideas.

Therefore, Chen Xingchen asked Chen Wenzhe to come over and teach some new pot-making techniques, so we can't just make beauty pots in the future, right?

There are many types of teapots that Chen Wenzhe can make, such as square pots, flower and fruit pots, ribbed flower pots, pottery pots and so on.

Do whatever you want, as long as you can think of it, Chen Wenzhe will make one for Chen Xingchen as a standard instrument for them to use for learning.

These pots have been made for several years under the refurbishment of patterns, and there are no duplicates.

There are many types of teapots. The famous Chen Wenzhe in history knows at least [-] kinds. Although he has never made many of them, he knows all of them and knows how to make them.

Not to mention anything else, let’s just talk about the originator of the purple clay teapot, and a large number of teapots created by him are worth making.

The origin of purple sand teapots is very early. Since the Zhengde period of Emperor Wuzong of the Ming Dynasty, purple sand teapots have been produced on a large scale, and famous masters have emerged in large numbers, and fine works have been handed down continuously for 500 years.

It is said that the founder of the purple sand teapot was Gongchun in the Ming Dynasty of China. A batch of teapots he made were called Gong (Gong) Chunhu!
In the history of Chinese Zisha culture, Gongchun is a pioneering figure.

His surname is Gong and his first name is Gongchun.

During the Zhengde period of the Ming Dynasty, Gongchun, as a book boy, came to Jinshan Temple to read with Wu Yishan, a Jinshi.

In my spare time, I saw old monks in the temple kneading teapots with unique local purple clay, drinking tea and practicing meditation, which has become a custom in the Buddhist world at this time.

Perhaps out of curiosity, he took the handwashing mud that settled at the bottom of the vat after the old monk washed his hands, and made a spring offering pot with "finger threads that can be hidden and pressed" by referring to the galls of the big ginkgo tree in the temple.

The shape of the spring pot is simple and exquisite, elegant and natural, and the quality is pure, thin and solid.

It is said that the pot for spring is better than gold and jade, which is not simple.

Zhou Shu's "Taiyang Baiyong": "The most important thing is a small pot for spring. If it is used for decades, it is worth a gold wat."

In other words, Gong Chun's pot was already priceless at that time.

And now, not to mention.

There are very few spring offering pots that have been handed down from generation to generation. In 1928, someone collected a spring offering pot in Suzhou City. History Museum.

The sand pots made by Gongchun are of different styles. According to legend, he has made pots such as "tree gall", "dragon egg" and "yinfang", among which "tree gall pot" is the most valuable.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, there were many imitations, and the spring tree gall pot was called the spring pot for short.

Since Chen Xingchen needed it, Chen Wenzhe casually made a spring offering pot that looked like a lump of a tree.

This time, he felt particularly comfortable doing it.

Chen Wenzhe is a little strange, he spends the most time making teapots, why didn't he feel this way before?

Touching the mud in his hand, he could feel that this batch of mud had an unusual texture and touch.

For example, it is delicate, it should be delicate, but it feels more textured.

Made a tree gall pot again, and carefully experienced the feeling of shaping.

With the blessing of this kind of mud, Chen Wenzhe felt that he could make the surface of the pot smoother without much effort.

In this way, the probability of that layer of shining precious light appearing is even higher.

Chen Wenzhe looked up at Chen Xingchen. The teapot made by this kid has improved so quickly, perhaps because of this kind of purple clay.

Therefore, Chen Wenzhe just noticed that every time he finished shaping the body of the pot, he would dip a little of the mud he used just now to do the last process.

Sure enough, the shining precious light on Chen Xingchen's work is really related to this purple sand mud.

Thinking of Chen Xingchen's ability, Chen Wenzhe knew that this kid must have bought some good mud.

(End of this chapter)

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