My system is not decent

Chapter 665 Leave room for everything

Chapter 665 Leave room for everything (please subscribe)
"How did you see it? Because of that layer of precious light?" Chen Wenzhe said with a smile.

"That's right. Although it's incomparable to what you've done, Chen Xingchen's progress is still great. This should be considered a real sixth-level craftsmanship, right?"

Li Jinli said confidently.

"Can you see what kind of mud this is using?"

Since Li Jinli likes to appraise, Chen Wenzhe doesn't mind asking more and going deeper.

"This pot made by Xingchen is not a slope-reducing mud, but a sand-adjusted imitation slope-reducing effect. It's not bad overall, right?"

Perhaps because he had been prepared for a long time, Li Jinli came almost casually.

Although Chen Wenzhe felt a little surprised, he was quite satisfied.

Li Jinli's appraisal level has improved, which shows that no matter how much he likes to make money, he has not given up studying.

"I didn't see the fundamental problem. This teapot looks really good overall, but the lid is not coordinated, which shows that the author didn't grasp the shrinkage ratio of the mud well. From the production process, this teapot can only be regarded as mediocre. It’s fine for normal use.”

"Is this normal?"

"What's the use of pursuing that layer of reflection if the ordinary craftsmanship is not done well?" Chen Wenzhe directly turned back.

Li Jinli was silent. It seems that this batch of teapots barely reached the sixth level of craftsmanship.

Glancing at Chen Xingchen not far away, his face seemed to be blushing.

It seems that I also know that I have made a low-level mistake. After all, the lid and body of the pot are not well matched, and this is definitely a mistake that should not have occurred.

"Remember to be impetuous, do a good job of basics first, and then pursue higher levels. If you make a lot of money in the first month, don't let yourself drift!"

This is actually what Chen Wenzhe is most afraid of now. A group of students who have just left school have won more than [-] to [-] yuan at once, and they are afraid that they will not be able to grasp their hearts.

In case he got too ambitious, drifted away, and didn't want to work honestly, where would he find such a group of qualified workers?

No, it should have harmed the lives of his classmates.

After thinking about it, Chen Wenzhe asked someone to fetch some glaze and porcelain clay from the warehouse.

He also plans to produce some works, so that these guys who are a little bit nervous can know their own level.

The speed of living mud, Chen Wenzhe is still so fast, just a moment, a ball of mud is formed.

Instead of continuing to move, he took out the carving knife.

After a few strokes, the general outline of a standing figure was drawn out.

With a few more random knives, the character's clothes, arms, and legs were outlined.

After that, Chen Wenzhe became a little more careful. He was sculpting the hair and ears of the characters.

Finally, he opened his face. By this time, his actions had already attracted the attention of all the workers.

They had to pay attention, because while Chen Wenzhe was carving, he was wandering around other people.

Being so inattentive naturally made other people itchy.

Simply, Chen Xingchen made a gesture to stop the four production lines.

Seeing that they all stopped their movements, Chen Wenzhe also stopped.

He took the figure statue in his hand and lifted it up for everyone to see.

"Should I open my face now? So who can tell me, what is the most important thing to open up?"

"We all know to be careful, so why be careful? Be careful about the outline of the characters? Don't make it bigger? Or don't make it smaller?"

"Try to make it as big as possible, why? Because it's big enough to make it small, but if it's small, how can you make it bigger?"

"This is the key point. There must be room for everything. I don't know which master said that when a character opens his face, the nose should be big and the eyes should be small. This is to leave room for everything. You must leave room for everything. "

"Even the masters, when they open up the faces of the characters in their works, they will leave room for it. If the nose is big, it can be reduced, but if you want to make it smaller, can it be enlarged? Unless you make another one."

"It's the same with the eyes. If you open them smaller first, if they are uncoordinated, then make them larger. If they are too big at the beginning, can you make them smaller?"

"Speaking of this teapot, the shrinkage ratio of the clay is uncontrollable, so let's leave some room and make it bigger? Even if it is sintered into one when it is fired, can't it be beaten? Even if it is fired with heat It can be opened by expanding, cooling and contracting! Isn’t it just a burnt waste at most? It’s all right now, the lid of the pot is too small, what should I do?”

"Chen Xingchen, Manager Chen, you are now at a critical point. I think you should leave the front line. Whether you are in charge of administration or doing other works, it's fine, but you can't continue to make beauty pots. You If you want to innovate and improve, you can, but this thing cannot be done overnight.”

"Okay, it seems that I've been a little drifting lately!" Chen Xingchen said helplessly.

Chen Wenzhe also had no choice, if Chen Xingchen was allowed to continue, he would really drift away.

Mainly because of Chen Xingchen's leadership, their production line is too profitable.

No matter who it is, at this age, it is impossible to make so much money every month without thinking about it.

"If you can't grasp the shrinkage ratio, then practice more. I recently learned the method of twisted body porcelain. If you can't accurately grasp the shrinkage ratio of the clay, it is absolutely impossible to make a good work if you make this kind of porcelain. Otherwise, you will learn from me?"

Walking to the side, the other workers couldn't see it, so Chen Xingchen curled his lips and said, "I didn't make that teapot at all. If you insult me ​​with a handful of that defective product, you have to give me some compensation!"

Li Jinli smiled immediately: "Who made you work so hard last month? There are so many bonuses, no limit, and a little more money, how many workers can be left here? They are all going to spend their days and drinks."

"Hey, there are some signs of it now. Few of them come to work in the factory at night, and they all go outside to play."

"Okay, now that you have withdrawn from the production line, you can think about it yourself and see if you can complete the fifth-level beauty pot by yourself. In that case, they won't be able to rely on you to make a lot of money."

It was impossible for Chen Wenzhe to do so.

It's not that he can't see the workers making a lot of money, but it's a last resort, because those workers make a lot of money. Seriously speaking, they share Chen Xingchen's benefits and take advantage of him.

After making a beauty pot for a month, who would believe that Chen Xingchen couldn't make a qualified beauty pot by himself?

In this case, why would those ordinary students and apprentices participate in the profit sharing of Chen Xingchen's works?
Chen Xingchen might not care if the time is short, but who would not care if the time is long?
"So, no matter who it is in the future, as long as the level is sufficient, it must be picked from the production line." Chen Wenzhe made a decision.

Chen Xingchen nodded: "That's fine, it's still a bit tiring to work on the assembly line non-stop."

"Did it delay your creation?"

Chen Wenzhe smiled, and he knew that Chen Xingchen would not be indifferent, but he was just embarrassed to say it.

(End of this chapter)

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