Chapter 673

What can Chen Wenzhe do?He also doesn't know how to make wine, but they don't need to make wine, after all, Li Tianqiang has already bought good quality Fen wine.

Now you only need to process the medicinal materials and blend them into those Fenjiu, and you can use them.

But Chen Wenzhe didn't want to do these trivial things.

He has a lot of things to deal with recently, such as the separation of the electric kiln from the studio, which is a notice issued by the management committee of the development zone.

The big tree attracts the wind. It turns out that it is a small factory, and the leaders of the development zone did not pay attention to it.

So it grew wildly before, and no one cared about it.

However, after a month of savage growth, the Management Committee of the development zone took a look, and suddenly a large factory with an output value of over [-] million popped up on their side. Is this okay?

But come over and take a look, it is just a small workshop, which is even more unbearable!
Therefore, it has become very easy for Li Jinli to rent a factory building or an apartment building.

The purpose is to normalize them, and now Li Jinli is doing well.

Studios, kilns, warehouses, dormitories, office buildings, and cafeterias are all done step by step and perfected little by little.

Of course, during this process, more workers were recruited.

It turned out that the electric kiln was in the workshop, and the finished works were directly put into the kiln.

It's not working now, someone needs to transfer it.

Besides, with the surge in products, professional kiln firing personnel are also on the agenda.

At this time, some flexible new workers have begun to emerge.

Some of the workers Chen Wenzhe and Li Jinli recruited in the first batch have given up treatment because they really have no manual talent.

Although I feel a little hopeless, such a good factory has come all over, how can I leave so easily?

Therefore, there is no unparalleled road, and they really waited for the opportunity.

If you don't know how to make porcelain and purple sand by hand, don't you know how to fire a kiln?
Now it's not firewood kilns, but electric kilns. As long as you are serious, careful, and responsible, can't you control the temperature?

All digital electric kilns, as long as they are not stupid, and they are more serious and responsible, is it difficult to fire the kiln?

Still the same sentence, for some common products, kiln firing is a fool's operation now.

In addition to kiln firing, there are some necessary technical jobs, such as material management.

This is something that employees with a little talent, a little cultural knowledge, and a little bit of self-motivation can do.

After all, it involves the blending of tire mud, color materials, and glazes, which is still somewhat technical.

It's just that Chen Wenzhe's management here is very strict, and all the mineral materials are nameless and are only marked with code names.

What kind of mineral materials are used, ordinary ones are fine, and materials that involve confidentiality can only be allocated according to the code name, which requires more serious and responsible.

For these people, because of the non-disclosure agreement signed, their salaries are very good.

However, this kind of work is definitely not something everyone can do.

Because Chen Wenzhe hadn't been in the factory for the previous month, many of the shortcomings in the factory had been exposed.

Now it is the layout after Li Jinli has perfected it. For example, the personnel who manage the materials are all older people.

Li Jinli chose people in their forties, old and young, regardless of gender, as long as they were willing to sign a non-disclosure agreement, they could get a high-paying job.

Of course, those who can be hired must be the result of multiple investigations, or even investigations.

After all, materials are the most important thing in their factory.

I sat in the office for another morning, except for signing, just to understand the current situation of the company.

The current company is naturally not only a factory, but also a pharmacy and Yi Nian Tang sales company.

Chen Wenzhe doesn't care about the pharmacy looking for factory buildings and re-arrangement.

There is an accident in it. Tonic wine is not a medicine, but a health product. After nearly two months of trial sales, the market feedback is very good.

Since it is good, it is not a drug, and the market supervision is not so strict. With the help of some people, Li Tianqiang really applied for all kinds of licenses for the production of health care products.

He even got a formal license for a community hospital, can you believe that?
It turned out that the community hospital he took over, although the name was a bit lofty, was actually a small private clinic, similar to a rural health point, with the appearance of a barefoot doctor.

But after taking over this small clinic, I don't know what the local street office thought, but they actually gave the hospital a license to actually establish a community hospital.

As for Li Tianqiang, a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, and with the support of several retired old doctors, he really started to do it.

Now Li Tianqiang has money, resources, contacts, and places on Li Tianqiang's side.

Now that I have a license again, it seems that everything is ready, and I only owe Dongfeng?
So, Chen Wenzhe signed.

Since he is willing to build a community hospital, let's try it!
Non-professionals from the Tianpu family dare to make such a big mess. What is he afraid of, Chen Wenzhe?
Regardless of these, let them toss by themselves anyway.

He got an accident, he can produce health wine, and he can sell it casually in the market, which is a good thing.

It just so happens that he still has a craft of making Huanggui Choujiu in his hand, and he may be able to replicate it at that time, so that the citizens of Dahai City can also try what it feels like to be a drunken concubine.

After these two days of understanding, Chen Wenzhe also understood that the traditional crafts he obtained are completely different from the crafts handed down today.

This is the role of Sui Hou Zhizhu's internal civilization inheritance system. What he inherited must be the lost craftsmanship.

For example, the An Gong he made is different from the current Tong Ren Tang and Guang Yu Yuan.

In addition, even the dog skin plaster, its production process is different from the current one.

That is, because of the different manufacturing process, the final product is absolutely different.

Perhaps it is because from ancient times to the present, there is a sense of secrecy, so you should keep it a little bit more secret, and I will keep it a little bit more secret. Up to now, too many crafts that have been handed down have been missing.

In this way, after being screened by the Suihou's Pearl, the craftsmanship obtained by Chen Wenzhe is better and more perfect than the original owner's craftsmanship, and the products produced have better effects.

In this case, Chen Wenzhe could only have fun secretly.

The pharmacy and workshop have been straightened out, it seems that there is nothing serious?
Chen Wenzhe stood up, no matter how complicated it was, as long as he wasn't busy.

So, he staggered down the office building.

His current office building is actually the small building where the earliest dormitory and cafeteria were located.

After leaving the small building, you can enter the studio. The original large factory building has now been partitioned into small studios.

He did not enter the studio, but passed through this factory building and entered another factory building with a large steel frame structure.

(End of this chapter)

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