My system is not decent

Chapter 677 Out of Stock Syndrome

Chapter 677 Out of stock syndrome (for subscription)
Next, as the number of productions increased, this boss Wang became more and more excessive.

He actually held each piece of beads like that, making them change into various shapes.

When these beads are put together, at a glance, they seem to be of the same shape.

However, as long as you look closely, you will find that each of these beads is different.

If you look carefully, you will find that each piece has its unique posture and unique charm?
"This person has reached the threshold of a master, and will be promoted to the sixth level soon!"

Chen Wenzhe felt a little emotional, there are still capable people in this world!
"Boss Wang, your skills are getting better and better!"

"I also saw it. It seems that making the beauty pot among the purple clay pots is the best choice. I'm afraid I will choose the wrong line!"

"I think it's Boss Wang Mensao, it's just that we didn't find out before!"

"Look, the last handful has an indescribable style."

"By the way, it's the style. Didn't you see it? The last bunch of beads made all the beads different? They have their own unique style. Boss Wang, your level must have broken through the fourth level, maybe Can reach level five."

There are still people who understand here, and as the eldest brother, Boss Wang, suddenly realized that his level has indeed improved.

However, just thinking about it for a while, he smiled wryly.

"What's wrong with me, you don't know? It's because of your cooperation that I can display this level. If I let myself make the pot alone, not to mention other things, just make mud and mud sticks, I can make these pots. The purple clay teapot has been lowered by two levels."

"Impatience, this can be overcome!"

"No, the country is easy to change and the nature is hard to change. Maybe you can do it once or twice seriously, but after a long time, you will still get impatient."

"Okay, we know that big brother wants to lead us to make some money, and we won't say much. We will work hard this month. After all, we are short of money, but next month, we can't do this."

"Yes, big brother took us to earn a month's money, which is considered as the best of humanity, if you continue to follow you, it will drag you down, it is blatantly sucking your blood!"

"It's meaningless to say that, who are we with whom?"

"Brothers settle accounts clearly, let's hang out with you first, so we can exercise a bit, even if we separate, it's not like we can't eat anymore."

"Yes, the quality of the fifth-level craftsmanship and the price of the sixth level can't reach it. The fourth-level head office? The ex-factory price of a set is [-] yuan, and we can get [-] yuan as a bonus, and [-] yuan for ten people!"

"Don't be so stupid, if you make fifty sets of tea sets a day, each person can get at least two hundred and five."

"A monthly bonus of [-]? That's pretty good too!"

"Yeah, we also have a third-level technician level. This is a basic salary of [-], plus a bonus of [-], which is [-] a month, which is not bad."

"The most important thing is that he doesn't spend money to eat and sleep here!"

"What are these? The most important thing is to use the materials casually. As long as it takes a little longer, can our craftsmanship improve a little?"

"The future is bright, let's do it!"

This group of people is really good!

They are familiar with each other, cooperate with each other tacitly, and the speed of making teapots is getting faster and faster.

Chen Wenzhe did some calculations, and at their speed, they might be able to produce more than a hundred sets a day.

This speed is even faster than Chen Xingchen.

The main reason is that Boss Wang, the shaping speed is too fast.

It's a pity that he doesn't have Professor Chen Wenzhe, and he doesn't understand the last process, so it is impossible to make Yingying Baoguang. Otherwise, the craftsmanship level of his batch of beads can be further improved.

However, if you really want to add a process, the production speed must be slowed down. In this way, whether it is cost-effective or not, whether people are willing or not, really has to be said.

"Boss, at our speed, we can't make seventy or eighty teapots a day? Has Yi Nian Tang sold it?"

"What's the fuss? I heard that their general manager is very powerful. They have signed dozens of big customers. Each customer needs three to five hundred sets of tea sets every month. What do we do? "

"We make one hundred sets every day, that's three thousand sets a month!"

Everyone fell silent, are there so many?

Really, this line makes so many teapots, can they really be sold?
At this time, Chen Wenzhe was a little skeptical. That kid Li Xingchen knew how to increase production. Now that it's all right, if he really produces so much, can he sell it?
"It should be sold. Anyway, as long as we show up, we can get at least five hundred yuan."

"It can only be sold according to the fifth-level craftsmanship!"

"Don't be unconvinced. I have seen the original beauty pot made by others. Although the craftsmanship is slightly flawed, it is really beautiful, especially the outer layer of precious light, which is very special. Maybe it is because of that that it can sell for eight. One set, right? The ex-factory price is [-], and our works will definitely not reach that level."

"The ex-factory price is [-], and we can get [-] for a quarter. A bonus of [-] per day, [-] days a month, how much is the bonus? My Cao, [-] million?"

The studio fell silent again, and after a while, Boss Wang spoke.

"Each of you can get at least [-] yuan. With this money, the family can finally breathe a sigh of relief."

"Let's do it well. When we were in school, we spent a lot of money from our family. In the past few years after graduation, we haven't made any money. Let's fill in the vacancy in our family."

"Work hard, I feel very good here."

"Well, it's good to give us a platform to make money based on our ability."

"Then do it well!"

They are all adults, and they have been in the society for several years. What kind of things have you not seen?

If the environment is bad, they can still tell the difference.

They know how to cherish opportunities better than those students who have just left school.

Chen Wenzhe didn't enter, but retreated silently.

This whole team should not leave.

Working outside, if you don't have some special means, it's really hard for an artist to get ahead.

Therefore, Chen Wenzhe is not afraid of this group of skilled craftsmen running away.

At this time, Chen Wenzhe had no intention of continuing to wander around, so he turned around again and came to the warehouse.

Sure enough, as long as Li Jinli is in the factory, he must be in the warehouse.

Is he suffering from out-of-stock syndrome?Every day I am afraid that the goods will not be sold enough.

Well now, there are eight serious production lines, even if each line makes fifty sets of tea sets every day, this is still a big number.

At least [-] sets per day, [-] sets a month, so many, who are you selling to?

After talking about the situation a little bit, Li Jinli laughed.

"Are there a lot of four or five hundred sets of commemorative editions a day? Our Chenghuang Temple Antique City can easily produce three to five hundred sets every day, do you believe it or not?"

(End of this chapter)

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