My system is not decent

Chapter 681 The tiger on the gate going down the mountain

Chapter 681 The Picture of the Tiger on the Gate Going Down the Mountain (Seeking Subscription Monthly Pass)

Although he didn't buy every kind of Huanggui Choujiu to taste, Chen Wenzhe knew that even if he simplified the process, the taste of Huangguichoujiu would definitely be better than those sold on the market for two or three hundred yuan a catty. Huanggui thick wine is better.

This is the power of the secret recipe. As long as it is inherited, there is almost no need to worry about not being able to eat for the rest of your life.

Now that he is full, he also wants to let the people of the same era eat well!

It's a good time for him now. Wine making in ancient times was regulated. Even after the founding of the People's Republic of China, there was not much market for low-alcohol wine.

It's different now, after the new generation of young people grow up, they don't have a cold for those high-alcohol liquors.

This is the outlet given by the times. Standing under this outlet, many people can fly easily.

Therefore, in this era, many people do not rely on their own ability to make money, but rely on policies and trends.

Even so, they don't know how to be grateful, evade taxes, and are arrogant and domineering. Such people will definitely be dealt with!
Breaking down the craftsmanship and writing it all down, Chen Wenzhe seems to have completed his work here today.

As for the specific implementation, there is no need to worry.

At the very least, you should tell Li Jinli first, so that he knows what you are doing.

Or let Li Jinli refine his plan again, otherwise, there may be mistakes and omissions.

After packing up his things, Chen Wenzhe walked out of the office building.

This is also a small building, just in front of the factory building, with the same layout as Yi Nian Tang's workshop.

After walking out of the office building, Chen Wenzhe happened to see a large number of An Gong go offline.

Modern industry is really powerful. At this time, all An Gong has been packed and packed, and the loading has begun.

"Where are you sending it? With so many medicines, it won't take long to digest them in the pharmacy, right?"

Seeing Li Tianqiang, Chen Wenzhe asked.

"It's just a carload, but it can still be digested. From now on, a carload will be transported every day, even if it's a million pills, it won't be sold!"

"Hehe, you sell [-] pills a day, and you have to sell them for three months!"

"Hehe, tens of thousands of copies have been ordered, and the most customers are one pill, usually three pills, so even if one hundred thousand pills can be sold today, they can be digested."

"How many points? They were all ordered at the pharmacy? Did you pay? Could it be someone fooling you?" Chen Wenzhe said in surprise.

"I definitely didn't pay, and I don't dare to ask for money first, or if someone reports me as a fundraiser, wouldn't that be a financial fraud?" Li Tianqiang rolled his eyes and said.

Chen Wenzhe was speechless, people's hearts are really dirty now, if he just said one word, this kid will be persecuted and paranoid?

"Boss, now is the information age. Many patients have patient groups. Besides, even if they are not patients, who doesn't add a few circles of friends? Family group, friend group, colleague group, who doesn't know who?
Therefore, as long as the product is good, we really don’t have to worry about selling it. We haven’t developed a wechat business yet. If we develop it a little bit, with the recommendation of family, friends and colleagues, our little medicine is really not worth selling! "

"Your kid's head has become easier?"

Chen Wenzhe felt a little strange, his head was out of order?

"My cousin told me."

"That's right, work hard, and try to marry you a sister-in-law next year!"

"Already taken."

"Get me one too!"

"I'll get you a sister-in-law too? Don't you have a sister-in-law? You already have a niece, so don't worry!"

Chen Wenzhe turned around and left. He would be in a hurry with anyone who dared to say that this kid is not good.

Walk out of the factory area and come to the street. The street here is very quiet. Of course, there are still sounds of machines starting in the surrounding delivery room.

After all, this is Dahai City, no matter how bad this development zone is, it must be better than other development zones.

"Electronics factory, or electronics factory, the most here is still electronics factory!"

"Maybe this development zone is too ambitious? There are too many factories built at once?"

Seeing that there are many electronics factories here, Chen Wenzhe felt relieved.

In the future, there will definitely be no shortage of workers in their factories, and most of these factories are young people.

If they knew that there was a promising job, wouldn't they be tempted to give it a try?
Handmade requires talent, but it also requires hard work.

As long as you have enough perseverance and hard work, you can earn more than [-] yuan a month, which is too easy.

This is Li Jinli's plan. If necessary, he can quickly attract a large number of young people to enter the workshop of Yi Nian Tang as apprentices.

This is the advantage of high wages, which can attract people, especially a large number of young people.

Walking around, I feel a little hungry.

I drank a lot of wine just now, and now I have sequelae.

He felt hot all over, a little vacant!

Therefore, he still drank a little too much, rice wine is also wine!
"Huh? There is also a ceramics factory here? No wonder the management committee of the development zone let us in so easily!"

Instead of finding a place to eat, Chen Wenzhe discovered many ceramic factories.

After paying a little attention, he found that this ceramics factory was not the kind of ceramics factory he had imagined, it mainly produced building materials.

The main varieties include interior and exterior wall tiles, floor tiles, ceramic mosaic tiles, glazed tiles, ceramic murals, ceramic ornaments and indoor sanitary ceramics.

In contrast, the works of art produced by their ceramic workshop are even taller!
With so many ceramic factories here, Chen Wenzhe really feels at ease.

He was really afraid before that one day they would be cleared away as big resource consumers. After all, this is Dahai City.

You know, they burn kilns, which consume a lot of resources, and besides, there are also sources of pollution.

It is because of this that recently all electric kilns have been installed in the factory, and few gas kilns have been installed. This is to reduce carbon dioxide emissions as much as possible.

As he was walking, Chen Wenzhe stopped. He rubbed his eyes and couldn't believe what he saw.

"Is that a painting on a porcelain plate? A tiger descending from a mountain? The tiger is painted so imposingly, it is extraordinary at first glance!"

After staring intently for a while, Chen Wenzhe still thought he was dazzled.

He wasn't dreaming, he really saw a master-level painting of Xiashanti on a porcelain plate!
"Tianpeng Art? They also make ceramics, right?"

Looking at the picture of a tiger descending the mountain under the four big characters of Tianpeng Art, the tiger descending the mountain is naturally hungry and wants to eat meat!
So, can a businessman also use Xiashanhu as a door curtain?
This is too barebones, isn't it obvious that whoever comes to this factory is sending sheep to the tiger's mouth?
Looking at the porcelain plate painting again, the painting is really good, but judging from this porcelain plate painting, the strength of this ceramic factory is not weak.

However, was it strong before, or has it been strong until now?This is not necessarily the case!

Looking at the mottled gate, and the tiger on the gate that looked a little pale because of the sun and rain.

 459 monthly tickets, a difference of 41 more!
  Ask for monthly tickets, subscriptions, and recommendation tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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