My system is not decent

Chapter 724 Transplant Plating

Chapter 724 Transplant Plating (for Subscription)

Whether to add engraving or not is the difference between the price of tens of millions and millions. As long as they encounter bronzes that can be engraved, few people will not be tempted.

Therefore, at this point, Chen Wenzhe was very concerned, and he was also afraid of capsizing in the gutter!

Of course, he was even more afraid that someone would carve something on the two big and small pots, that is, the copper cauldron.

The copper kettles of the Han Dynasty are characterized by simplicity. It would be laughable and generous if some complicated decorations were specially added.

There was such a case, when the gold and silver of the Yuewang sword was discovered, some counterfeiters re-engraved patterns on the plain sword and sold it as gold and silver, but they were discovered due to poor technology, and they were laughed at.

To identify these modified or added decorations, one can first compare whether it itself, or the surrounding surface, and whether the ground is consistent with other parts of the vessel.

Because if it is engraved later, it must have destroyed the original surface color.

Secondly, look for pattern marks at the joints of each pattern.

Because the pattern is engraved on the model block and cast together, there is a possibility of forgery without the model line.

What's more, the counterfeiters are not sure about the laws of Shang and Zhou bronze decorations.

For example, although ornamentation is generally divided into ground pattern and main pattern, the two are actually closely related.

For example, the curled horns of the animal face pattern, or the end of the hook tail, are often connected with the small circle of the ground pattern like concentric circles, but forgers often ignore this subtle feature.

Chen Wenzhe breathed a sigh of relief after looking at the decorations and finding no problems.

At least, no low-level mistakes.

At this time, it is necessary to look at the performance of the utensils as a whole.

To distinguish the authenticity of bronze ware, pay attention to the degree of weight, smell, sound and rust color.

For example, the bronze watches of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period are lighter and thinner than those of the Shang and Zhou Dynasties. If the weight is the opposite, it is doubtful.

Bronze wares unearthed have an earthy smell, and fake wares always give off a sour smell.

More importantly, the identification of the sound of copper and the identification of the rust color on the surface of the utensils.

Because Shang and Zhou bronzes are made of copper-tin alloy, the knocking sound is natural and crisp, while the imitated bronzes are often made of brass or casting, and the knocking sound is muddy, and if it is thinner, it will be brittle and scattered. .

Some are repaired false devices, and the sound knocked out around them will be inconsistent, and those repaired with other materials will have a hoarse feeling.

It is also very important to observe the surface layer and rust layer of the ancient bronze ware, because when it is difficult to confirm its authenticity from the shape or production process, it can be judged whether it is genuine or fake by identifying the rust color on the surface.

This point is particularly important, because some modern forgers have studied the rust color extremely profoundly.

Not to mention others, Chen Wenzhe can use several methods to make red-spotted green embroidery that is difficult to distinguish between true and false.

Therefore, he had to be careful, and he was also afraid of encountering a master like him, and that would be a sad reminder.

Of course, he will do it, and he will watch it.

As long as you are careful, you can still tell the difference between the fake rust color and the real rust color.

However, if you really encounter the ultimate high imitation, it is very difficult to identify it.

Since the bronze ware has been buried in the soil for thousands of years, the copper rust will be emitted layer by layer, but the rust color of the bronze ware in different regions is not the same.

This is related to different groundwater qualities, and other organic matter corroding its surface, resulting in different chemical reactions.

For example, the bronze ware unearthed in the Huizhou area has a gray-green rust layer;

On the other hand, the bronze wares unearthed from Nanhu Lake have emerald green rust layers, which are shiny, and are known as "water pit" wares.

Bronze wares unearthed in the Central Plains have rich rust layers and variable rust colors, ranging from black to gray, red from jujube skin, gray from green, or silvery white.

So experts called these rust layers respectively "black lacquer ancient", "jujube red", "green lacquer ancient", "mercury Qin" and so on.

These rust layers are very hard, even if scratched with a knife, only some rust spots fall off, which is completely different from the rust layer of the fake device.

There are many ways to fake the rust layer. The fake ground is made of salt sand, and the rust color is soaked in hydrochloric acid water, or mixed with copper sulfate, green pigment and ammonia water.

However, the new rust produced is monotonous in color, unlike the unearthed rust layer, which is rich and changeable and has a moist feeling.

Some antique bronzes seen in the market are mostly pink-green and have a poor hand feel, that is, they feel sticky and fall off.

Some are black and shiny, like cooked pots, but there is no sense of color and moisture on the surface of the pots.

There are only a few ways to make rust, and the easiest one must be "planting rust".

It is to mix various chemicals such as acid, alkali, and salt with metal powder, apply them to the surface of the imitation product, and then bury them in the soil to "plant" false rust.

If you want to save some work, do "glue rust".

Use glue, rosin, bletilla striata pulp, varnish and other colloids to mix various mineral powders and pigments, and apply them on the copperware.

Or remove the real rust from other bronzes, mix it into varnish or glue, and apply it to the antique bronzes.

What is even more disgusting is to mix animal urine, feces or agricultural fertilizers with soil, smear it on the surface of the imitation product and bury it in the soil.

It must be easy to identify rust in this way, but if you want to make money, it will not be easy.

Therefore, someone has researched "burning rust".

The prepared mineral pigments are melted on the surface of the copperware.

These melted pigments solidify on the surface of the copperware after cooling down.

This is stronger and more difficult to identify, of course, this is for novices.

If you want to make a high imitation, you must use "electroplating rust".

Using similar metal surface electroplating technology in the industry, "mercury skin" or "black lacquer ancient" and other leather shells are plated on the surface of copper ware.

This is considered high-tech, and most people can't do it, and they can't control the heat.

However, as long as it is electroplated and rusted by masters, it is really difficult for ordinary people to distinguish it.

This can be regarded as a method of making rust that is difficult to distinguish, and there is another method that is even more difficult to find if it is done by a master without the help of high-tech testing equipment.

This is "transplanting rust". This method of making rust is very simple, but it requires high craftsmanship, and ordinary people cannot do it.

Transplanting rust is to transplant or inlay the ancient rust on the bronze ware to the surface of the imitation, and then use the above-mentioned various methods to combine the rust.

What Chen Wenzhe is most afraid of is actually electroplating rust and implant rust.

It is also very easy to identify whether the rust is made.

The easiest way is to pierce the rusty part with the tip of a needle.

The bronze rust is very hard and difficult to penetrate, and those false rusts made of glue are not only easy to penetrate, but after you let go of your hand, the needle will be caught by the false rust and cannot fall off.

For those repaired parts on the bronze, it is also very effective to use this method to identify.

When identifying the corrosion of copper ware, it is best to take some samples and burn them with a high-temperature hot needle, or burn the samples directly with fire.

Bronze rust is generally not easy to burn, and the rust crystallizes at high temperature, and it will make a bursting sound.

False rust, made with resin or glue, will melt, burn, and smoke at high temperatures.

At this time, you can smell various glue smells, or pungent smells such as burning plastic smells.

(End of this chapter)

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