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Chapter 736 Shocking

Chapter 736 Shocking
"I have this feeling too, it's amazing!" said the crane driver.

"This voice is so shocking!" Even Chen Wenzhe was a little moved.

"Is this comparable to the lion's roar in Buddhism?"

"It turned out that I heard that sound waves are very lethal. I didn't believe it. At least I didn't have that kind of knowledge. Now I know that sound can really vibrate the body!"

"Are you saying that, is it strange that the sound vibrates the body? The horn of a car can shake the glass."

"Knock it again, I will feel it again, the feeling just now is not very clear!"

"Yes, there is always something wrong with this bell. Ring it again and let me check it!"

Looking at Zheng Yu and Zhang Yijie who spoke at the end, these two bastards, haven't you heard enough?
Give him back the check?You can pull it down!

Chen Wenzhe came back to his senses, the sound of this big clock made strictly according to the ancient method is not bad!
It turned out that the bells I heard were all audio, how could it be shocking to listen to them on the spot?

Besides, what a beautiful big clock he made!
This is not the old Jingyun clock, but a brand new one.

He had red spots and patinas all over it, and even the rust after the patina.

This is much more beautiful than the real Jingyun clock. After all, it has not gone through thousands of years of wind and rain, and it is well preserved. This is beauty!

"Be careful, it weighs more than [-] catties and weighs five or six tons, so don't have any accidents!"

Seeing that Zhang Yijie and Zheng Yu were about to lie down on the big clock, Chen Wenzhe hurriedly stopped them.

These two guys have already raised their palms, wanting to clap the big clock.

Even so, the little fat guy Zheng Yu has already taken pictures.

"Boom!" The voice was a little softer, but it was still the same voice, but the penetrating power of the voice was much weaker.

"Wen Zhe, I heard that you also made a lot of small copper bells? We come to cheer you up and don't give you any souvenirs? I don't want anything else, just give me one of your failures!"

At some point, Cao Qingchun approached timidly.

Glancing at the direction he came from, did he come out of the factory building?Is this going to be a thief?

I really didn't expect that such a thick-eyed and big-eyed Northeast man would actually be treacherous sometimes?
"Failed product? There are only a few copper pipes and cast wind chimes, which are too difficult to ring."

Because there were too few failed products, Chen Wenzhe was so impressed that he said it casually.

Li Jinli didn't know when, but also leaned over!
"Don't think about it, everything has been sent to the exhibition hall, and we all went to cheer, and then we have a thank you lunch!"

The exhibition hall is not far from here, in fact, it is in a factory building near the porcelain factory.

Where is the space, the factory building is wider?
The main reason is that many of the things Chen Wenzhe exhibited this time are too big, so he chose the factory building.

Even if it is a factory building, it has been decorated in splendor at this time.

As soon as they arrived at the scene, they saw some people in suits and leather shoes chatting with some bigwigs who got off their luxury cars.

That was the leader of the management committee of the development zone. How could they usually meet so many bigwigs?
In the economic capital of Dahai City, the rich are the big bosses.

The leaders at the scene, the smiles on their faces have already bloomed.

They really didn't expect that just introducing a small factory could make such a big commotion.

At this time, they already knew Chen Wenzhe very well, and of course his factory.

Porcelain factories can also make bronze wares, and the works they make are very popular.

Every piece of work can be sold for tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, which is very powerful.

Therefore, when they saw Chen Wenzhe, many of them seemed to be looking at a money printing machine that could breathe and move!

"This is the Jingyun bell? Was it him who was ringing just now?"

As soon as Chen Wenzhe came over, especially after the huge bronze bell appeared, it immediately attracted everyone's attention.

There is no way, the range that the bell can affect is at least ten kilometers.

How big is the development zone?When Chen Wenzhe and the others rang the bell just now, all these people heard it.

Coming here at six o'clock is not easy for these big guys.

There is no way, these bosses are very busy, they only have a little free time in the morning and evening.

Therefore, no matter who holds an exhibition, if they want to show off their collection, they will put it in the morning or evening.

Because of Jing Yunzhong's relationship, Chen Wenzhe chose a factory in the suburbs, and it was still early in the morning.

Now he is not an unknown person, so many bigwigs also give face, even if it is early in the morning, they all come.

Before, they were entertained by Professor Tao, but now that Chen Wenzhe appeared, they naturally had to show up.

They are all middle-aged, and the youngest is over forty years old.

Among such a group of people, Chen Wenzhe, a young man in his twenties, was particularly conspicuous.

"Heroes are born as teenagers!"

"Excellent, this is the Jingyun bell you imitated by yourself? The sound is very good, will you knock it after a while?"

"Just now I listened to the bell, and I felt very shocked!"

"Actually, listening to it nearby is even more shocking. I can't describe that feeling!" Chen Wenzhe said bluntly.

"Is it really so magical? There are several opportunities to listen to the bell at Hanshan Temple, but I missed it because I was too busy. It seems a pity now!"

When this person said this, Chen Wenzhe knew that it should be the leader of Hangzhou City.

This time, it is definitely to trade the firing process of gold bricks.

Of course, many of Chen Wenzhe's works are also prepared for them.

Otherwise, it would be too much to exhibit a large number of modern artworks this time.

But now the big bosses of the Collectors Association didn't say anything.

They are all well-informed people, so they naturally know that these works by Chen Wenzhe may soon enter the museum and become treasures in the collection.

Such modern works of art are comparable to antiques.

Even the artistic value and collection value of many antiques are not as high as Chen Wenzhe's works!
There are a lot of people, there are a lot of entertainment, and the time seems to pass very fast.

Before I knew it, an hour had passed!
It was originally planned to officially open at eight o'clock, but now that everyone is here, they are all waiting here, can they continue to wait for another hour?
"Then let's open!"

Chen Wenzhe made his decision, and Li Jinli was already prepared, so he started ringing the bell.

Evening drum and morning bell, these four words were not created casually, but for a reason.

Ring the bell in the morning to lift your spirits, lift your spirits, and even refresh your mind.

When I just woke up, I was excited by the sound of the bell, and I was immediately full of energy, and I no longer had the sluggishness of just waking up.

This time it was rung seven times, the bell was heard seven times, and everyone was shocked seven times.

Perhaps because there are many buildings around here, the feeling of repeated vibration is particularly obvious, which is even more shocking!
(End of this chapter)

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