Chapter 745 So Wonderful (Subscribe)

Fortunately, I saw this pendant, otherwise, Chen Xingchen was afraid that he would forget this little girl?

Won't!She was deeply imprinted in his heart, and even the initial beauty could not erase her imprint.

Thinking of doing it, Chen Xingchen put down the pendant, and this thing was amazing just by looking at it suddenly.

I've seen it, seen it clearly, and that's it.

At this moment, how can he not know that the haze is just the effect of special treatment.

I don't know if this piece of jade itself has flaws, or Chen Wenzhe specially treated it. Anyway, the face of this pendant has a trace of white fluff. After being treated by Chen Wenzhe, it seems to have become a veil, or a mist?
Anyway, it can block people's sight, so that people can't see her clearly.

At this time, seeing a kind of familiarity through the eyes will naturally evoke the deepest impression in my heart.

He should thank Chen Wenzhe, otherwise, he really couldn't see clearly, the one who impressed him the most was the little fan girl who went deep into his life.

At this moment, Chen Xingchen was very annoyed. If he had known this earlier, would he be married at this time?
Glancing at Li Jinli, who was shy across the way, he was going to get married, and it must have been three years ago. If he really got married by then, wouldn't the children be too young?
Did he get married late and even delay his grandson?
In just a split second, Chen Xingchen had already thought of his grandson, and even chose his name.

"Wake up, it's bright and sunny, what are you laughing at?"

Li Jinli didn't know what Chen Xingchen was thinking of, but he saw this guy squinting, with a happy expression on his face, like a fool in love?
"Impossible, how could you have a lover?"

"Why is it impossible? I have something to do today, so I'll leave first!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Xingchen stuffed the pendant into Li Jinli's hand, and walked away quickly without looking back.

"Could it be through it? Can you really see your heart clearly?"

Li Jinli muttered, his first love was his current wife, so he didn't feel deeply!

"Manager Li, let me take a look at this pendant too, it's a bit magical!"

At some point, a shopkeeper from the antique city came over.

Just looking at it, this one stopped talking.

Li Jinli naturally knew that no matter who looked at it, he would see an acquaintance.

So, attracted by the situation here, everyone came to check the jade pendant, and after looking at it, they all fell silent!
"This technique."

Li Jinqiu who spoke this time, as a technical straight man, he didn't seem to be affected much.

"Phantom sculpture, Sun Dianying's treasure, only appeared once!" Professor Tao said.

"Phantom carving technique, it's really like a dream!"

Professor Li said with an abnormal expression on the side.

"Can this kind of technology be learned?"

Zhang Changmin didn't know when, but he also came over.

These people knew more or less about Chen Wenzhe.

They all knew that this young man was very promising, otherwise, they would not have come to support him.

But no matter how promising you are, you can't run so fast, right?
Many people know about the phantom carving technology, and many people are researching it, and they all want to realize that technology.

After all, no matter where you look from, you can see different scenes. Such scenes and effects are really amazing.

If such a work can be made, no matter who it is, it will be famous, right?
However, how can such a technique be easily learned?
So, after half a year, I haven't heard of anyone who has developed the phantom carving technique.

But now, what do they see?
Although the pendant in front of me is small, it's the subtleties that make it even more subtle!
We all know that phantom carving technology is the use of light and shadow, but how to do it?
In fact, if you think about it carefully, did Chen Wenzhe's technology suddenly appear?

Not necessarily, because there are already signs, such as the porcelain he made, all with a different layer of precious light.

Also, the eighteen arhats of the Grand Academy of Fine Arts in the legend before, but now, eighteen bronze statues have stood before their eyes.

These are actually the use of light and shadow, right?

Especially the tall bronze statue, the cassock on it, and the swastika gleaming with golden light, if there is no thorough study of light and shadow refraction, how could it be possible to make it?
Don't look at Chen Wenzhe's young age, he has real skills!

Everyone had this kind of enlightenment, and when they came back to their senses and looked at Chen Wenzhe again, their eyes were obviously different.

If it turns out that they look at Chen Wenzhe at most, they look at a junior, a rising star.

Looking at it now, Chen Wenzhe has grown up, and he is no worse than the older generation like them.

If you really want to say almost, it is almost accumulation.

And this thing, as long as you have the ability, the accumulation speed will be very fast.

Whether it's connections or wealth, Chen Wenzhe will accumulate quickly and will soon surpass them.

At this time, those big brothers no longer wanted to study Chen Wenzhe's thoughts, but turned into a real communication.

Even if Chen Wenzhe's exhibition hall is a bit nondescript, they have nothing to say.

Chen Wenzhe's works have already reached the level of collections, and they may not be able to buy them.

If Jing Yunzhong before was because of his great influence, then a small jade pendant now let them see Chen Wenzhe's powerful strength.

At this time, they also realized that the bronze statue of the Eighteen Arhats is not opportunistic, not a bluff, but a real skill, he can let you see a different god!

Looking back and looking at the eighteen arhats again, the eyes of many people also changed.

Chen Wenzhe's handling of the characters' eyes, or in other words, his grasp of expressions and temperament, is already extremely wonderful!

This kind of ability definitely belongs to the level of a master!

Master-level creations, no matter where they are placed, are influential and will eventually turn into wealth!
Originally, I came here early in the morning, just wanting to enjoy the show, go through a formality, and leave after a few glances. There will be no delay in such a day's affairs.

But after they really came in and understood, they were reluctant to leave.

Whether it's Jing Yunzhong, Eighteen Arhats, or those white porcelain statues for watching movies, they all carry the production technology of the last pendant.

Chen Wenzhe has already used this technology in every aspect, and this technology obviously has a great future.

As long as you think about it for a while, many bigwigs here can think of the application prospects of this kind of work.

Not to mention tourist attractions, whether it is Jingyun Bell or Eighteen Arhats, they can all attract traffic.

In terms of collection, is there any collection value for the various works produced by Chen Wenzhe?
Not to mention anything else, just that small magical pendant has great collection value.

(End of this chapter)

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