My system is not decent

Chapter 749 Astonishing, hard to guard against

Chapter 749 Astonishing, hard to guard against

Chen Wenzhe has seen the magnificence and magnificence of ancient bronzes.

Compared with his three pieces, this one is great.

Although his three bronze wares can be seen now, but when I first saw them, they were too miserable, and they couldn't be compared with the things in front of me!

However, we should pay more attention to such exquisite and atmospheric bronzes.

With the popularity of the collection market, the price of domestic bronze wares has skyrocketed in recent years.

Bronze wares that had been smuggled out of the country in the past are continuously returning.

But on the other hand, due to the production conditions required for its imitation and the uncomplicated craftsmanship, antique copper ware has become a means for some criminals to obtain huge profits.

New imitation techniques such as transplantation and splicing also emerge in endlessly, making collectors hard to guard against.

The number of antique bronzes is also amazing.

Regardless of antique shops or small street stalls, fake bronze wares can be seen almost wherever there are antiques.

Therefore, some people joked that if the fake bronzes flooding the antique market and collectors were collected, it would be enough to make two bronze aircraft carriers.

This is not an exaggeration at all, so after seeing this beautiful bronze ware, Chen Wenzhe immediately became vigilant!

Suddenly, he didn't find any problems for a while.

At this time, Chen Wenzhe became more vigilant. He calmed down and looked at the overall shape again.

He is using his extraordinary memory to compare and see if there are any bronze wares of this type unearthed in China.

If it has been unearthed in China and it is confirmed that it is not this one, then this one is probably fake.

Since the production of bronze wares in the Xia, Shang, and Zhou dynasties was the same, there was not much change. They were all made of pottery models, and each vessel was modeled by hand.

In this way, the same pottery models cannot be cast, so there were no identical bronze shapes in the Western Zhou Dynasty.

If so, one must be a fake, or both.

Of course, this is not absolute. There are quite a few practical appliances with the same type.

For example, it is normal for Liang You to have the same shape but different decorations.

After careful comparison for a while, I did not find that the same bronze ware was born before, so this bronze ware can still be seen.

The first thing to look at must be the decorations. From the perspective of the decorations, since they are also cast from pottery models, one model and one vessel, there are almost no bronzes with the same decorations or inscriptions.

Except for a few ware casted in a single model, they have the same ornamentation, but such ornamentation was rare in the Shang Dynasty.

"This thing opens the door, I really don't believe it, who can see what's wrong!"

Just when Chen Wenzhe was just starting to watch, an old man had another moth.

Chen Wenzhe didn't even raise his head, he had to concentrate on appraising things and absolutely not be disturbed by others.

If this old man is not the owner of the treasure, he may be a stakeholder.

Their words can be regarded as farting, even the seniors of the antique appraisal shop can't believe it!

In the face of interests, some people even dare to deceive their biological parents, let alone companies and colleagues?
The identification of bronzes can only be seen from several characteristics.

With previous experience, Chen Wenzhe read quickly.

The shape, rust color, ornamentation, etc., these actually don't need to be looked too carefully.

Because being able to come before their eyes means that this thing has been watched for several rounds.

If there is a low-level mistake, it will definitely not come to them now.

Therefore, if you want to see it, you must regard it as a fake trace, or even a casting process.

Of course, I still started from doing the easy ones before, such as taking a look at the rust color, is it true?
This is relatively simple, the easiest thing is to take a piece and try it.

Both alum and borax are soluble substances. If the patina is transparent crystalline rust, you can remove a piece and put it in hot water.

If it can melt after encountering water, it may be these kinds of pseudo rust.

Some people also advocate using the tongue to try the taste of bronze rust.

The taste of alum is very astringent, and other crystalline pseudorusts are sometimes bitter or salty.

A real patina, on the other hand, has almost no taste.

Chen Wenzhe would not do this, because some pseudo-rust is poisonous, it is best not to use this method of tasting.

There are also some simple methods that can be quickly identified, such as spraying water on the copper rust and observing the degree of hydrophilicity of the copper rust.

The bronze rust is hydrophilic, and those with paint and glue are less hydrophilic.

Obviously, even if it is old-fashioned, it is impossible to use such low-level methods.

Therefore, when Chen Wenzhe saw the magnifying glass on the table, he picked it up without hesitation.

If possible, use a magnifying glass or a microscope to observe the crystallization and growth state of copper rust.

At this time, it is easy to find that there is a big difference between the new patina and the old patina.

"I think it's a waste of time. You have also done scientific testing and manual identification for several rounds. When will the identification be completed?"

Just when Chen Wenzhe wanted to see the casting process, the old man interrupted his thoughts again.

Chen Wenzhe looked at the old man and found that he was taking a test report.

"Can I have a look?"

"Look, let me see what you can identify!"

As he spoke, the old man directly threw some documents to Chen Wenzhe.

Looking at the scattered documents, Chen Wenzhe smiled disapprovingly.

The more he was disturbed, the more careful he had to be, because it was likely that the treasure master was guilty, or was he walking on the right path?

Chen Wenzhe glanced at the report, and there was an identification of ingredients in it.

If it was the original, he really couldn't understand this thing, but now, he understands it very well.

Casting is not something ordinary people can do.

To be able to copy Jing Yunzhong, Chen Wenzhe also put in a lot of effort.

Therefore, he knew the specific alloy formula of the bronzes of the Shang Dynasty, and even knew that it might be a copper-iron alloy, not just a copper-tin alloy!

This bronze ware from the late Shang Dynasty contains iron inside and has obvious traces of artificial iron smelting, which is quite interesting.

If this bronze ware is an imitation, then the person who imitated this bronze ware is definitely a master.

Judging from the co-casting of copper and iron, it can also be seen whether many bronzes are counterfeit products.

Those who can avoid this flaw must have a good understanding of ancient bronzes.

Judging from many features, this bronze ware has arrived in the Shang Dynasty, and it is likely to be a product of the late Shang Dynasty.

However, new materials found in modern archaeology prove that in the late Shang Dynasty and the early and middle Western Zhou Dynasty, the iron used in this kind of copper-iron composite casters was meteoric iron, so when did artificial iron smelting appear?
This is a very important question of time estimation, because as long as the time is determined, we can know, from the late Shang Dynasty to when, belongs to the time of the existence of meteorite iron and copper materials combined into a device?
And when, is it the time for artificial iron smelting and copper bonders to exist?

(End of this chapter)

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