My system is not decent

Chapter 751 Perfect Craftsmanship

Chapter 751 Perfect Craftsmanship (for Subscription)
It was the same old man, seeing that Chen Wenzhe seemed to be in confusion, he smiled very proudly.

Seeing the old man's provocative eyes and hearing his smug laughter, Chen Wenzhe became even more relieved.

As long as there is a problem, he will definitely find it, but he didn't think of it.

Chen Wenzhe was unmoved, but the other people present were all in a bad mood.

Especially the other old men, their complexions became even more ugly. This is slapping them in the face!

They are all professionals, but as professionals, they can only judge that there is something wrong with this bronze ware based on their feelings.

This is very embarrassing, knowing that something is wrong, and it doesn't feel right, but they just can't tell what's wrong!

Of course, the reason why I recognized that something was wrong was not all due to feeling.

As senior appraisers of Gold Medal Auction House, their information channels are definitely not comparable to Chen Wenzhe, so they know some things that others don't.

Just like Chen Wenzhe, he just looked at the pictures before he came and thought of two auctions.

Once in Xiangjiang, it was a late Shang bronze animal-mask pattern ear Dingyou similar to this one, which was auctioned for [-] million.

Once in Shendu, it was an early Western Zhou Dynasty animal-face pattern ear Dingyou, which was auctioned for [-] million.

This is only what Chen Wenzhe knows. Obviously, some insiders, high-level people know more.

Bronze ware was money in ancient times, even similar to the concept of gold today.

Therefore, although it is very important, with the financial resources of the ancients, even with the power of the whole country, there is no need to cast so many heavy weapons all at once.

This is the problem, not to mention how many were cast during the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, but there should be a small number of them that can be handed down now, right?
Destroyed by weapons, corroded by time, buried underground and hidden for thousands of years, there are really too many possibilities for these things to disappear.

It is a miracle that everything can be kept until now and successfully appear in front of the world. However, too many miracles have happened recently.

Don't think about it, there must be a problem here.

Because there are only so few heavy weapons, it is impossible to pass down too many.

Chen Wenzhe knew only two of them, and those old experts knew from a little communication that there were actually five or six pieces of earrings from the late Shang and early Zhou periods that were traded publicly or privately.

Although some information may not be accurate, as long as it is half accurate, it is a great thing.

Half of these things are used for sacrifices. As long as the country is not destroyed, the things will not go bad.

Not bad, it is necessary to cast several pieces in a row?And the shape is still the same?
So, there must be a problem here, but where is the problem?

Just like the triumphant old man on the opposite side said, they did all the appraisals they should do, but they just didn't find any problems.

What they can see from the outside, they can't make a mistake, even if they can't see the material analysis, they have done it.

From the process, appearance, rust color, etc., there is no problem, so it is no problem?
Distinguish the false while retain the true, in the antique business, this sentence is not easy to do.

Also, in this line of work, there is another golden rule, that is, never suspect a crime!
Doubt is original sin.

As long as there is any doubt, it will be treated as a fake, which is definitely right.

It's a pity that Baozhu obviously doesn't agree with this way of doing things!
Therefore, at this time, Chen Wenzhe became a punching bag.

He can't offend any other old guy, and a young guy, can't he teach him a lesson?
"Young man, if you can't do it, just say it. There's no need for us old guys to wait here for you, right? Waste of time!"

"Are you good at all? How did you learn appraisal? Just stare like this? Master taught you?"

"What do you mean by not talking? Can you see a flower if you stare at it like this? Do you still want to see through it or something?"

Originally, he didn't want to pay attention to the old man, but the old guy's words got worse and worse, Chen Wenzhe couldn't help but get angry.

However, when he heard the words of perspective, Chen Wenzhe was stunned.

What happens if you see through it?
Chen Wenzhe knows that, unlike other types of cultural relics identification techniques, the current identification of bronze wares has adopted some identification methods that combine technology and tradition.

For example, the techniques and instruments in modern chemistry, metallurgy and other disciplines are used to identify bronze wares.

It's not difficult to see through, and x-rays will do, but obviously it won't help much here.

X-rays can tell whether this bronze is spliced, but no rust on the graft can be seen.

Besides, now Chen Wenzhe is a little suspicious of life, because he is not sure now, these rust spots are transplanted.

Such a natural rust is unlikely to be electroplated.

Although the electroplating rust is very real, the sense of layering is not good, and besides, it is impossible to make red spots and green embroidery.

Therefore, it is impossible for anyone to achieve the level of high imitation rust.

Stitching?Chen Wenzhe looked at the bronze ware in front of him. Is it possible that it was made up of several pieces of broken bronze ware?

It is also unlikely, they have done an appraisal before, if it is really spliced, they will definitely be able to see it.

Looking at the bronze ware, Chen Wenzhe's eyes couldn't help but focus on the decoration on it again.

These decorations are rust-cast and natural, if they are fake, can they be made?Is it okay to do so well?How to go up?
Simple transplantation is definitely not enough. Thinking of the method of transplantation, Chen Wenzhe looked at the patina on it, and suddenly thought, paste?

Stitching is one kind, and sticking is also a kind, especially the earrings on it, which look a bit familiar.

The ear pattern is a pattern that looks like the shape of an ear, with a certain curvature, and it looks like a capital G.

When Chen Wenzhe first saw that arc, he felt a little amazed. The craftsmanship is so good, and the decoration is extremely round.

It is because this kind of craftsmanship is so good that he never thought of falsifying the decoration.

However, if you think about it carefully at this time, what if all these decorations were transplanted?

It is not the green rust on the transplant, but the whole decoration is transplanted.

To be more precise, if the decorations are pasted on, many questions can be solved.

It is not difficult at all to make this kind of very round arc, and many ancient coins can do this.

If you find a batch of ancient coins from the same period and cut them, it is difficult to piece together the earrings?
It must not be difficult. Thinking about it this way, after careful observation, Chen Wenzhe laughed.

The more he looked at it, the more he felt that he guessed it right. The decorations on it were all made of ancient coins.

No wonder how he looked at the rust color on it, he thought it was very beautiful. It turned out that these rust colors were formed naturally.

It would be a miracle if the problem could be found!

(End of this chapter)

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