Chapter 762
What kind of high price can be paid for these prices that are blocked at the door?
After realizing this point, Lao Zhang walked even faster!

"Boss, don't rush to leave. I'll give you [-] yuan, and you can make [-] yuan if you change hands!"

"I'll offer [-] yuan to look at the item. If the item is really good, the price can be even higher!"

Lao Zhang stopped in his tracks: "Do you know how much a work by a modern master is worth?"

"The works of modern masters? There are only a few masters of white porcelain, and their larger works are worth hundreds of thousands, right?"

"A masterpiece, that is, a boutique, can be worth three to five hundred thousand, I mean a small piece like yours!" This one is more sincere.

"Then Boss Chen's works, do you think they have reached the level of modern masters?" Old Zhang asked.

"Haha, it depends on the situation. Who doesn't know how amazing Boss Chen's finishing touch technique is? Just because of this, his works are comparable to the level of modern masters!"

Old Zhang was taken aback for a moment, then came to his senses.

Comparable to the master's level?Doesn't that mean that the porcelain potted plum he sold just now came back in disguise?
That porcelain sculpture is worth at least [-] yuan. Does that mean that the two Guanyin statues in his hand are also worth at least [-] yuan?

Works well, maybe higher?

With this kind of thinking, Lao Zhang is even less anxious to make a move.

Even if you want to make a move in the future, you have to figure out the real market conditions before you talk.

Thinking of those kind eyes, Avalokitesvara!
And the first feeling when I saw those eyes, compassion?mercy?

Lao Zhang doesn't know whether to save the world or not, but he knows that opening eyes is a troublesome thing, and most people can't do it well, so there are many statues with squinted eyes.

Whether the saying of salvation is accurate or not, in fact, we can find the answer through several viewpoints.

Why is Lao Zhang also from Dehua Porcelain City? Who among them can't tell the characteristics of some statues?Production method?

He is in this line of work. Although he doesn't know how to make it, and his eyesight is even worse, he always knows how to make it.

He knew even better that when it comes to the shape of Buddha statues, the word "expression" has to be mentioned.

This is a Buddhist term. For "figure representation", in layman's terms, it means to see the essence through phenomena.

To give a few examples in life: When you see people wearing police uniforms, you will think of safety and justice.

When we see our Olympic athletes, we think of honor and pride.

When you see beggars begging on the roadside, you will think of pity and poverty.

Seeing Guanyin Bodhisattva, people's most natural association is the word compassion.

This is also one of the interpretations of "Avalokitesvara worn by men". If a man is too hostile, please wear a Guanyin, which can calm the mind, eliminate the hostility, and be humble and introspective.

In the creation of hard objects such as emerald, Guanyin with eyes closed represents reluctance to the six realms, pity for all living beings, and at the same time, he cannot bear to open his eyes to see the suffering of all living beings.

In most jade Guanyin cards, Guanyin's eyes are just opened.

This must be because of the extremely high hardness of jadeite, it is difficult to carve fully opened eyes, and it is not good-looking.

Afterwards, such an ordinary engraving technique developed into an engraving table method.

And there are also various interpretations, open two points, close eight points, two points look at the outside, eight points look at the inside, always observe your own faults, and don't look at others.

The meaning of humility and self-examination coincides with the most important principles of Buddhism, and this kind of Guanyin card is even more auspicious!
If it is a Guanyin ornament, the moment you kneel down and raise your head, you will just see the Bodhisattva looking at you with lowered eyes, and you will have a sense of satisfaction of being blessed, so this two-eight representation method is the most common in jade carvings.

There is even a method of expressing the state of Zen. Buddhists sit in meditation and pay attention to the cessation state of "no appearance on the outside, and no heart on the inside".

Eyes half open, also always remind practitioners not to sleep and be lazy, but to move forward hard.

Therefore, when making it, the sculptor also likes to adopt this half-opened and half-closed image, which represents the Bodhisattva has entered the "Zen realm", which is more profound.

You have to think about these kinds of interpretations, aren't you just kidding?
But, whatever you say, if it's better to keep your eyes open, who wouldn't want to?

You have to do well enough and have that confidence to make the Buddha statue open its eyes.

Lao Zhang kept his heart, and if he didn't sell it, he wouldn't sell it.

And Chen Wenzhe followed his heart and walked into the antique booth again.

The quality of the antiques in the market is indeed good, but at a glance, you can see a lot of old porcelain, but unfortunately they are all from folk kilns.

Ask about the price a little bit, the cheapest one is hundreds of dollars more, and it is all damaged, either cracked or exposed.

Naturally, Chen Wenzhe would not want such things, unless the craftsmanship was very special or exquisite.

It's a pity that it is difficult to produce exquisitely crafted works from this kind of folk kiln.

He walked forward slowly, and soon, he saw an interesting thing, which was a small green-glazed pot, or an incense burner.

Palm-sized, slightly larger than the current tea bowl.

The whole body is light blue, looks like shadow green, with three legs, it is an incense burner, but it is not an ordinary incense burner, it should be a piano burner.

The qin stove is a small incense burner placed on the head of the qin when playing the qin in ancient times. It is also a tool for burning incense, but it is very small and not commonly used.

This kind of thing also often appears in story books, it is found in Romance of the West Chamber, and it seems to be found in Jincimei.

It's a pity that at first glance, the thing is produced by a folk kiln, but seeing things from the Southern Song Dynasty is also very valuable for collection.

Unexpectedly, I could actually find a leak here, and it was a piece of ancient porcelain!

There are a lot of people today, so if you fancy something, you have to get it first.

However, that thing is beside the stall owner, within reach.

Therefore, this thing, the stall owner should know that it is the real thing.

"That little jar, show me!" Chen Wenzhe asked directly.

For some professionals, just looking at the position of the antiques on the booth, you can know the status of this thing in the heart of the boss.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to miss this thing.

In this case, Chen Wenzhe will no longer perform.

"Boss Chen?" The stall owner took out his mobile phone, fiddled with it, and a photo of Chen Wenzhe appeared on it.

Chen Wenzhe stared straight at it. Even in the information society, you can't see a young man, so just search online?
Or simply saved his photo?You will never see someone who looks almost like him, so call him Boss Chen, right?
"It really is Boss Chen? Have you taken a fancy to my little incense burner?" The stall owner said with a happy face.

Chen Wenzhe just felt unlucky. Although he didn't want to always pick up the leaks, he didn't want to be slaughtered either!

But there is no way, who made him more famous?Who made him want to see this incense burner?
Yingqing folk kiln piano stove is also very rare, even if he can't buy it, he must at least watch the production process of this piece of porcelain before leaving.

(End of this chapter)

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